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Everything posted by jcgoble3

  1. I've noticed that since that re-tracking, the wheel seats on The Beast are much smoother to the point where they're actually re-rideable. They're not Voyage-smooth, but definitely smooth enough that I won't insist on riding only in the middle seat of a car anymore.
  2. Thanks! I'm not planning to enter; just wanted to see a little more information about it.
  3. I thought the picture you posted Friday on Facebook was a joke. You deserve a beating for this. Not that I've seen. I've checked both Facebook and Twitter.
  4. I didn't bring my camera at all, and wouldn't have had time to take pictures anyway since I never took a break from riding.
  5. That depends on who you ask. Meteorologists will tell you that summer started on June 1. Most East Coast Americans will say that it starts on the summer solstice this Friday. Those on the West Coast will say this Thursday. The Irish might tell you that summer began on May 1. Australians would complain that it doesn't start until December 1.
  6. I don't get it... Look at the italicized word, then sound it out one syllable at a time. Then think about what camping involves. What? Oh, ohhhh, now I see it! Lame... Well, I thought it was funny....
  7. I don't get it... Look at the italicized word, then sound it out one syllable at a time. Then think about what camping involves.
  8. I've already commented on the report itself, so I'll just say that that is an excellent video! Thanks for sharing it as well! Could you link me the contest website? I'd be interested in looking at the details of this contest.
  9. Y'all are missing the most obvious explanation for the no camping signs: we're getting a gentle family or kiddie ride. After all, since there's no camping allowed, the ride can't be intense! [dodges rotten tomatoes]
  10. I don't recall exactly what all the prizes were, but I think the BOGO popcorn coupon was the lowest value prize on the wheel. It's still worth at least the $2 you pay the play the game in the first place. Cedar Point has the same idea near Gatekeeper, except theirs is Plinko. Two spaces at the bottom are front of the line passes, while the rest are game or merchandise coupons. The CP version is $5, but you get to drop two pucks and you get both prizes.
  11. The wheel game was only at Vortex last night. I played three times and won two front of the line passes (essentially single-use Fast Lane passes) and a buy one, get one free coupon for popcorn. Alos got a BOGOF Xtreme Skyflyer coupon off of it last Sunday that jlopez and I used yesterday afternoon. At $2 a spin with every spin guaranteed to win something, it's the best deal in the park.
  12. Basketballs are the most annoying game prize ever. Whoever first decided to give away basketballs as prizes should be shot.
  13. The airtime in the back seat is worth the roughness you get in that seat. And if it's too much, you can also try 7-1 (aka "not a wheel seat" ). But personally, I find that the wheel seats on Voyage aren't nearly as rough as they are on some other coasters (even our own Racer).
  14. Great report! Glad you too got to experience a solo ride on Wildebeest. The airtime you get on that is INSANE. Voyage gives far better airtime in the back seat IMO. Try that next time. Giraffica was down for maintenance when I was there two weeks ago. I actually saw a worker either cutting or welding in the splashdown area. Nice to know it's up and running. Thanks for sharing your day!
  15. How DARE you call Star Tours overrated?!?!?!? Star Tours is my favorite ride at Disney's Hollywood Studios! It is one of the few rides I would wait over an hour for. It is NOT overrated! (Sorry, but you hit my geekdom in the wrong spot. )
  16. Did somebody say Star Wars Land?!?!? *nerdgasm*
  17. Welcome to KIC! This is very interesting. To me, this suggests that whatever this is will be very close to the midway, if not extending over it a la Corkscrew. But that's just my guess. I've given up trying to interpret you. I'll just sit back and wait until your clues become obvious, then laugh at myself for not understanding you in the first place.
  18. The last two I can figure out, but what in the world was going on in the first photo?????
  19. The latest official word is that for the second year in a row, they did not arrive in time to complete testing before the season began. According to the park, Timberliner testing will resume this fall after HW goes to weekend-only operation. Members of the Koch family have ridden them and say they are incredible. I personally highly doubt at this point that we will ever see them run on the Voyage during public operation.
  20. But often, Fast Lane is just "slightly less long wait lane." Question: How does having Fast Lane interact with the disability boarding pass and the 30-minute rule? To use a specific situation, let's say that on a very busy Saturday in July, Flight of Fear is a 2-hour standby wait or a 45-minute Fast Lane wait. A disabled guest (speaking in general here, not necessarily autism) whose entire party has Fast Lane wristbands comes up the handicap access at 3:00 and presents both their disability boarding pass and Fast Lane wristbands. What happens? A. They are allowed to board immediately since they have Fast Lane, or B. The operator estimates the Fast Lane wait time and gives them a return time of 3:45, or C. Fast Lane and the disability boarding pass cannot be used together and the party must return at 5:00. B would be the right way to do it, but how do you estimate the Fast Lane wait time? The Fast Lane line cannot be seen from Flight of Fear's station, and with a line that long, the person checking Fast Lane wristbands at the merge point in the queue might not be able to see the end of the line either. So while B would be the right way to do it, A would seem to be more practical.
  21. And likely the end of Kentucky Kingdom history.
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