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Everything posted by upstop

  1. I believe that is the second tree back from the tree where the graveyard stood (closer to the restrooms) and I'm glad they kept it too. I was sad though when they cut down the lone pine tree near the lift hill...I'd rather they had transplanted it to a different location. The station is starting to shape up nicely!!!
  2. There is plenty of room under the Banshee train Storage shed for a haunt....if it is possible to use that area.
  3. ^^ I like!!! The screams could be recorded and blasted on demand. I went to an attraction a few years ago, where the Scareactors didn't make a sound but went through the motions of screaming with loud speakers behind hidden objects. It was very effective, especially when you're not expecting it to happen. Heck why not just name it Scream of the Banshee.
  4. ^^ I'd take it with a grain of salt, two squirts of catsup, a slice of cheese and run it through the garden.....yum....
  5. I held down the control key and scrolled in on the picture...It was kind of blurry, but it looked like Diamondback to me. Also, looks like Stunt Crew is going to be open with Chargrilled burgers. Was it open last year? Also still calling it "Stunt Crew" on the website, along with the area still being called Action Zone, but the html coding change to change the name is simple and could be updated at the last minute.... if the name is changing. edit....never mind....wrong image...The one at the selling point is definitely a wooden coaster.
  6. This is what I would do if I had the power of the purse for a Halloween Haunt attraction... 1. First I would utilize the Dinosaurs Alive line into the attraction.... 2. Make a left and follow the path to the Dinosaur Dig and direct the crowd into a queue line. The line would lead into a new building just beyond the trees near the water storage silo. 3. This attraction would be designed to be a dinosaur paddock, where guests would be "safe" from harm. 4. I would call the attraction "Dinosaurs Attack" 5. The exit would return past The Racer back to the DA exit. I think this would be fun to walk through and rather easy as the makeup would mostly be dinosaur heads and arms attacking visitors through cage and possibly through fake vegetation. There could even be some military personnel fighting off some of the T-Rexs at the beginning area. Perhaps even some additional surprises along the way.
  7. I don't think DA is declining in popularity. There were many times last year that I saw lots and lots of people on the trails. I wish they would add mood lighting and open the area after dark. The cost is surely being included in the cost of the passes.
  8. It was for the restrooms in the future expansion of X-Base....unfortunately there wasn't available funding....LOL
  9. Got to love the ending... 1. Marcia and Jan run the blueprints from where The Beast is located now to.... 2. Alice who is waiting near the exit to the log ride who runs the blueprints to... 3. Bobbie and Cindy who are near the Sling Shot ride entrance who run the blueprints to.... 4 Greg and Peter near Antique Treats in Coney Island, who run the blueprints to Carol, near Larosa's Pizza on International Street who runs the blueprints backstage (where only employees can go) to Mike at the office. 5. Mike gives the blueprints to the executives who leave for their flight... 6. and....everyone who has been furiously running throughout the park meets up with Mike and Carol at the exact same moment, backstage (where only employees can go)...and no one is exhausted from their marathon, and all but Mike go to ride The Racer (a suggestion that chicken Mike has made!)... Hilarious!
  10. LMAO....nice interlude....Hehehehe. BTW Great video! Thanks for uploading! edit: reminds me of this
  11. I never realized how much Taylor looks like an Alpaca until I found the picture...LOL
  12. I'd LOVE it if Kings Island opened a a retro-arcade with really, really old games from pinball on through the 80's. I'd spend the bucks there just reminiscing the old days...LOL
  13. Could have been a conspiracy for the Cincinnati Water Works to take the property as it was a prime location at the time.
  14. I believe that they have removed asphalt from the front of Festhouse all the way to Sling Shot over the course of the last couple of months.
  15. Hey! Check out Oktoberfest....dump trucks are right at the end of the Action Zone bypass...Looks like they are loading up with asphalt. edit.....something is going on in front of the Adventure Express exit too.
  16. I get why KIC wants us to capitalize trademarked names. I get why owners of trademarked names want to protect their trademarks. If there was rampant non-capitalization of names on here, I would get why CF would want something to be done about it. What I DON'T get, is why they would care if the occasional poster misspelled a CF trademarked name, or didn't capitalize the first letter of it. That is my question -- why would they care about that? Again, it's all a moot point now as the issue has been resolved quite creatively by KIC, which I am impressed by. Just clearing up the point I was making. I'll drop it for now, sorry for derailing the thread. Read the section about trademark infringement. It explains why all brands fight to keep their brand names. It's to prevent the dilution of the brand into a common name that is synonymous with the brand name. People are often sued for infringement of brand names. http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Trademarks Here are some pending trademark infringement cases. http://www.bing.com/news/search?q=Trademark+Infringement+Cases+2014&qpvt=trademark+infringement+cases+2014&FORM=EWRE The guys are only reinforcing the capitalization for protection of brand names and actually anyone who might infringe on a trademarked name. Protect yourself and the site by capitalizing trademarked names.....PLEASE!
  17. If USF still offers the Orlando Magic ticket, you can get a package that includes USF, SeaWorld and Busch Gardens, in a park hopper style ticket just like Disney World.
  18. The King Cobra was white? Since that photo was taken in December 1983 (probably during Winterfest), I imagine that was a display advertising the new coaster for 1984 and not an actual part of the completed coaster itself.
  19. Actually, the Coney Island side of the Antique Cars was called "Les Taxi" and on the Rivertown side they were called "Ohio Overland Auto Livery".
  20. Great pictures!!! I hope you post more. It's always nice to see families having fun!
  21. OOOO spooky view of the snow covered graveyard.....I think I see a Banshee flying around...
  22. upstop

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    How about a green chili sauce for those too afraid to ride the rides...LOL!
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