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Everything posted by BavarianBeatle

  1. You would have hated The Beast's lake, which often smelled of vomit. But seriously, I have always loved the smell of wood and axle grease as well.
  2. It's Columbus Day weekend, which is traditionally one of the most crowded of the year.
  3. In July of 2010, we made our only trip to New Jersey, just days before the removal of Great American Scream Machine was announced. We only got to ride it once due to downtime and rain, but the kids still speak of their once in a lifetime experience. As for the coaster I've ridden the most, I believe The Beast has recently overtaken The Racer, which held that title for many years, due to having a three or four year head start. But back then, there were no season passes, and that lead was not large. Then, in the early days of The Beast, long lines allowed The Racer to stretch its lead. But in the last few years, we have ridden The Beast far more often, which leads me to believe it is the new leader.
  4. 1. The Voyage 2. Magnum XL-200 Then, in no particular order: Lightning Racer, Millenium Force, Cornball Express, Superman: Ride of Steel (Six Flags America), Posessed, Jack Rabbit, The Raven, The Beast.
  5. 1. El Toro. The stapling deprives it of any airtime at all, yet people claim it has "wicked air." I don't get it! How do you get airtime when you're stapled? 2. Intimidator. One of the most boring cures for insomnia I have ever ridden. 3. Diamondback. Only slightly better than its counterpart in the Carolinas, due to having only one trim. 4. Fahrenheit. A gimmick lift hill does not make an average coaster great! 5. Raptor. Not deserving of the raves it regularly gets. The cobra roll is slow and forceless, then the midcourse brake makes me wonder how it doesn't valley.
  6. As was said after my family's first ride, "It wasn't like flying. It was like riding the bottom of a bad roller coaster."
  7. I think these awards have about the same level of credibility as a Soviet election.
  8. In the few times I met Keith, he always went out of his way to be kind to me, my family and everyone else who was there. My prayers are with his family.
  9. I have to agree about the Runaway Mine Train, but when it comes to El Toro, stapled=sucks! But I'm an old school guy who used to get bruises on my thighs from The Racer's buzz bars, and watch the kids who complained about those bruises get beat up. Even though I'm somewhat known as a B&M hater, I didn't think Nitro and Bizarro were bad rides. Skull Mountain was lame, Dark Knight was a fun little ride, and Ultimate Blight and Batman: The Oven sucked! As for Kingda Ka, being launched from a well-themed area into "Parking Lot: The Ride" was a bit of a disappointment. But my favorite memory is riding GASM with my sons a few weeks before it was removed!
  10. Maybe this will aid you in your understanding. He paid for a pass that came with certain promised benefits. The park did not give him all of the benefits that he paid for when he bought the pass. He feels that, because he paid for those benefits, the park should give him what it promised. Then, when he attempted to get what he paid for, he got the runaround and never received the benefit he purchased. It's pretty simple really. I will never understand why some people have the delusion that the park is entitled to promise people the world, take their money based on those promises, and then disregard those promises at will. Any customer of any business is entitled to 100% of what they pay for and any business that does not deliver what it promises will surely lose customers and profits over time. I can't help but wonder how many folks out there have experienced problems similar to JonCars' and, as a result, will be taking camping trips instead of buying passes next summer.
  11. He forgot to say: "OMFG kING island rok11111111111" Sadly, Facebook is full of posts like that.
  12. There are two companies mentioned.... Beatle, who repressed his memory of Vekoma!!!
  13. Superman: Ulitmate Blight at Great Adventure, Vortex and InTRIMidator at Carowinds, El staple, I mean Toro,...Great Bore at Hershey Park, Craptor at Cedar Point. I will think of more later, I'm sure....
  14. Yes, those modified wood coaster trains would work so well on a steel coaster......
  15. In this day and age, people claiming to be interns use terms like "new area" instead of the synonymous term "future park expansion" used in the official release and state the obvious fact that park management is aware of the accuracy of the information released. They are then endlessly flamed for releasing "confidential" information, while simultaneously being accused of falsely claiming to work at the park. Any more questions about why people don't want to be a part of things like this?
  16. Some would disagree about the "goodness" of the cause. Especially if it is the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure outfit, which has spawned its share of controversy due to, among other things, its affiliations...... --Beatle, not stating his personal opinion
  17. Back on topic, it would not surprise me if they added a second kids area where Son of Beast now stands, in a manner similar to what Cedar Point has done with its kids areas. Planet Snoopy is often very crowded and I know from experience that preschoolers, hot weather and long lines is never a good combination. I actually think that spreading that crowd out would help the park.
  18. Sorry, I missed the part of my post that talked about the ride experience. I find the "leaked" information about yet another B&M coaster to be uninteresting and lacking in originality. Although this may disqualify me from being a "fanboy," it does not change my status as an "enthusiast." And, by the way, by saying that the ride "looks promising," you yourself are judging the ride before having ridden it.
  19. Troll Alert!!!! Avoid feeding!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J-y2rFfny8
  20. I'm just happy that they finally made a decision!
  21. A better question would be "What has Cedar Fair deceived you about since they denied that they were closing Geauga Lake?" --Beatle, who enjoys the advertised "unlimited entry" to Halloween Haunt as long as he limits his entries to one per day....
  22. I'm not sure if there has been more down time this year, or just more threads about it.
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