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Everything posted by KIfan73

  1. TopGun, I like those different blueprints I see in your posts. Really interesting to look at.
  2. I actually meant the roller coaster...must have been Beastie,er, Scooby Doo...I actually have a picture of me in the witch's cauldren...I'll have to dig it up...Thanks for the pic TG!
  3. What's the first ride in the video?
  4. OK, thanks. Wow, thats strange. They must not have known exactly when Lion Country Safari was going to close when designing TG. I know that '92 was the last year for LCS, and '93 is when TG opened.
  5. ...orly? LOL you just proved me wrong sorry, that's what I thought, but they are an access road up there as well. Sorry I didn't quite remember complete I was 13 when WAH closed. By the way, do you happen to have a scan of the rest of that map? I was looking at the photo section, and remembered this thread. I'm confused...was the tunnel built for the WAH tracks (which I didn't think that WAH and TG were ever open at the same time), or an access road? I had never really thought about why there was a tunnel there.
  6. Most of the rides I rode growing up were carnival rides that they welded back together between every ride. I am always in amazement of how well Kings Island keeps such massive, complex structures operating on a regular basis.
  7. Thanks! Wow, that ride had some beautiful landscaping around it, didn't it?
  8. That was great! I've never got to see SD in action before. Help me out, what is visible in the background? I'm trying to visualize where this was in the park. I know roughly...Congo Falls area?
  9. On the website, it actually shows Sunday, April 20 as the first day of operation (so far)...
  10. We already have Flight of Fear... How about FACE OF Fear
  11. Wow, I love the looks of that motorcycle coaster in the pic in the article. I've thought of something like that before, but didn't know it would be possible. THAT would be a blast, I think.
  12. Looks like it was June 17, 1976 High Temperature that day was 82 degrees, winds of 4 mph... Wow, is it the offseason, or what....
  13. With the park 35 years old now, I've wondered if an area of the park called something like "Old Kings Island" would go over. Have a cafe or something (a mild re-theme of Festhaus?) with old memoriabilia in it, historical signs, etc. Maybe bring back a new version of an original small flat ride. I think Oktoberfest would make a great area.
  14. Its been posted on here before, but, its still a great watch. I've never done psychadelic drugs before, but between the bright colors and the music, I feel like I'm on them when I watch it.
  15. Would I like something like this? Yes. Do I think it would ever happen? No. Sadly, I think a place like Kings Island has to have, at least these days, only "controlled activities". What I mean by that is that the customer really doesn't have any control of what's going on. They strap in, ride the ride, and are released. I think something like this could have happened when Kings Island opened, but not in today's society where you have to worry about so many liabilities.
  16. Didn't AE used to have an on-ride photo?
  17. What roller coaster in your opinion had its best year ever? The Beast! Every year is great! What thrill ride in your opinion had its best year ever? Does Viking Fury count as a thrill ride? Oktoberfest represents!! What restaurant had the best food? LaRosa's; I like their pizza, but they sort of won by default. Second place I would give to BBSS. Once again, vintage KI. What crew/area was best? IJ:ST. I'm always impressed with that crew. Very efficient. Did Son of Beast have its Best Year Ever? explain why or why not. I saw no difference; just that there's no loop now. What new show in 2007 was the best in your opinion? Endless Summer on Ice. I had never been in the Paramount Theatre until this year; I was really impressed. What was the best thing that happened this year at Kings Island? Hopefully that they began work on a large coaster for the 2009 season. What change from 2006 to 2007 was the best? Have to give that one to Firehawk. Great ride. Did Kings Island Central have its best year ever? I would have to say yes, with having the event at the park. Hopefully, if there's another one, I can make it!!
  18. Until a couple years ago, I didn't know that "Outer Limits" was a show. I have to really wonder why they would make such a huge investment for not one, but two rides themed to a show that, I think, no one has hardly ever heard of.
  19. ^Awesome pics. I went the 2nd, thought it would be too crowded over the 4th. Might have to go next year!
  20. Since we're deep into the off-season, I thought it would be neat to post a favorite pic that you took of the park this past season. Helps you to remember why we spend so much time on these boards in the first place. My favorite is from my first trip of the season, in June:
  21. I noticed this the other day, too...Has CF's mind changed?
  22. It seems there used to be more "attention to detail" in the parking lot in years past.
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