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PKIDelirium last won the day on April 26

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  1. Sure, it's a stock model originally intended for another park, but it looks like a good fit for that plot of land with the bleachers where Wildcat was, and the empty plot behind that where some of the old dorms were demolished. Apparently going to be re-routing Perimeter Road closer to the marina to open up that property. Honestly it seems like a win for the park. They're basically getting a "free" major coaster and filling in that awkward plot of land. The color scheme isn't the best, with the theme some kind of blue scheme would fit best, but I doubt they'd want to repaint a newly made ride. I wouldn't want it to replace Vortex, that plot deserves something custom-built and using the terrain and midway proximity. Flattening it would lead to a strange looking area, sort of like how Orion's station and queue area look somewhat strange because of that land having previously been flattened to fit Firehawk.
  2. It wouldn't surprise me if Zamperla takes the design modifications they've figured out and simply delivers all-new trains from the factory. It's probably in the contract that they're responsible for the cost here, and waiting on parts from Italy and rebuilding trains on-site is less than ideal.
  3. I didn't see it until 2006 and didn't get a full video, but after the first viewing I made sure to see it whenever possible for the rest of the season. One of Paramount's best productions.
  4. Perhaps Raven and Legend could benefit from some Gravity Group prefab track. They've already installed some on Voyage, and I'm hoping they can eventually get it to where running trim-free is back to being standard operation, instead of an event perk.
  5. That fence has seen better days for sure, but I expect they'll have to install a new one further back towards the road anyway. Schlitterbahn created it, the original was in 1996. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_Blaster_(Schlitterbahn) WhiteWater West builds them now. Master Blaster is a fairly recognizable term for the overall type.
  6. The CF/Paramount season pass integration was clumsy for a while and that was only five parks (and their admissions system, because CF was still using an ancient setup and Paramount's Gate Central was adopted chainwide), but for the number of additional parks here, it'll take some time to get them all transferred over to the Cedar Fair admissions infrastructure and get every park's systems playing nice with each other. Better to do it slowly than have a chaotic integration plagued by technical woes.
  7. The Twitter/X page doesn't show the birthday because you have to be followed by the account to see it, and you can't follow yourself, so it doesn't show except for in Edit Profile...
  8. Something I've been thinking about is how long CGA will continue to operate, and if the merger will accelerate the closure process.
  9. It's also just flat no-spine track on the tunnel floor, not directly on bents like most of the ride.
  10. If that overlay is correct for the placement, looks like the fence will have to be moved further out. Plenty of room to do that, though.
  11. I bet the trains don't appreciate it, though. That's carrying a lot of speed through a sharp, flat turn without the braking.
  12. It was a Paramount pin, the Cedar Fair ones had to use Crypt, just like the other former Paramount-named rides, because I'm sure it wouldn't have been worth the cost to license those names for a limited pin series. I have a bunch of extra Beast 25th ones from the 2007 Paramount merch fire sale where everything left in the warehouse, even employee polo shirts that said Paramount Parks on them, got hauled out and sold for pennies on the dollar in a temporary shop where the glassblower usually resided on International Street, but I don't have any more extra TR:TR ones. Of the 50th anniversary offerings, I only have the blue and gold pin/keychain/magnet set and the original logo Vortex pin. Also have the "Orion Sequence" Vortex pin. Everything else is either Paramount or the Cedar Fair collector pin lineup. There were a few others from the 50th line that I was interested in but didn't get around to, and haven't checked availability for a while. Online store might still have some stock of those.
  13. Certainly not the first time this has happened at VF. Renegade was designed with additional flood protection by GCI, including slab foundations in the flood areas. Excalibur is also a wood structure and has been dealing with floods since well before Renegade existed. Obviously the rapids ride isn't a concern, unless they didn't have the rafts secured...
  14. What I most remember from the 90s are the old hand-crank cars that were removed after 2005, the McScrappy's Farm playground, and the mini-playground-of-sorts area by Busytown Grill with the recycled shoe rubber safety stuff on the ground.
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