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Everything posted by BavarianBeatle

  1. Dave, I must agree with you! My Platinum Pass has been used at Cedar Point as much as it has at KI this year!
  2. Try going to a real prosecutors office and trying to convince someone who deals with murderers and rapists every day to bring in a forty member jury pool (all of whom have families and jobs) to hold a jury trial because someone sat in the wrong seat on a roller coaster!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Edit: Especially when the State's star witness is some crater-faced 16-year-old on a power trip!!!!
  3. Wait a minute....... "Signed, Sealed Delivered" isn't a comedy?
  4. I have spent the last 30+ years sitting where I choose on coasters. Ride ops telling people where to sit is no different than a server at a restaurant telling people what they're having for dinner.
  5. Could be.... Let's face it, honesty is not CF's forte!
  6. And there will be a segment of the general public who will see that HW has the world's biggest water slide, and will say "Oh yeah, I waited 2 and a half hours for that thing last year," not realizing that Mammoth is a new ride.......
  7. Gold is at record high prices, but that has nothing to do with Vortex. I agree. Troll!
  8. And there were no season passes when The Beast first opened. That man paid a lot of money to accomplish what he did!
  9. Or like Kings Island building another "world's tallest wooden coaster," right? I mean, they already did it twice with Racer and then Beast, so why do it again? Let's not get carried away, it's not nearly THAT bad of a decision. It's more along the lines of KI adding a 350 foot tall Intamin Gyro Drop. And I'm not upset or disappointed. I am actually quite perplexed.
  10. Another "worlds biggest water slide." This is about as original as Cedar Point adding a Kingda Ka clone.
  11. That sounds a lot like the early days of KI! And brings up thoughts of a co-worker who asked me what parks other than KI I would recommend because, as she put it, "We paid for our tickets, but then everywhere we turned they had their hands out looking for more money." It made me wonder how many families share her sentiment and are spending their nickels elsewhere as a result........
  12. Nice memory Beatle It is interesting that "a price increase of any kind would negatively affect attendance and revenues, and could lead to park job losses." when discussing the proposed 3% admission and 5% parking taxes, yet this year there have been the following: 6% increase in admission prices - is anyone aware of when it moved from the $51.99 opening day price to the current $52.99 price? 20% increase in parking prices Note that I still disagree with Mason taxing admissions/parking, but the quote is a little ironic given this - must be the improving economy ... Thank you! You have spelled out my thoughts almost word for word! And another interesting thing my wife pointed out to me: "Imagine the people who had two day passes and paid $10 on the first day,then came back a day later and had to pay more....." .
  13. So would you prefer it if KI became a pay per ride park? It appears that is what you are advocating.
  14. Back on topic, anyone else remember this? http://www.timesgazette.com/main.asp?SectionID=1&SubSectionID=1&ArticleID=169296 I find Mr. Scheid's comments at the end of the article to be rather interesting
  15. I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you missed the point I was attempting to make. Since the topic is about Fast Pass, I pointed out that, in my opinion, Fast Pass was just another way in which guests are being nickle and dimed. The other things I cited were just other examples to illustrate my point. If people like the attractions, God bless them, but that has nothing to do with my opinion that the park seems to be adding far more things that require people to reach deeper into their pockets and far fewer things that do not.
  16. Well, they could. They could park at Great Wolf and walk over. However, doing so may be against the policies of both Great Wolf Lodge and Kings Island. I'm not sure how Great Wolf Lodge works, but I know at a lot of larger resorts or even the most basic hotels in the Orlando / Anaheim area, you pay an amount (usually between five and ten dollars) per day as a parking fee. When you check in, you write your license plate on the form you sign and that works as a sort of parking pass. Even when you stay at hotels in Mason that don't require a parking charge, you'll often see a space to write your license plate number on the agreement at check-in, because the larger properties and the properties near huge destinations do so. Great Wolf Lodge might... But even if they don't I'm sure it's against their policy to park there. It's a business, and likely a private tow-away zone. That would give them every legal right to have your vehicle removed from the premises if you were not a paying customer at their establishment. It just depends on if the people working notice / care enough to inform someone who could remove your car. If they have properly posted tow away zone signs that comply with the Ohio Revised Code, you are correct. If they don't have those signs, they are guilty of theft of a motor vehicle, a felony.
  17. Because those people paid a thousand nickles. And because apparently the posted rules at KI have their usual meaning.
  18. It's not about convenience, or wait times, or anything other than a thousand nickels per person. Let's look at the things that CF has added this year: 1. Parking from $10 to $12 per car; 2. A fake dinosaur park ($5.00 per person); 3. A 3D youtube movie ($2.00 or $4.00 per person); 4. That laser tag or whatever it is thing ($5.00 per person); 5. Fast Pass ($50.00 per person); and, 6. WindSeeker, which, as the lone exception to the rule, is free. And there are people who still insist that KI doesn't try to nickel and dime its patrons. Look for the 40th Anniversary addition to be a birthday party clown who you can see for only $5.00 and who will make you a balloon sculpture for only $4.00 more. (Not to mention the fact that they will market this as a "thrill ride.")
  19. Next thing you know, the fanboys are going to be whining about how DB's que needs to be enclosed and air conditioned!
  20. It offers a nice view. I'm looking forward to riding it above the fog during Haunt.
  21. I've always wanted to rent a car, drive out there and then fly back. Please let us know about your experience and have fun.
  22. Diamondback and Magnum are not alike. Magnum was a record breaking ride and the first hyper coaster with nice ejector air, tunnels and actual G Forces. Diamondback is your cookie cutter B & M yawner that offers a bit of floater air, excessive trims, and an experience that is every bit as exciting as watching grass grow.
  23. When you think about the millions and millions of people who attend theme parks, incidents like this are literally "needle in a haystack" types of things. --Beatle, wondering how many people died of cancer, heart attacks, and auto accidents in the time it took him to post this......
  24. ABC news is government controlled! The federal government HATES the fact that there may be one small aspect of your life that they can't control, so they put out ridiculous propaganda like this!
  25. Since it's past or present. my favorite is The Beast in it's original form. I cherish the memory of being 9 years old and waiting in line by the lake waiting to ride the biggest roller coaster in the world. It w as something that was just really special to a kid that age at that time. Especially after my sister and I had saved up trading stamps for those KI tickets.
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