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Everything posted by shark6495

  1. I think, for me, one of the main reasons BB is a poor ride is that the old PT ride is still there is parts. The cars are still there just slightly repainted. Where the cars were removed sits plywood that makes it look like something broke. The busts are still there just nailed over. Heck the ride still travels the same track. Most things either don't work or never did. Plus a ride that the effects don't work unless you shoot them always bothers me. PT was a ride that felt like a show. BB is a ride that feels like a chore for my son to enjoy all of the moving objects.
  2. You walk in and a roof shingle hits you in the head, you ask for medical bills paid, you find yourself having to pay KK 300k for spreading bad rumors..... Man not sure how this could go any worse. So far we know that 2 people got hurt because they may have been given the wrong raft. One of those people states he just wants medical bills paid. But Ed Hart says he has an unmentioned friend who says they are just trying to make a quick buck. Also he said they weighed too much and should have known better.... Imagine if the Superman Tower incident would have happened on his watch.... We are saying it's not our fault because you kicked your legs out..... When the cable broke at CP who paid those medical bills?
  3. Wow the version of BB you just described sounds so much better than ours....
  4. One if the reasons I don't think it is a scam is because the one person in the suit has mentioned medical bills not pain and suffering
  5. Unless it took this long for her to get fed up with what the park was saying or not doing. They could have been dragging their feet. Maybe she was advised to wait to make sure the baby developed normally?
  6. I was thinking the same thing. So Mr. Hart makes it sound like these guests are trying. To extort hundred of thousands of dollars. In reality, they just want the medical bill paid.........
  7. I was 16 when it closed. It was a very fun ride with nothing horribly scary. Park guests want great rides. Just because it's interactive doesn't mean it's fun.
  8. Depends, some credit card companies got in trouble because the fine print was too fine
  9. Not to mention the fall out that if it's proven as the parks fault.... KK where if you get hurt the park will sue you.... We have no hard proof this person had her pass revoked for climbing a fence other than what Ed says....
  10. Ugh..., 1. If you are right, don't talk. 2. You win nothing by trying to make one of your guests look bad 3. Just because no one has been injured before doesn't me you can't get injured in the future. 4. Now we have heard the two individual sides, who has the "proof"
  11. Banshee should give its 2 millionth ride the last weekend of the season. It has been a great year for ride milestones and anniversaries. Honest question right here: Would the park purposely slow or speed up the line to make sure the milestone rides are hit during this season? In the Banshee case would the crew be more likely to pulse the line through with all trains running to make sure the mark is hit this season versus doing a more slowed down 2 train operation? Same with Beast? I know in restaurants during lunch they open more registers to hit the big rush, didnt know if it was like that for coasters...
  12. As a person who dabbles in collectible a (model trains, slot cars, comics, etc) something is only worth what someone else is willing to pay for it..... In my years I have vastly under and over paid for collectible items. I sold a non-running 65 Mustang for $250 cash and an old train.... The train is worth, in a book, $400-700... To the kid who traded it to me, it was probably worth $100....
  13. I wouldnt say SF ruined that park. That park was destined to close when CF bought it. SF invested into the park. DId they over expand? Yes, but I wouldnt say they ruined it. CF could have scaled operations back some, move some rides, etc. CF razed the entire dry side. Imagine if CF would have acquired it under current management. You would have seen a scaled down GL not a complete razing.....
  14. http://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/butler-county/hamilton/teen-dies-after-collapsing-in-middletown-haunted-house-attraction She had an enlarged heart and 1 lung. Just sad.
  15. Wait till he gets older and takes a research class.... So if company A funds research and publishes results that are contrary to company B's published results which is more correct.....
  16. That does suck, but it makes it sort of fair to everyone who does not have a smart phone while in the park....
  17. Sounds similar to the hack job Diamondback did the tree area along the train course. However, the trees are growing back
  18. I will say the same thing I said to my wife: if you think you will go 2 times then it's cheaper to buy the pass ($30 ticket + $15 parking)
  19. unless you have a little one (ages 8-12?) then the bathrooms are very far away from X-Base....
  20. Well Terp posted an "where" question... As in "where do you buy passes?" Online or in store An appropriate how answer would be with money of some sort
  21. My family's 6 day trip for two adults and a 2 year old, staying on property, could be as cheap as 1600 (in June) or we could go the best and most expensive and it could be over 9k......
  22. At least your honest about your laziness lol. One of the reports It does report they requested medical attention and were either not given it or delayed/denied
  23. Not true. The more days you add onto your ticket, the cheaper it becomes. They let you bring a cooler (no hard sided) into the park with food on it. You can even have grocery stores deliver food to your Disney hotel. If you stay on property, you get free parking and transportation. If you stay off property many hotels offer you free transportation to the parks. Disney is expensive if you go for 1 day, but if you go for a longer trip it becomes cheaper. #firstworldproblem If I want to squeeze in 6 Broadway shows while in NY, while seeing David Letterman, SNL, and Jimmy Fallon it would be difficult to do it as well. Not sure how having so much to do/see is stressful. Some people go to Disney to experience it for 3 days, some go for 14 days. Disney charges what people are willing to pay. Exactly. Not sure why there always seems to be an undertone of Disney hate on here. If a 5th gate ever does get built, its because of demand. Sometimes I feel that there is a pervasive hate on here of all things Disney because its popular with many many people.....
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