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Everything posted by kingsrattler

  1. I average around 2000... i think my best was 2560
  2. Ok, I'm really confused, first you say that you were running with a large group of people, who half of them couldn't have heard the guard say stop over loud music, and now you are saying you were out in front of everyone with no one around you with no one in sight. Which one is it?
  3. Tanna.. you literally made me burst out laughing in my office at work, I don't know if I should thank you, or despise you, haha.
  4. There is no conflicting instructions in saying "race to your favorite rides" when talking about an item called "Fast Lane" passes. It's a pun. I really do hope you understand that.
  5. Can you show me anywhere that if you pay an extra $50 to Kings Island you get to break park rules. You just opened a can of worms I hope a few don't happen to notice, or this topic will go a completely different direction.
  6. Crap, I only have one more, I better use it wisely
  7. It is a great ride at night, but as some have mentioned, my biggest complaint with it at night is the stench seems to much worse.
  8. You go out of the station, and go downhill for quite some time before you reach the "first hill", which really isn't much of a hill. Just to look at the physics, if you go down, you have to come back up. Its just backwards from what most are used to. For example on Vortex you go out the station and go up. On AE, you go out the station, and go down. So at some point you have to come up.
  9. There are two levels of security at Kings Island, "Park Security" and "Park Police". The first being a security officer, the second being a police officer. Might want to think about that next time you want to think about disobeying their orders.
  10. Haha, I have never noticed that drop in the picture on the park map. Thanks for pointing that out! If only...
  11. You sir would be correct... http://www.coasterdynamix.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=products.tpl&product_id=43&category_id=3&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=54 .... but its out of stock right now on their website.
  12. Yeah, that model has been there for at least a year (however long it has been since Kings Island's Facebook Page had 5@5)
  13. The Beast (Diamondback will probably catch up with it soon though)
  14. Or you could look at it as the normal person buying a Fast Lane pass is not a power rider, and are only looking to make sure they get to ride everything, but probably will not ride most rides more than once, except maybe a couple of their favorites. This would give these people "x" amount of extra time that otherwise they would be waiting in line; to buy food, rummage through gift shops, play games, etc.
  15. Some could say that the single rider line was a form of line cutting..
  16. In line yesterday on The Beast, someone behind me was talking about SOB, "It was a good ride but someone died because of it. It gave them a heart attack"
  17. A little off topic.. but every time I see your avatar Dave, It makes me smile, haha
  18. I would have to agree gator.. the projected capacity is 1620 people an hour, so thats about 50 trains an hour. If there were 3 seats empty on average, that decreases capacity to 1470.. which still blows away anything in the park, but over the course of an hour, adds 5 uneeded trains.
  19. Holy Cow.. that's crazy... might have to look for remnants of this when I am up there next weekend.
  20. CedarPointer, I think sometime I'm going to have to "enter" Kings Island, then high tail it over to Kings Dominion (just because Cedar Point would be too logical) to test this theory, haha.
  21. And since Firehawk was basically acquired through the purchase of Geauga Lake, the last coaster that was a large capital investment was BLSC in 2005, before that-- SOB in 2000. Given this model I would say we're waiting till at least 2013 if not '14 for a new coaster.
  22. How long would it take to put in an Inverted Impulse Coaster?
  23. I believe its a product of "large volume" parks. Kings Island has had what seems like heightened attendance as compared to the last couple years. Whether this is a product of the economy and "stay-cations" or a trend of Kings Island gaining a larger customer base remains to be seen.
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