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Everything posted by thegajone

  1. Not sure how much of a "problem" this is, but today I noticed that the KICentral Meet-ups forum is invisible on Tapatalk on my Samsung phone, but I can see it through Tapatalk on my iPad.
  2. Random question: is 1-3 an "ejector seat" on other similar coasters, or is that unique to Magnum? I've only ridden it twice, both times in 1-3 and thought the ride was phenomenal. Of course I was younger back then and far less sensitive to the aches and pains that come with riding that I seem to experience pretty regularly now.
  3. Yeah, instead of living their lives and actually paying attention to the experience itself, a lot of people these days are more interested in sharing their experience via social media than enjoying the actual experience. It completely baffles me. I understand the need for the OCCASIONAL photo as it can often be a trigger for some fond memories, but there's a point where it gets ridiculous!
  4. I guess my only negative comment about the video would be that there's a decent chance I would have purchased one of my first ride on Banshee, but now that I've been on it multiple times, my interest in something like this has decreased significantly.
  5. They say 5 years is the magic number. My first lung mass showed up 1 year after chemo and this one showed up roughly 1.75 years after the last lung mass was removed. As long as they can keep getting to them everything is OK because the procedure to remove the masses isn't terrible by any means, but eventually one of 2 things will happen: it stops coming back or it comes back in an inoperable location. I'd put myself through whatever it takes to get these things to stay away for good if I could, but there just isn't a plan other than "wait and hope", which is a tough plan for my wife and family to deal with.
  6. Yeah it's just a really weird situation to be in. Once osteosarcoma metastasizes in the lungs, there isn't anything they can do other than take out the mass and hope it stops coming back. This is the second time they have had to remove a mass from my left lung, and hopefully the last. Only time can tell though, and that is one agonizing waiting game.
  7. I am very happy to report that I am already on the road to recovery, and it looks like this trip will in fact not be my last of the season! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. Not me! Not that I ever think KI is going to be complacent under CF, but I think competition is a good thing for all involved. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. I don't know why but I am obsessed with pre-drops, to the point where I considered starting a "favorite pre-drop?" thread at one point. I think it's the anticipation of the drop and the rest of the ride combined with the fact that you're no longer attached to the chain and therefore at the point of no return that gets me excited. Son of Beast had a phenomenal pre-drop. I still love Vortex's pre-drop, and I even enjoy The Bat's as well. I loved King Cobra's, especially on the inside (the right) with no catwalk or railing to the side of you. That "exposed" feeling really was neat. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. You talking about the in-line twist? Either way I personally haven't noticed any difference in sound with the ride. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Now both Lakota high school mascots are represented by roller coasters in the region. Cool for them. Already looking forward to my KK/HW/French Lick trip next year that my wife is about to find out about today
  12. One lucky man who also proves that one can make his or her own luck.
  13. In an attempt to pay devil's advocate, I almost wonder if KK's revenue will actually increase next year given last night's announcement. Perhaps enthusiasts will combine a trip to check out the new HW attraction with a stop at KK? I don't know, just a thought.
  14. I see both sides of the tram issue. I'm sure Cedar Fair has weighed the pros and cons and determined the cost of running the trams outweighs the benefit they provide, and I'm not sure I disagree with CF one bit on that one. Having said that I would also love to see them return.
  15. I always personally considered Demon Drop to be a coaster as well, although I'm pretty sure RCDB is not alone in their disagreement with me on that matter.
  16. I agree that it would be cool to see Don get the 100 millionth ride while recognizing someone else as the 100 millionth rider. I'm sure he's content either way though.
  17. What do gypsies have to do with this?Inquisitive Terpy* (The verb gypped or as you put it jipped is offensive to many). The "many" consisting more of white people thinking that Gypsies should be offended by the comment, than Gypsies themselves, by a wide margin.
  18. I often wonder what percentage of daily GA tickets are sold at full price?
  19. Me too but I think Terp has me roughly doubled up in age, so that helps make me feel young again
  20. By far the best spieler in the park is the creepy lady voice-over on FoF who discusses loose articles.
  21. So when referring to KI's Halloween Haunt, I don't necessarily need to capitalize haunt on here?
  22. The forums do permit the action, but you must alter your theme into mobile mode first. Thanks! I thought it was a "feature" of the boards, because even Tapatalk does not allow you to unlike posts after changing pages. I didn't know that you could do it in the mobile web skin. I'm not sure if it's the same across all mobile platforms, but I can definitely like and unlike posts through Tapatalk.
  23. This is an off-base, lazy response. You made no attempt whatsoever to actually comprehend the point that goodyellowkorn and add to the discussion, and instead went with a personal attack that was misguided.
  24. I'm more interested in just seeing Banshee at night with all the lighting and fog, than actually riding it. However the latest I've stayed in the park this year is about 4 pm, so I haven't even come close yet.
  25. This happened my last visit on (I think) FoF. At one point there were 3 ride ops trying to lock the lap bar in place for this guy, and after about a minute it finally locked in. That's putting a lot of faith into something that you're testing to its absolute limit, IMO.
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