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Everything posted by BavarianBeatle

  1. If you feel that Intamin is a "harmful manufacturer," I assume you do not ride Drop Tower or view KI from atop the Eiffel Tower....
  2. I remember those days with my children well. Now they are spoiled preteens. Sigh!
  3. It was nice to see that "lava lamp" operating again. I was getting tired of my kids telling me that the lava "looks like sewage" without the lighting....
  4. Perhaps the most Freudian spelling error in the history of KIC.....LOL! beatle, would you please explain to me what i did wrong? english is my weak point, and i'll happily take any pointers on how to correct the language i speak. "genitally" instead of "gently" I believe chaddie's post should be the end of this discussion, as this is a family site....
  5. Perhaps the most Freudian spelling error in the history of KIC.....LOL!
  6. I enjoyed tonight at the park with my sons. It was really, really wonderful! Can't wait for weeknights in the summer when we can wear shorts and sandals!
  7. I agree. With part of the que being removed, I also believe that I have taken my last ride on Son of Beast!
  8. Very well done! Times with your family are always very special!
  9. For some reason, I am reminded of this: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/y/yogiberra141844.html
  10. Jesse, Sorry I missed you. I was dealing with cold, grumpy kids who have learned to hate long lines....
  11. I agree. I noticed many of the same things that Dropzone99 did. If a day like this had occurred in June or July, we would all be up in arms. It was wonderful to get back to the park yesterday, but (let's be honest here), there were problems. It was Opening Day, however, and the crowd was much larger than I have seen on an opening day in recent years. And all of these issues are fixable. I attribute it to nothing more than crews who hadn't worked together combined with larger than expected crowds. I'm sure the park will be in "midseason form" long before midseason.
  12. Did anyone try this out yet? Quite obviously, Yes! --Beatle, who couldn't resist
  13. I noticed the other day that the park had not yet announced a major event for Memorial Day Weekend....
  14. And I can barely button the shorts that were very loose at the end of last season... I didn't gain a whole lot of weight either, but it all appeared around the midsection. In addition, since it was colder yesterday, I assume that you were wearing more clothing than you usually do at a park, which will also make the restraints seem tighter.
  15. The Character Carousel has no characters displayed upon it. However, I did not ride it, so I cannot say whether this ride, nonetheless, has character.
  16. I couldn't agree more.... I remember the magical feeling of the Enchanted Voyage from when I was 3 years old, but apparently CF has forgotten and/or abandoned the desire to reproduce that feeling in today's children. Those tears are getting closer to the surface.....
  17. I also witness the number of people leaving the parks to eat and spend money elsewhere, and have serious questions about whether CF is maximizing its overall profits on food and sales of items inside the park. But I am certainly not an expert in this area...
  18. They have taken Scooby Doo, who had been a part of Kings Island since 1972, and replaced him with an upcharge. It almost brings tears to my eyes!
  19. "Cedar Fair saw attendance drop 7 percent to $22.1 million (i.e. 22.1 million dollars)." Another literary masterpiece from our local media outlets.... The problem is that far too many dollars attend the park but then leave and are spent at other establishments.
  20. Tis wuz a terrible article. King island deserves much beter. Hopefukky a ride on drop zone or Scooby Zoom will help me forget about it. --Beatle, who hopes the Dayton Daily News will see this post and offer me a job as a reporter.....
  21. If it's sunny and 82 degrees, it will be packed. If it's raining and 42 degrees, it will be empty. If it's in between, the crowds will be, well, somewhere between packed and empty.
  22. I also rode it in 1984 and I agree that it was a beautiful ride at that time! The geyser in the helix was realy cool.
  23. What about Dippin Dots? What in the world is in those?
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