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Everything posted by BB1

  1. BB1

    Visit #10

    I've been there too many times to even count anymore. Soon to be more as the season progresses.
  2. Indeed, but I certainly do not like that form of Yeti!
  3. Recently I have been re sorting through some of my old documents to find a few concerning Bigfoot sightings and where they have been clustered towards. Bigfoot is one of those things that people have been going on about for centuries dating as far back as to the Native Americans and the peoples of Nepal. What are your theories about this mythical creature? Is it real or not? On a side note, this is my monthly operating season poll series ladies and gents.
  4. 1. Check the heights, at Soak City height requirements are strictly enforced on any and all attractions. Make sure to ask the Lifeguard if your child is capable of riding and or needs a lifejacket. 2. Sunscreen, it does get hot and the sun is extreme so sunscreen application is a must. 3. How to rank up: Start your day with smaller slides, something like the Splash Landing attractions or possibly some of the Lookout Cove slides if they are acceptable. Soon after go to some of the moderate slides like Zoom Flume and Thunder Falls. Both are more family fun for all ages. As they grow older and taller, that's usually when Rendezvous Run and Paridise Plunge come into riding range. After that is when usually people ride slides like Tropical Twister, Pineapple Pipeline, and Mondo Monsoon. It all depends on how brave the child is and the heights of the children. Have fun! BB1, that Boomerang kind of guy.
  5. Umm..... there are quite a lot of Intamin Gyro Drops, and many more Drop Towers that don't launch you. I didn't know King's--err, Kings Dominion has a ride called Drop Zone. More than likely this guest has experienced HW far more than other guests. I can name off many installations of which could categorize as a Drop Tower, Drop Zone, Tower Of Terror @ MGM Hollywood Studios, Falcon's Fury........ But if you were to go to side "parks" ie Space Camp for the kiddies, regional park fairs, there's a Chance that you will find a launch tower.
  6. SOB would have been perfect for a whole makeover. Add in a new loop effect, some corkscrews, some Top Gun stalls in the roses. That would have been an incredible coaster; that is if it were redone completely and then safe.
  7. There seems to be a lack of Men at Work. Who come from a Land Down Under! Classic music for a classic theme.
  8. BB1

    Coaster clubs

    Find your desired locations and how much you want to spend. There are many clubs out there, Club TPR, GOCC, CC, ACE, Coaster Enthusiasts of Great Britain, etc. Just find where you want to spend your money, saving or for events. Most of the larger sites like KIC, TPR, etc have a club so look around for the best bargain.
  9. YesThe same for Boomerang Bay as well. Water Works, I do believe the same for most of it's lifetime.
  10. Just an heads up: Soak City opens tomorrow for the 2015 season!
  11. Or just go up waterslide towers all day, that IS a work out even for some of the fittest waterpark guests.
  12. Hopefully so upstop. The Monster is one of those classics that I hope will never change for historical nostalgia for the park. Hopefully it will be back in the coming weeks.
  13. Not sure. However, I made this response to their May 30th answer. I see what you did there . Hopefully I could make it down soon, I need that Vekoma credit.
  14. Which devan is who on this Forum? Sorry, I honestly do not know any names except for user names. I saw Secy walking quickly back to that area, but didn't think much of it. On another note, I have successfully went a few shades darker on the tan spectrum from this event!
  15. Wait times as of now?
  16. Really?The Picnic Grove states otherwise. Gilroy Gardens does too. I mean, sure Soak City got some major reno, but at the same time there are still some shady areas in the region. "Green Thumb" BB1, a plant enthusiast.
  17. Dinosaurs do not need to move to be a success. When I was but a small BB1, I went to a small park in Kentucky called Dinosaur World. Huge dinosaurs, didn't move at all. Yet I loved that place, in fact I remember it more than anything. I kept this place in mind throughout the years, and it still is a place of intrigue. I need to go back, but again this is a testament to Dinosaurs in general, DA is Dinosaur World V II. (If you have never went, and if you have children or are just interested in it, I highly suggest you go; EDIT: Yep, 8:30-5)
  18. Forums are free publicity children. Some are good, others not so much. But it gets the name out there and people interested. I usually find that true with topics like this, Starting To Decode 2014(AKA YoungStud's playground), Son of Beast. It gets people out to the parks to see what exactly is going on and see what is being discussed.
  19. Some don't need swag, as they already have it. It's great gifts nevertheless, should be considered a very valuable. BB1, the swaggermeister in the swaggerwagon.
  20. I would go, but time constraints dictate my life for the next few weeks, as the clock keeps on ticking. Tic Toc Tic T0c?
  21. Went on the YouTube to find some WG footage, here's a few that I found. For your Off Season enjoyment. (You can thank me later, as I too search the Internet for the same videos.)
  22. Hoping for moderately small lines at KI this Friday, hopefully a great afternoon to relax and get some rides in on Woodstock Gliders and Beast
  23. How old? I have a few maps dating back to BB era KI that I could upload probably.
  24. Yes, someone knows. BB1, stepping in for Terp.
  25. I would like a Rotor in the Coney Mall section, that would be a fun ride to have when I just want to spin around for a while.
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