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Everything posted by jcgoble3

  1. ^^^^ Mantis was NOT junk, and never caused any problems with my junk. Then again, I have small junk. jcgoble3, heading for the exit
  2. I don't see the "2014". Where is it?
  3. May of 2013, actually. That means the one-year time limit mentioned in the story has expired. So where is this "much more aggressive strategy"?
  4. Cedar Point on Twitter: Hopefully that news is that they weren't serious. Peasant James, go away.
  5. Yes, we've known about that for quite a while now. See the general Haunt thread under Coming Attractions.
  6. I drove (or rather, my mother drove and I rode) past KI today, down Kings Island Drive. It was so weird to see the park operating but not be able to go in. It was running when we drove past about 5:00, so apparently it did open at some point. It's being turned into a Haunt attraction, apparently KillMart.
  7. Holy topic bump, Batman. Also, is it just me, or is the poll not displaying, even on desktop?
  8. LOL! Advice for ohiocolts: On second thought, he might not like cold water.
  9. Maybe this long line can be taken as evidence that Mantis is perfectly fine in its current form and people don't want it to close? jcgoble3, dreaming
  10. Are you sure you're not my identical twin brother? Because every single word of this post describes me exactly. Even the opening statement gives the correct year for me.
  11. This × a thousand. I cannot agree with this more. It's a cash grab. Nothing more.
  12. Oh, crap. It's multiplying. We are doomed.
  13. I've been in Splashin' Safari on a Saturday morning in 60-degree, or possibly even sub-60, temperatures. 68 is doable for me. I might head down that way tomorrow afternoon to exercise my season pass one more time and play some more MagiQuest at GWL.
  14. Again, there was a lot of confusion. Hopefully by the time Haunt starts next week, they will finally have everything straightened out and have all employees on the same page.
  15. Per the email newsletter I just received, tomorrow, September 13, The Beach will be offering discounted admission for $9.99 per person when purchased at the gate. No refunds on prior ticket purchases. If you've never been to The Beach, and can stand being in a waterpark with a high temperature of 68°F (*coughmalemcough* ), tomorrow would be a great time to try it out.
  16. ^ There's going to be an announcement for 2015? Where'd you hear that? We just got a $24 million playtoy this year. I would not expect anything more than general improvements next year. Certainly not a new major ride.
  17. https://www.valleyfair.com/what-s-new Can KI get something like this? Pretty please?
  18. Another home? Why can't they let this tacky eyesore die the death it deserves? At least it's a good thing I was not planning on going to any Bengals games this year. Football is better on TV anyway.
  19. And don't forget that opening day this year was on a Friday, not a Saturday as most of us expected based on prior years' schedules. Any portion of the schedule can change any year.
  20. This is now the top trending item on Facebook. Cue the clueless comments from the general public.
  21. ^^^ ...both of which are wheel seats. On Blue Streak, sit in the middle row of an individual CAR (not middle of the train). That way you won't be sitting directly over top of a wheel, and you won't feel the bumps nearly as bad. Trust me, it makes a HUGE difference. On Mean Streak, I am unable to comprehend how in the world you failed to find the second row excessively rough. Wow. Your definition of "rough" is clearly different from mine.
  22. Cedar Fair operating schedules are typically not announced until later in the winter, well after the end of the season. I think this year's schedule was released sometime around February, give or take a month.
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