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PKIDelirium last won the day on December 11 2024

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    Xenia, Ohio

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KIC Triple Platinum Member (10/13)



  1. It certainly looks like they’ve added a “swoop” into the turn to the brake shed, based on existing structure above track level that hasn’t been taken out yet. This means Gravity Group track all the way from the top of the first lift through the midcourse tunnel, in addition to the helix rebuild. Hopefully next year they’ll do the final stretch from the tunnel to the second lift, might be able to back off on the braking too.
  2. It's like removing a Chance Toboggan, nothing of value was lost.
  3. I'd like the Flight of Fear midcourse brake to revert to the "no dead stop" operation... Trim speed as needed, but only stop if it has to.
  4. At KI? There's not any undeveloped land that's either accessible or suitable for other uses.
  5. Should be available in this version, you just need to switch the default emoji set from Invision stock to the full Unicode emoji selection.
  6. Cedar Point recently did slices from the original inversion track from Maverick, so it's not out of the question under current corporate.
  7. With rumors of Superman: Escape from Krypton being removed (and it currently being SBNO) I think it more likely that Ninja would get the axe at Magic Mountain in addition to Superman. Viper I believe recently got an overhaul and is also nowhere near Superman, but Ninja is and the recent removals have trended towards being near each other if multiple rides are involved.
  8. Looks like telephoto distortion. It's zoomed in and also from an angle that makes the launch track appear shorter. Edit: I just watched the entire Rapterra Report 3 video where that clip came from, and all the other, non-compressed views of the launch look fine.
  9. I expect KI's hits from Project Accelerate would be Invertigo, Congo Falls, and possibly Timberwolf and the Skycoaster. So far the parks that have confirmed closures are closing rides located near each other. Carowinds is a little different but Scream Weaver and Drop Tower are close together, despite not being close to Nighthawk.
  10. I expect they want to close the park while still in the initial 5 years of the lease-back agreement. Taking the 6-year renewal for the 11 total years would be very costly.
  11. Yours is a steal compared to the other two on eBay right now. There's one for 10k, and one for a whopping ONE HUNDRED thousand, but hey, that 100k gets you free shipping!
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