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Everything posted by shark6495

  1. Yup, make sure it looks safe..... Seems like my concerns have been addressed....
  2. So if these people really got hurt due to negligence, the Facebook article is full of victim blamers..... 3 sides to all stories
  3. Yes but things happen. Accidents happen. The job of the employee is to ensure that the accidents can be avoided. If this comes down to no one told them not to use it, then it's on the park.
  4. I think slide tubes are made of a thicker construction/different internal design than tubes for the lazy river so the park decides which colors it wishes to use to signify the type of attraction the tube is made for. Some guests aren't the brightest.... I can't count the number of times that I have been waiting in line for Zoom Flume at Soak City and a guest gets in line carrying a Splash River tube... lots of lifeguard whistling ensues... I know how you meant it, but... Come on. Many guests, may not know the big difference between a Slide A's intertube vs Lazy River's intertube. If I recall correctly, Surf Cincinnati's and the Beach's rental tubes were good on every thing from wave pool, to river, to slides, etc. So the blame cannot be put onto any guest when there are employees sitting near by who have the explicit job to.... not let the wrong tube to be used...
  5. As a more "typical vs enthusiast" type of guest, I wouldn't have any idea which tube goes to which slide. I would assume that the workers would tell me if my choice was the right one. Sort of how I assume if I get injured, the workers will triage me correctly. Very similar to how I assume that I will be safe on a coaster when they check my restraints....
  6. So to me something like this seems pretty cut and dry. Either the inner tubes were correct or they weren't. If they were not the recommended type (size, shape, inflation, etc) and someone got hurt...... Actually besides single and doubles are there different types? I have only seen the big inflatable doughnut type.... Unless that come in different sizes
  7. ^^ that's fair but Phantom Theater had a consistent fear level. ... It had the "haunted" music, creepy busts, the Phantom in the lobby, the overt ghost theme. There was some comedy but I felt it at least it had the same theme as opposed to 2 different ones.
  8. https://www.google.com/search?q=generic+PR+letter&client=firefox-a&hs=6xS&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=sb&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=v2U9VI6lA8r-8AGZ8oCIAg&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih=609 KK PR department....
  9. While yes the name would imply, maybe, something a bit more sinister. But the transition from kid friendly to not kid friendly is very stark. One moment, you are cruising down the line, a guy is being chases, skeleton relaxing. Some dude is playing a big organ... then you go down a hill making doors open/close.... then its dark and here are some big skeletons... then its over and the ride is done.....
  10. However that ending with the skeletons and it's completely dark..... Not exactly the same tone as the previous 95% of the ride....
  11. Not sure why it upsets you someone may want to wear this? They are not making you wear one.... This is one of those times where it literally doesn't negatively or positively affect your experience at all....
  12. * not a lawyer * But if someone said hey this will be fine you will be okay..... Then I ride it and get hurt because it wasn't the appropriate gear for the ride...... Difference between getting hurt because of an accident and getting hurt due to (possible ) negligence.......
  13. But Disney would argue that you (Terp) are not a target at WDW and they have a spot for someone like you (DL, for now)
  14. I wonder if any of the two guests asked "is this the ride tube?" And if the worker said yep..... Well then....
  15. Probably a quick and easy safety fix will be to keep a mandatory distance from the vehicle to avoid that? Maybe a bumper system?
  16. However, with kiddy rides, they are almost always new to someone. Not many stay in that area once they are able to ride the big rides.... But a dedicated stage show in that area (indoors perhaps?) with a more enhancing family ride that children of 2-222 can enjoy would be great as well.... A kids area would be the spot to have more than any to have multiple shows and characters walking around....
  17. Ultimately this is a smart move by WDW. You get more people to stay at your hotels. Then more demand than spots mean higher prices.....
  18. This is always a ridiculous convo. If you stay on property then this is a perk. Not a slight for those not staying on property. Is it fair for people to make reservations to a popular restaurant months in advance? I'm paying to stay on property because of the perks. The previous set up harmed the guests and families that may only get to go to Disney 1 time in their life. They may not know about the FP system of running around. This makes it fair, while yes it does hurt some of the spon visit people it rewards people who plan their trip out in advance. Also, the CF example is silly. WDW is not making anyone "buy" a special ticket. Just giving a perk to those staying on property by allowing them a perk over others not staying on perk.
  19. I wrote what I meant and I meant what I wrote, 100%.... Both new companies were created so the owner could sell off or close Sears or Kmart while retaining the rights to the Sears only brands. He then could, possibly, sell an exclusive deal with another company, say Autozone, to sell Craftsman tools or Best Buy selling Kenmores....
  20. Well if the ride was sparking I'm sure it would have been shut down. Also if it was sparking, I'm sure it would have been reported by more than 1 unknown person who is new to a fan blog. Also if it was sparking I would hope you would have reported it to someone. Was it sparking because the steel was grinding against the concrete as it sank?
  21. Or not... It may or may not add extra value to a potential buyer/seller if the web address is owned by others.... The owner of Sears/Kmart created two new desperate companies for Craftsman and Kenmore
  22. I disagree. If it was solely based on a way to enhance sales, Disney would have found a way to keep people in line, but bring purchasing options to the line. Food Vendors, lines that snake through gift shops, waiters to bring you food in line, etc. I personally feel this is a way to both increase the guest experience AND enhance sales. To many many people, waiting in line is one of the worst things about amusement parks. Disney lines can last 2-3 or more hours. Disney has added interactive displays in some lines previously. To many people with young kids, being able to plan out a trip and avoid long lines is a God send. Of course they wouldnt invest the money if it wouldnt see an increase in sales, but that doesnt mean its the wrong answer for the park. I think you would be surprised at how many people plan out a Disney vacation. Either from doing it on the website or going to a travel agent. Heck, one of my good friends runs a side business from her home where all she does is plan Disney vacations for people.
  23. Well lets be honest, Disney is wonderful because it can offer different things. There is a reason they never closed Disneyland. WDW always seemed more glitzy, touristy, and rushy compared to the California park.
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