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Everything posted by KI-ORIG-EMP

  1. I have the copy right to that picture, which was one of a white snow bunny in a raging snow storm!
  2. Why have two topics that are basically discussing the same thing: SOB removal. What topic is next, SOB replacement topic and SOB replacement construction pictures? I say merge both topics into this topic, which was here first.
  3. You can bet that lawyers on both sides are going to file legal action against everyone they think are involved, including Cedar Fair, the manufacturer, and anyone else they think has a dollar in this ride, both sides included. Law firms will earn their hefty fees as it drags out.
  4. How much do you want to bet that they have received letters and or phone calls from various lawyers that see a big pay day? I am sure that Cedar Fair's legal lawyers are at work on this.
  5. I have a question to the people that could care less (you do care some) about the ride and would not care if it is scraped, is it because it does not produce the extreme Gs or the stomach rising feeling that you get from a 200 foot drop of a coaster? I know an over sized swing does not produce the same thrill that a mega or hyper coaster does, but people like me that have spine problems can ride it and enjoy it. There are guests that will ride it before they would an extreme coaster with lots of Gs and stomach wrenching thrills. Just askin'.
  6. This man has watched way too many nature flicks. He is quoted as , "...Wanting to be one with the tiger." He was lucky Tony Tiger, what I call him, was not all that hungry or he would had really been "one with the tiger!"
  7. Tony Tiger was hunger so he called for a take out order. Are people that stupid that they feel the need to get THAT close to nature?
  8. With the lightening that is in the area, I would doubt they would have WindSeeker operating, unless you would like to ride a giant lightening rod.
  9. When will people realize that these are not the same kittys that you have on your lap purring away. These and other wild animals are just that, wild. That chimp that you saw in the Tarzan films was a baby chimp and as people found out, they are very strong animals and will rip your face off, which they have done. These cats can kill you with one swoop of the paws and tear off your head and leg. You do not go into their living area and jump off of a tram or other means of transport to see them and give them a big hug. If you want your own tiger to hug, buy a toy stuffed tiger.
  10. But it was a nice looking kitty cat and I just wanted to pet it and tell it I am not going to harm it. Tony Tiger saw lunch coming but you can't blame the cat. No doubt he will have lawyers contact him and he will sue.
  11. Call 513-754-5700 and ask to be transferred to the 24 hr security line. I would give the direct number but I am not sure I am allowed to give it.
  12. Also, they serve really good homemade potato pancake with all their orders!
  13. I die for Graeter's raspberry chocolate chip ice cream (I am lactose intolerant)!
  14. If KI is going to add a deli, I would love to see Izzy's open up a shop. They serve the best Ruben in town!
  15. One of the problems with having a restaurant in an amusement park or any where for that matter, is the table turn over rate. How many people do they sit down at the table, order their food, eat it, drink their coffee and then leave eace hour? A restaurant makes their money by how many people they can push through and out each hour. This is why the waiter staff hate it when people linger after they have their meals. They make their tips on a new set of diners and not people that linger, which is how the restaurants make their profit. That is most likely why the International Restaurant closed. It would have a chance of turning a profit if it was a fast food sit down restaurant like Frisch's rather than a Golden Lamb type.
  16. Hey Boo Boo, I'm smarter than the average bear! Yogi is my favorite character and would love to have him back.
  17. All of this power does not come cheap and like this and all the other expenses the parks have is the reason they charge high prices on the services and products that they sale. I am sure when the parks build new rides, besides the cost of the ride itself, construction of the ride, the power requirements are factored into the total cost of the ride. It is like when we go to the car dealer and buy that new car, the EPA has the MPG and the cost to operated based on the gas used for a year on the sticker.
  18. As you eat, please don't choke on the food, unless you are dying to join the cast!
  19. P&G is Procter & Gamble. They had both Saturday and Sunday.
  20. Kings Island has had private events in September ever since they opened in 1972. It has been 3 weekends with GE and P&G being the largest companies among others to sell out the park. It is not like the park all of a sudden decided to have private events all of a sudden. Also, the park is open Friday night (September 21st) from 6PM to 1AM and open Saturday (September 22) from 7PM to 1AM after being closed to the general public during the day.
  21. The banner at the front gate saids in part, ...welcome to P&G Dividend day. Employees, retirees, and their families and friends are at the park. With the dividend part of the welcome sign, it would tend to mean people who own stock, which employees and former employees also owns. They could buy tickets at a reduced cost and buy them at the park from P&G with ID.
  22. Unless he knows a friend that works there or owns stock, or is retired, then he can have them buy him a ticket. Otherwise, it is next Friday.
  23. A few years ago after the Pretty Ricky concert at Timberwolf, there was a fight out in the parking lot where a gun was involved. Police got a handle on it and that rap group will never be performing again at the park.
  24. When Kings Island first opened FOF back in 1996, they had no access to it from Coney Mall, so they had to create an access through The Racer. Now they have Firehawk in addition to FOF and if they were to further expand X-Base, is the current opening through The Racer large enough? Do they need to have another access to it that does not go through The Racer? Can they create another access through The Racer that will not compromise the ride's support structure?
  25. I remember those buckets of beer! They held more than 24 oz, more like 36 oz of beer. The price of beer was not as expensive as it is today. I remember going to Timberwolf to see the Hollies with my sister, cousin and her husband. It was a great show and my cousin's husband, Kenny, who is from the hills of Kentucky, thought that they were a country band instead of the British rock band that they are. He was sure surprised!
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