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Shawn Meyer

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Everything posted by Shawn Meyer

  1. ^ Believe me buddy! As soon as I get baid next Friday, I'm buying my ticket.
  2. I had a question. Is there anyway to tell how many tickets are left? I can't buy my ticket until next weekend due to low funds. I heard this year, Coaster stock would be limited so I don't want to miss The Beast tour with my buddy. He bought his already, and his tour is at 3:00p.
  3. I was also happy to see Shoot the Rapid's old station still sitting there. A lot of you may not have liked the ride, but you had to admit back then that it was very beautifully landscaped. With that said, I hope they use the station for Professor Delbert(ripcord), for the current time being. I also hope they're not done ripping out the troughs. Otherwise, it's going to seem weird flying over old concrete.
  4. I hope they make it optional this year and years to come. I'm one of the weird one's that like the souvenir bottle and would be sad to see it go completely. However, I like this idea because my friends can't stand carrying a bottle around all day. I don't mind it, I just need to remember not to forget it before going to the next ride/attraction.
  5. https://www.facebook.com/visitkingsisland/photos/a.226729858367.174830.155893938367/10155451813373368/?type=3&theater]Kings Island facebook page posted this today.
  6. Count me in as a member that will be there next year.
  7. Thanks for the update everyone. I'm so anxious for this ride that I've been having dreams about it.
  8. So since the park is closed now, has the park sent any new construction pictures on their website or the social media channels? Seems like everything is quiet since the world series ended. I know it's the off-season, but good grief.
  9. I don't know If anyone can tell or not from the webcam, but how much of the lift hill would you guys say is complete? It looks like it's almost down to the bottom, but it's hard to tell exactly.
  10. I know Brendan. He's a cool guy! Wish he had an account on here. Either way congratulations Buddy! You're Awesome!
  11. They've also poured the birthday cakes leading all the way up to the reservoir When you mention the birthday cake, what do you mean?
  12. Anyone know if Mystic Timbers was topped off yet? Also special thanks to Tuxedoguy for the pictures. You must have rode the train around 2-3 times.
  13. Well I'm not suggesting build it exactly as it was, but re-build it with new control panels, and new trains. It would be like an upgrade kind of thing in my opinion.
  14. I can't believe Cedar Fair doesn't have the Blueprints to the Big dipper. I know a couple people called my last idea crazy a few posts back, but I think it can be rebuilt someday on another CF property possibly.
  15. I can't wait to see the lift hill when it's completed. The view will be even better then.
  16. Just curious here, are they working on the hill that turns after the curving drop? Other than that, I think I'm caught up on the construction with you guys. Looks like the lift hill will be formed next week. W00T W00T!
  17. Since it was announced last week that Big Dipper would get the axe soon, I would vote for Kings Island to get a replica layout of it someday. I also mentioned this would be ideal at Coney Island in another thread on here.
  18. ^ Well they could always obtain a copy of the blueprints from Cedar Fair and rebuild a duplicate of the ride. That's a good idea though.
  19. Ooops! Meant to say at nine years. What was I thinking? Good grief!
  20. I know fans of ACE have been trying hard to get Big Dipper moved since Geauga Lake closed it's doors in 2007, but after 5 years of sitting there rotting, I think it was a good move on Cedar Fair's part to have it demolished. I hate to say it, but I saw it coming. I hope that one day, Cedar Fair can announce that they'll rebuild a replica of the Big Dipper in one of their parks across the country. If I had to choose a park for that replica, I would say put it in Dorney Park. In my opinion, that would be ideal.
  21. Hey everyone, I was at the park this weekend and can tell you that the construction progress looks amazing from what I could see from the train. I was dissapointed that I couldn't go through the new vine tunnel to take closer pictures, but it is what it is. From the looks of things, it looks like the lift hill will be topped off this week. I'm also surprised they drained the little lake, but discovered that's where the station will be so that's pretty cool. I would post pictures, but I don't have them uploaded on my hard drive yet. I will get to them tomorrow.
  22. ^ I sort of asked that same question last week. From the answer I got from the nice people on here, they said that they're starting with different parts of the layout first, then building the lift hill.
  23. ^ Not to get off topic here, but is he referring to Thunder Road from Carowinds?
  24. It's crazy that they started on the turn first. I thought they would go straight for the lift hill, but either way, they're moving along at a nice pace. Go Kings Island! It's your birthday! It's your birthday! Lol
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