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Everything posted by purdude86

  1. Hopefully all parks follow this lead. They aren't necessary and pose a greater danger when used on rides. and they are just annoying in crowds on pathways and can even be hazardous there.
  2. I agree, Club Blood and Tombstone Terror-tory need to both go. Cornstalkers is getting pretty bad but has some good potential so rather just see it get enhanced. I like that they have so many mazes there but I'd be fine with them cutting back a couple and only having like 9 or 10 but have more scare actors and props in them. They oculd kind of combine Cornstalkers and Wolf Pack a bit to have you going through a farm house and out into the cornfields.
  3. CarnEvil - Clown mazes are an easy cop-out because clowns are scary. Duh. That isn't an excuse to leave a maze untouched for what is now almost 14 years. Take the clowns out of the Theater and have them run around Planet Snoopy with the Freak Street folks and put something new in. Do a Doll Factory maze like a majority of people have been screaming for since 2007 (or a Toy Factory to grab the Five Nights at Freddy's fanbase), or even a Grimm's Fairy Tales-themed house. Just....SOMETHING. Tombstone Terror-tory - Long lines for the train. Which leads to long lines for the maze after you get off the train. Which leads to walking past crates and boxes and guessing which crate or box has a monster behind it. It's one of the few attractions that a vast majority of people have complained about, both on here and at the park, and still it stands to this day. Get rid of the maze portion, put the trains in storage, and just have a haunted hayride with large set pieces to traverse. A truly brand-new experience for the Haunt, and one that could rival other local hayrides like Springboro's with upkeep and TLC. CornStalkers - Even with a few visual upgrades, I would really like to see more than just "scarecrows". Bring back set pieces and aspects of Psycho Path/Trail of Terror and turn it into an actual farmhouse environment. Heck, you could even tie it into Backwoods Bayou and even Slaughter House as one mega scare environment (Southern Discomfort) like they did when Stalkers first debuted alongside Headless Hollow and Massacre Manor in '05's "Curse of Sleepy Hollow" zone for FearFest. ...sorry, went into "Hardcore Halloween Haunted House Fan" mode. Would love to see some updates like these. Even just doing a haunted train ride could be fun, even if they didn't do a hayride. And a dollhouse where Carnevil is would be awesome too. One of my friends is terrified of dolls so be fun to go through it with her too. Always thought Backwoods Bayou would make a great maze too when they first announced it, so a maze there themed to it would be great. And yea doing a whole scare zone for that area back there would be awesome. Cornstalkers could be good but needs some more scare actors and props. Went through last year and didn't see one person until we were over halfway through. They should close some of the older ones or less liked like club Blood and Wolf Pack and use some of the props elsewhere and have more scare actors in the houses.
  4. Would love it if the Festhaus was turned into a sit down German restaurant. Love to see Oktoberfest get an expansion, it's one of my favorite areas of the park but it's so small now. Still think they need to take out the basketball game and add Der Spinning Keggers again or something, and but a vine tunnel along the path between it and Oktoberfest alongside the Delirium queue. Maybe another German type shop and fake store fronts to make the area seem bigger without having to really spend the cost of adding stuff.
  5. As much as I'd ove for an announcement soon and that stage to be for it too, I think it'd be awesome and hilarious if Don Helbig was just trolling us with that post.
  6. I agree it needs to actually be a ride. I feel like it's a pretty broad category. That as long as it is some ride that is primarily indoors then it's a dark ride. Tomb Raider to me was a highly themed flat ride and Stitch is a show-type attraction. Splash Mountain I would count as a dark ride even though it has outdoor parts because it is primarily inside the show building.
  7. YEa and even if they did go to those places they don't exactly offer the same experience. Kings Island is much bigger than both and offers many more thrills. Each has some unique aspects but Holiday World and KK each just have a handful of coasters and thrill rides.
  8. Could even just cover up the view to Backlot with a lot of trees even. A covered bridge would be a good block though across it, but I think trees would have less impact on BLSC. IF you used a bridge to block it, it would make the Antique Cars look better and that area have more of a garden feel to it, but then you'd have the other side of the bridge as a big eyesore to BLSC. Not the optimal choice but I suppose you could make the backside of the bridge facing BLSC into a giant billboard and it would fit in with the theming and not break it up too much. I do think that the area back there would be great for an Antique Car ride though, but to get a good layout would need to use both the remaining area of the old location not taken up by BLSC and the area where the stage was put next to Diamondback. Could have a bridge over the walking path there to connect the two parts. This would give a good amount of space for a single track and still have a spread out feeling that can be landscaped nicely. If it was just in one of the spots it would either be a short ride or just be a mass of concrete for the cars to travel on and probably not look as nice.
  9. AS has been stated many others, Beast is the top of night ride list for me. Since you are out int he woods it has a very different feel, whereas most other rides it's just a matter of some lighting effects or such that can enhance the experience, but Beast has a very different feel in general from night to day. It is the best night ride of any ride I've been on period (or at least the greatest change in experience). In addition Adventure Express is a lot cooler at night as well and has some added elements that are pretty cool. I would agree too with silver2005 about Backlot Stunt Coaster. The effects on the ride really pop at night, and the tunnel is darker with less light creeping in the openings. The police lights and fire blast are really great at night. The fire is awesome lighting everything up for a moment and seems a lot more intense. Also Banshee has some great night effects, but it is mostly lighting effects around the queue and station. There are some lights along the course of the ride but not a lot and it's a pretty open area, so for me the ride isn't all that different at night, but it has a very enhanced queue experience. And it is a great ride at anytime of the day so can't go wrong with it. I haven't actually ridden them at night but the lights on WindSeeker and Shake, Rattle, and Roll are really awesome now. Not sure how they change the ride experience though. To me everything else is not too different from a daytime ride. I'm not sure there's really a bad night ride in the park either, or at least anything that is not as good at night. If you don't like a ride during the day i'm not sure the time of day is going to really effect your overall feelings though.
  10. Even though they said none for next year, that doesn't mean our next one can't be a dark ride. Could get a Soak City expansion or something else besides a ride next year and then a new dark ride in 2017. Then the statement about next year would still be true and our next ride would be a dark ride.
  11. Same thing goes for the lift hill on AE when the door is left open and sunlight comes pouring into that room.
  12. Looks like it should be a good well rounded park on opening. But agree with Voicetek. POV videos will probably be the closest I get to riding the stuff there. Despite this it is nice to see that the park will be primarily new attractions and not just the same things from all of the other parks thrown together. Would love to see a whole Pirates themed land at one of the parks here though. Love the attractions and be cool to have a couple based off of them. That's the ride I'm the most curious to see when it opens since it sounds like it will be very different fro the current slate of PotC attractions. Do wonder as well how well the animatronic on the rapids ride will work. Hopefully it won't suffer the same fate as the yeti on Everest and just be sitting dormant with sound effects. Looks like the only big attraction the park is missing from it's line up at opening is a Haunted Mansion type one.
  13. I would classify them as an actual ride that traverses a path through a building, and it must be primarily indoors. I'd also consider them to be more of a slower moving ride too, not a roller coaster. But can have a coaster/dark ride hybrid like Crush's Coaster, Escape from Gringotts, or Laff Track. Would classify these as primarily still coasters but with dark ride elements. A true dark ride has to allow you to really take in the scenery and not just fly by it real quick. As long as it meets this criteria i'd consider it one. They can vary in intensity and thrills. Tame, family ones like It's A Small World and other Fantasyland rides to high thrill ones like Transformers and Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey.
  14. I agree I feel the highlighted area has a lot of potential. Think it'd be a great area to keep as kind of a gardens type space but with some new ride. Thinkt he back side of the Eiffel Tower int eh space next to the theatre and Diamondback as well as the patch next to BLSC would be a great spot for an antique car ride to make a return. Then add in a couple more small flats like a tilt-a-whirl or such and fill in lots of landscaping like trees and flowers.
  15. Scheduling meals well in advance has been needed at Disney long before Magic Bands and My Magic +. But as others said the bands are much more than just your Fast Pass on your wrist. With them you basically don't have to carry anything with you on the resort property. They have your room information so yuo can make purchases adn pay for them by swiping your band, and most stores will have the stuff delivered to your room too. They function as your room key as well. This is in addition to holding your park tickets, fast passes, reservationsm, and photo tickets. So yes they greatly simplify a trip and can make it more enjoyable since you don't have to worry about carrying things with you adn loading down your pockets or worrying about losig your credit card or room key or having to hold on to a bunch of ticket slips. All you have is a little bracelet on your wrist for everything.
  16. Seen videos of that and thought it looks like it'd be fun too. Would be a great fit in X-Base as well with the flight theme.
  17. I just posted this in another thread. I think this would be a great addition to X-Base. But as Terpy mentioned they might want to wait for the kinks to get worked out from other parks and see how they run first with the issues HUSS has had in the past.
  18. Another new ride that could be good for X-Base is the new Enterprise model that Huss just unveiled. The new design looks great and could be a fun ride. Lighting package on it could look amazing too
  19. I agree shark. There is lots of space to add stuff in World Showcase to enhance the experience and excite kids more while keeping the traditional feel and educational value as well with the history, architecture, and films/shows. There is a show building in Germany already and room to bring the Ratatouille dark ride over to put in the France area. Had been talks at one time of a brother Bear raft ride in Canada to block the view of the Imagination pavilion and Soarin' buildings from the World Showcase. Not sure Brother Bear was popular to use those exact characters but that would be a good addition. Could bild a bullet train themed coaster in Japan too.
  20. Would love to get a new flat ride or two. Think the grassy area behind the Eiffel Tower is perfect for a couple like a tilt-a-whirl or such. Should be pretty cheap installations for ones like that to get a couple. A new big thrill ride, maybe in X-Base, would be a great addition too. That'd be my top choice but be fine with a new slide tower at Soak City too. It could really use some additions.
  21. Disney is being smart with their new IPs really. Yes they could crank out some rides for Star Wars right now to coincide with the new films but they are waiting to see what people like from the new ones first. In interviews they have stated that they plan to make new Star Wars attractions but want to see what hits with the audience first. Imagine if before Phantom Menace came out and they thought everyone would love Jar Jar Binks and made attractions at all of the parks based around his character. This is why it's smart to wait and see what people like the most. Agree with others too that with the current saturation of the market and initial cost of opening a new park from scratch that the most likely new parks to open will be new ones from Disney or Universal.
  22. Yea with Sea World, and others in the Orlando area, being theme parks they get the attention from more than just numbers. AT these parks the theming and immersion is just as, if not more, important than the height, speed, etc.
  23. As for EPCOT it is still very popular but doesn't have quite the same draw as the other parks. Magic Kingdom is the biggest draw since it is the quintessential Disney. Hollywood Studios is smaller but has some major rides and the two biggest thrill rides in the resort so it can get packed more easily with smaller footprint and less rides. Animal Kingdom offers some big attractions and something unique with the animals. I understand the complaints from some about replacing an educational ride with something fantasy. It kind of goes against the original vision of the park. But as stated they are a business and Norway didn't want to sponsor the pavilion anymore. Besides they aren't replacing everything an turning it into an Arrendale pavilion but just adding a ride. This might actually draw more crowds to see the rest of the educational material they have there. Would love to see some more rides added throughout the other countries. Would really help to update the park. Could see the Ratatouille ride from Disneyland Paris going into France pavilion, and Germany has an empty ride building that could be used for another dark ride. Had been rumors of a rapids ride for Canada that I think would be a great addition. This would allow the countries to update and have a bigger draw for guests, and the park as a whole, while still maintaining their educational value to with other exhibits and shows.
  24. YEa no matter what major new ride we get I don't think anything is going to top The Beast as the parks iconic ride.
  25. Got to watch this for the first time this year over the weekend. Wasn't sure if I'd get to as my group I was with were more into the coasters than a show but one was feeling a bit poor after Firehawk so we went to watch it while the other did FoF. Just as great as last year and love the new trapeze act and the silks. Also wish that there were some more new acts but what is there is fantastic. Though they coudl still change it up some as there were changes made during the season last year so might get some mroe new acts later in the season. Hoping we will ahve a new Skeleton Crew show at Halloween Haunt again this year too.
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