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Everything posted by standbyme

  1. Woohoo! I finally got the SOB memorabilia call yesterday!
  2. Burgtoad67...thanks for posting the photos! (I am still waiting for my call. )
  3. And in today's eBay market it's like they were giving away a $25.00 and up valued item.
  4. That is the joke in itself...you came closer to getting to the point without even trying. Personally I like that The Interpreter has put me and others on their toes around here...I always try and Interpreter-proof any questions that I post on here...an amusement park site.
  5. I don't even want to imagine how horrifying this whole event must have been.
  6. Around here if you ask a question like this. you're just asking for a "Yes"!
  7. Thanks for sharing the video...it's nice to hear The Beast today.
  8. VERY cool...thank you for taking the time to do this!
  9. Maybe there will be some limited edition numbered Son of Beast footings available soon...I can't even imagine the shipping cost. (I'm already dreading to see what the shipping cost on the wood is going to be.)
  10. I don't think "tiny people" is the politically correct term.
  11. I did not follow any of the Fun Perks threads here on the board. (I figure it's like the weather, it's gonna happen no matter if you know it or not.) Anyway, I wonder if the system is set up to favor more single small purchases rather than singular large ones. I always wait until the end of our trip and make a singular large purchase instead of picking things up little by little throughout our trip.
  12. Maybe this falls into the "You know you're a Kings Island fanatic if...you have your season pass number memorized"!
  13. Something is better than nothing...but I think they need to work out some glitches. I spent quite a bit of money at the park this summer at the gift shops and eating in the park over a period of 6 days. I only received 2 perks...1 free cotton candy and 1 free ride on Thunder Alley. My sister (Who lost her pass and had to pay for a replacement.) did not spend as much as I did but was getting perks pumped out fairly often...including $5.00 off merchandise purchases.
  14. ^I'm not sure if getting someone to cry in terror just by singing is that much of an accomplishment...I know I could do the same thing.
  15. I agree...he just keeps getting better year after year...he has a ton of one-liners for every occasion.
  16. ^My thoughts are with them also. The "firsts" are always the hardest...it's something that no one can truly comprehend until they go through it.
  17. They could make it like a Pumpkin Patch...just let people go out and pick the piece of wood or bolt that they like the best.
  18. ^I hope I didn't confuse anyone with my post...what I meant by my post was "If you think the park is overcharging for their SOB stuff,* look at this guy's auction!" *I don't.
  19. For anyone who thought the park was greedy... http://www.ebay.com/itm/KINGS-ISLAND-SON-OF-BEAST-ROLLER-COASTER-OFFICIAL-TEAM-MEMBER-SHIRT-SZ-L-NEW-/110962897418?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19d5e7720a
  20. It is cool to see that there is a new generation picking up the torch.
  21. ^I'm to anal to change a "collector's item"...even if I think I could improve upon it.
  22. Keep in mind that your credit card will not be billed until it's shipped...so that might help you.
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