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Everything posted by upstop

  1. Pink flags are survey markers for digging and blue indicate water mains/ lines for digging/location of... purposes. The first flag in the picture has writing on it enlarged it appears to be one of the following: ekava ekave e/cava e/canal e/cave any guesses?
  2. True. Never rode them so their names escaped me. How about "that kiddie coaster and flying thing where installed by Paramount."
  3. Before it became RFYLCB it was in fact Kings Mills Log Flume and a part of Rivertown. Linus's Launcher is slightly offset from where the Wheel of Fortune (Trabant ride) was located. The pathway past Snoopy's Flying Ace Aerial Chase was non-existent. Paramount, in an effort to extend the age range for Nickelodeon Splat city added the Vekoma family suspended coaster, Jimmy Neutron Flyers (Linus's Launcher) and re-themed the log ride to The Wild Thornberrys. This, in effect, tore a hole into Rivertown's theming.
  4. ^^... 1 water ride and a train, but 0 flat rides.....That area is screaming for several flats.
  5. The year that it opened, I was at the photo shoot and I nearly talked myself out of riding....It's now one of my favorite rides in the park. I thought the spinning would be an issue and it's not an issue at all. The slight pause before you swing from the apex gives you a shot of adrenaline....it's fun fun fun!!!
  6. Listen closely to what Matt says about Wonder Mountain Guardian's films starting at about 23:11 forwards....an interesting clue is dropped...
  7. edit: duplicate post.
  8. Wow...what exactly happened with Pilgrim's Plunge that caused them to take it out? Are there any articles anywhere? edit: never mind. Found an article. What a shame, it looked like a really fun ride.
  9. Grab a flashlight??? I don't recall seeing any lighting fixtures in D.A. Hmmmm.....interesting.
  10. Why not skip the tickets, give everyone an RFID wrist band, that automatically checks in as you enter the line. Then a computer numbers the wristbands in sequential order. Maybe the restriction would be no more than 10 numbers ahead or behind the person in front of you. And if you leave the line, there should be a reader as you exit to cancel the numbering and reshuffle the wrist band numbers....check in...check out. It could be proximity activated to verify as you enter or exit the line. Then have a proximity activated RFID checker at the loading station to validate the order within 10 guests. edit: then if there are people that cut ahead, they can be placed into a holding pen until their sequence arrives.
  11. Plus...a responsible parent wouldn't subject their child to something just in order to complain to park services, would they?...who am I kidding...that's the name of the game these days.
  12. upstop


    http://www.hotels.com/hotel/details.html?pa=3&pn=1&ps=3&tab=description&destinationId=1474793&searchDestination=Mason&hotelId=138080&arrivalDate=06-20-14&departureDate=06-21-14&rooms[0].numberOfAdults=5&roomno=1&validate=false&previousDateful=false&reviewOrder=date_newest_first http://www.hotels.com/search/search.html?cd=06-21-14&children[0]=0&dd=06-22-14&dn=Mason%2C+Ohio%2C+United+States&hid=326954&numberOfRooms=1&pageName=SearchResultPage&pn=1&query=Mason%2C+Ohio%2C+United+States&roomInfoList[0].numberOfAdults=5&so=DISTANCE&vt=LIST If it has a bed, I'm ok with it...heck I'm hardly in a room long enough to enjoy amenities anyways.
  13. Option B would be awesome. I dont see it happening but it would be great. From partaking in the movies/comics/and theme parks, I personally dont see a big push by Disney to reacquire, in the short term, its missing Marvel properties. Fox and Sony keep producing movies of their characters. This puts more money in the house of mouse. Universal Studios keeps paying its biggest rival more money to use its properties. Disney wins, we win sort of. Interesting.....I recall that once upon a time, that Disney (or someone with a good imagination) was mulling over a Disney villain infested Anti-Magic Kingdom where the rides and attractions were similar to the Magic Kingdom, but taken over by Disney villains. Maybe now they can create an offshoot park with the use of Marvel heros and villains.
  14. I think It will be fun to watch Jurassic Park surrounded by dinosaurs and nature....Hmmmm. I remember a picture of a lantern in a leather seat posted from Twitter recently....do you suppose the lantern was sitting on the leather seat of a Jeep (golf cart), meaning that perhaps guests will be transported through the compound to a viewing area? Interesting.....It would be worth the $6/($3 for gold pass holders) to find out for sure. I think I'll do this event to find out (might even go to the event a couple of Saturdays)!
  15. 1000 guests? I can't see the old Action Theater holding 1/3rd of that. How many people does the Kings Island Theater hold?... but it's so far away from the Dinosaurs Alive exhibit to walk guests back there in time to walk the path if the movie starts at 10 pm......Maybe there will be a screen erected inside the Dinosaurs Alive compound near the big guys at the end of the trail...hmmm any ideas?
  16. My waist is bigger than 42 and I can sit in any seat. The crew will lock you in and you can assist by pulling down on the restraint.
  17. I really do like your ideas and designs! Keep em coming!!!
  18. The Flintstones car was near the Sunshine Turnpike, which would now be somewhere in the middle of Snoopy's Splashdance. http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/10/1e/c3/101ec3b0f782fc56a80d0d650bead180.jpg It was to the right of the turnpike entrance.
  19. The Carnevil entrance and exit is there...this however was once the Enchanted Theater that had Scooby and gang shows. The circular area was simply a resting area outside of the theater and an unofficial smoking area. This area all popped up when the building was converted to Phantom Theater. The Enchanted Theater was well over a third of the current building and as I recall it was at a really odd angle inside...really not much like any other theater in the park.
  20. Wow! That's some whiz bang journalism, there! However, they were the first to report it....so I guess that makes it legit. (Sarc)
  21. For part one that is FC old queue house. To ride that ride you went up through the center of the ride platform via a staircase that has been filled in with concrete. The current "entrance" is actually the old ride exit for FC. For the other concrete pad I would need more of a location description. It might be a photo op location where a Flintstone car was located. I can't be certain without more info.
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