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Everything posted by shark6495

  1. Science days or something like that. They do it every year Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I saw a ride op selling 3D glasses earlier this season. Usually only on very busy days.
  3. I was in the Flight of Fear queue house with my little guy and wife during the storm. We just kept waiting for a break so we could get out to the car.
  4. I think Walt would be the first to tear down something he built to put in something else that people would enjoy more
  5. I mean who doesnt love Power Hours. Ride ops doing what they need to do in a timely manner, as opposed to the rest of the day where they just sort of do what they need to do at half speed... or is it Power Hours, where the ride ops only do half what they should be doing so they can get more people on the ride as opposed to their normal safe and diligent speed. Im confused.... One of the worst things you can do is give a teen-ager an open mic and "free reign." Jokes become sophomoric, they dont understand dead air, and it can become a burden. It took me almost 2-3 years of professional radio work with help from a consultant to understand the power in "Dead Air." You dont have to fill it all up. Make your words count but make them few.
  6. One of the best pieces of advice I have heard was this: Don't put it in writing. You can say it but the moment you have it written down people can call you out on it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. No argument. The target market was thrill seekers and at the time CF wanted to attract that market. Now the target has changed. Best day ever, safety, fun, etc Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Moose out front should have told ya Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Different rides different ownership different target markets..... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Or more likely the opposite. People saw it without seat belts, hear about rides safety features failing, then wonder why doesnt DB have them? I can almost guarantee that the people who thought it was unsafe before and feel comfortable now greatly outnumber the people who see it with seat belts and then think it was unsafe.
  11. I'm sure B&M was contacted about how to attach seat belts to the train. I doubt a Joe from maintenance went out there with a drill bit and a bolt. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. The storm just killed all of the crowds Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Yes but what if Kennywood didnt open till 4 pm. Not a bad idea, however, if thats the truth, then that puts KK in a very bad deal.
  14. Yeah but.... If you were to raise the price of Plat or even Gold by 125, that is effectively changing the value of the pass to many people. Many people who buy passes do so because of the value of the pass. Customer A may only be able to afford to attend the park 1 or 2 times (at $40). If A has decided to do a vacation, maybe A plans on visiting KI 2 times ($80) + CP or KD/etc (+ $40). When a Gold Pass is $80-100 CF is actually making more money on the customer by enticing the customer to return for multiple visits. On these extra visits (remember originally he would visit only 2 times) if he buys a meal/souvenir/snack/photo/etc he is giving them money they never would have received. All because the price point from 2 visits to unlimited visits was just a small increase. If Gold Pass if $160 (the price of 4 visits) the guest most likely will think "I dont plan on going really more than 1-2 times so I will pass." Same with Platinum. In the original scenario he would visit KI 2times and CP 1 time for a total of 120. When Platinum is in the $170-200 range, the guest may think to themselves that is really no more than just 1 or 2 visits more. Since I have the pass, maybe we can do a second day at CP or make a weekend trip to KD as well. And now that you mention it I did plan on visit family near Dorney..." Now you have enticed this customer to visit multiple parks. If that pass goes up to $400 (a great value still) the guest believes they have to visit 10 times. When you can convince guests that a pass is a great value because they would only have to visit a total of 2-3 times it becomes a great value. Once you start telling people they have to visit 5-10 times to gain value, they will not purchase them. IMO
  15. Potter has a chance (strong) to be in the frontal lobes of many many many people for a long time. A few reasons for this: The book series is immensely popular. It is written in a way that a young reader can grow up reading the books. As they age, the books age as well. Parents who read the books as youths are now old enough to have children and to pass the books down to their children. Still to this day, if you order the books online from a library, they are on a hold. May not be a long hold, but they are still in demand. The movie series is similar to the books that they become darker/age as the intended audience does. Harry Potter movies are this generation's Star Wars movies. An epic journey that does not treat the audience as stupid. Avatar on the other hand is not as strong (read not at all) when it comes to loyal audiences. However, it presents a very unique tail (pun intended?) that fits into what Disney wants from their Animal Park. A pro-conservation + magical creature + unlimited universe spectrum.
  16. Agreed, I would think that pulling it through would have been safer and quicker. Unless they feel/know something is wrong with a train? Could possibly worn down/out wheels cause a coaster to slow down enough to valley/stall? I think anytime you have to be evacuated from the ride it is a news worthy story. Either in a "wow this would suck sense" or a "wow what went wrong sense." If you are stuck on a ride for more than 15-30 minutes, I too feel its a news story. Yes a ride may do its job by holding guests in a certain area, but if its doing that for more than 30 minutes, then there must be a bigger reason. If its not, then it falls into the "Wow this would suck/can you imagine being up there" type of news story.
  17. Someone posted they wished KI would do more things like bus jumping etc. I think this is just as nice. Probably a bunch cheaper as well+ it goes for a good cause Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. They were there 2 weeks ago. The only time I have seen security stop people about eating (2times) is when they were eating a sandwhich while walking to the front gate (more of a hey finish that first) and when a family drove into the handicap section, pulled up to the curb and have a picnic right there with fast food. The security truck was stopped and e was actively talking to them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Agreed but I would guess the park wanted to use that same wording to get people to ride it. I mean I could talk about how fast and out of vitriol my car is to sound cool but if I wrap it around a pole then people will talk about how fast and out of control it was Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Were any of the other water parks sitting on a huge track of land that once was a thriving theme park? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I thought poster here got an upgrade for free? I may be mistaken Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. So did CF move the water park to that one little area in the former Animal Adventure area Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. No worries! I just couldn't for the life of me figure out LGs haha. My mind was referencing the dry side Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Huh? Not sure what an LG or secy is? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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