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Everything posted by teenageninja

  1. I agree, their insurance is probably a hell of a lot cheaper with the added seatbelts.
  2. The problem is that the company who makes the movies for Action Theater usually make poor quality movies, like Smash Factory. I think AT is on it's way out anyways, probably why there isn't a new movie.
  3. This is something that does not come as a surprise to me. Cedar Point is trying to do their most important job, and that is keep everyone safe. This is like when they added the belts to Beast and Racer, everyone was upset at first, then they got used to it.
  4. As it was pointed out in the initial post, the track is apparently complete. Not a real big shock to me, I thought that it would be finished.
  5. I will be getting one, I don't quite have the money for it yet. It will be worth it since I am planning on going to Cedar Point at the bare minimum.
  6. It's true 20 years ago to this day, my beautiful baby The Vortex was born!
  7. I'm in Beasts top 8! I must be so cool!111oneoneone
  8. I drink water all the time, pop is bad for you anyways, and def not worth 4 dollars.
  9. It's not the fact that they hadn't been working on it long enough, it's the fact they didn't know what they are doing. I assure you that it would not be an easy task to redesign that portion of the ride, they have to have the right angle, speed, etc. going into that helix for the ride to not tear itself apart. Not only that, but they are building another large rollercoaster at the same time. Keep that in mind.
  10. I believe the number is 1000 cycles. I kind of remember KI testing IJST 1000 times when I was on the crew. They tested IJST while the park was open, and they had employees giving information, it will probably be the same thing.
  11. Great ideas, but I can't see anything but lighting being done.
  12. If you read above, it was said that the Flying Dutchmen can have a feature built in to have brakes on the train itself. Whether Borg has them or not, I don't know.
  13. This is why every ride is tested thoroughly before the season starts, in case of accidents like this. Better employees then the general public. Keep in mind every train is disassembled and reassembled before the season, so this very well could have been a maintainence issue.
  14. I'm sure no one would care a whole bunch if they replaced Action Theatre with a lake, except for me.
  15. I'm sure that the shifts will stay the same atleast in the rides department, because they retained the same full time managers. Geagua Lake has dorms does it not? I know CP does at least, that may be part of the reason, but I can't imagine KI running split shifts.
  16. I believe it is from the air conditioning from the elevator and the food stands water run off as well. Where is Diana when you need her?
  17. Right next to Flight of Fear, creating the largest bottleneck in world history!
  18. They said that the train choice will influence the design of the element of which they will be placing in that spot.
  19. The brown road signs may not be changed for a while, there is still a sign in Lebanon that has the pre-Paramount logo.
  20. I know I'm a bit late, but Mutedarkness I am really freaking sick of you. Number 1 KI ride operators are only allowed to ride the ride if they are working on that crew, and if they need to test that train for the day, because every train has to be ridden at some point in the day. Also, the seat must be free before you get in, and we always ask if we are going to sit next to someone. If you love Geagua Lake so much why don't you go post on their forums.
  21. Cedar Point also has more different height requirements I believe. The reason PKI raised the height limit on racer and Beast was because of a PTC reccomendation. If they didn't PTC wouldn't take responsibility if an accident happened was what I heard.
  22. It's not really difficult, but you have to do a lot more than press the go button, you have to maintain the pace of the ride or else it gets stuck on the second hill. If you don't catch it on the second hill, it also stops on the first hill.
  23. I understand, but what your saying is very demeaning, do you know what that means? I'm more than sure that our employees will be capable of running it if we get it?
  24. How about you come down here and run IJ or FoF and tell me it's just about pushing a green button? Vortex, def more than a green button. AE, a hell of a lot more than a green button. TROIKA, more than a green button. I'm not taking this as an insult to the park, this is an insult to the whole rides department. Working a ride is a hell of a lot more than just "pushing the green button" it's about making sure everyone is safe while loading the ride, and throughout their course.
  25. Thank you Ronny, I try my best, a return this summer may be in the works... Perhaps I can prove "mutedarkness" wrong.
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