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  1. Sometimes the "silence" is necessary. There is a lot of legality surrounding any type of "comment" made from the park. If they say the welds are bad, Clermont Steel could come back and file a defamation or slander lawsuit. It's always better to know something as fact before any news is released.
  2. You seem like one of the very few defending him constantly, so one could turn around and ask you why? What do you potentially have to earn? Do you personally know him or are related to him? I'm honestly not sure why this is still an issue. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and thoughts. It seems like you just want to constantly argue with anyone you can.
  3. It should be announced soon…….
  4. I'm not sure if it's been said yet, but Tom and Chee is moving into Chick-fil-a's former space and Skyline will no longer be on International Street.
  5. Housing application is only for active employees, so you would have to wait until an offer was made. Then during online onboarding she will be asked if she wants to apply for housing. Just keep in mind the housing fills up pretty quickly.
  6. I like that Local 12 actually emphasized the fact that CF didn’t actually own CC. I feel like too many people thought they owned it. https://local12.com/news/local/kings-island-mason-amusement-park-cincinnati-parts-ways-attraction-cedar-fair-camp-cedar-luxury-resort-cottages-recreational-campground?-fbpost&fbclid=IwAR1kGN-jndBgIdotAnkO6sAiULE4X9a3TlZZ1iyXPC2C1kEbmne5WLIWNYY
  7. I know it’s probably a long shot but if they could lease The Beach property and build a pedestrian bridge connecting it with Camp Cedar, I think they could have an amazing property.
  8. They have officially begun removing the KI logo from the street level sign. The sign by the highway still has the KI logo.
  9. Very tragic news out of Disneyland last night. There’s still speculation as to whether it was an accident or intentional. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-12-04/man-dies-after-fall-at-disneyland?_amp=true
  10. I recently went to WDW in September and stayed at Riverside. This was my 7th time staying at this resort and my 6th time staying in building 38. This trip gave me the same “meh” feeling that Shaggy described above. There were dead trees, roof tiles, and trash just laying around in different garden areas. It remained that way during the 6 days I was there. The pool and pool area was visibly needing maintenance work done. Their food court area is beyond needing a refresh and a deep clean. You could just visibly see that things were not being maintained or cared about while Chapek was in charge. I was actually debating even renewing my AP next month, but I guess this news gives me a better reason.
  11. I have never been more thrilled by a news story past 10pm I am huge fan of this move!
  12. From my understanding, there is a part and some bolts that broke at the top of the tower. Since it happened late in the season, they were supposedly waiting so they could include the (very expensive) part into 2023 capex.
  13. That’s what’s great about this time of year before Haunt! It allows the park to finally address other issues that they haven’t had the manpower for. Glad to see them taking care and fixing broken things around the park.
  14. For KI’s Gold Pass, the payment plan is super simple. As long as you make your monthly pass payment, your pass will be active from the moment of purchase. If for any reason you miss a payment, your passes would have a block placed on them until the payment issue is rectified. As far as blackout days, a Gold Pass will get you into the park on any regular operating day, which includes Haunt and Winterfest. It also gets you the free parking as well!
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