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Everything posted by KIBeast

  1. False advertisement is just not that simple. I promise you that you would have to prove that they were purposefully misleading you into thinking that something was there that wasn't. It's not as simple as you said you have it and you don't.
  2. And no, it is not almost false advertisement. When dealing with false advertisement, you have to prove that company did this with some kind of malicious intent.
  3. I've been on those slides at GL and they are a lot of fun. KI could use something like that.
  4. Thanks! I am new to taking pics, so there were some I didn't post because part of the coasters were cut off. I'm going to try and take pics when I go to Fearfest. Should be better than these. On the Raptor photos, I went between a couple of buildings to try and snap some different angles than what I have previously seen.
  5. Don't be so cold, wooferbear. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter if the attorney wrote those lines or not. Fact is, this girl was injured and it was not rider error. Somebody must pay. Case closed.
  6. I just now got the time to do this, so, here are some pics I took at CP. Cedar Point photo bucket
  7. My name is Brian...and I am a Beast addict. Have been ever since about 1982. I still have not kicked the habit and I'm not sure I ever will. I want to do the same thing my grandfather did...ride The Beast well into his 70's. Long Live The Beast!
  8. To the original poster, I hope you stick around. Granted, not the right foot to get off on, but I have made my fair share of complaints in the past. I am sad to hear that ride crews are going downhill. After making my first visit to CP in 2000, I thought to myself, these are some of the best ride crews I've ever been around. Completely blew away KI at that time. About 3-4 years ago, my opinion changed so much that it was a complete 180 in that I was observing KI's crews had greatly improved all the meanwhile, CP's were losing that edge. Seems that it has turned back to CP's favor.
  9. SHHH! I don't know how you found out, but don't let anyone else know! The Lake Erie saltwater keeps messing up the hydraulic launch motor. No, that's all wrong. They are replacing the hydraulic motor with LIMS and will be using the hydraulic motor for the Frog Hopper.
  10. Even though I have no insider info., I'm just going to start by saying no new coaster in '08. I agree with others...Rivertown needs an expansion.
  11. Opinion. If The Bat were made today, there wouldn't be some of the flaws that it had. There were no Auto-Cad programs back then. Therefore, the track would have been banked to begin with. Not sure about the brakes though.
  12. ^Me too! Glad you had a great day at the park. The Beast is still my favorite wooden coaster! Night rides are the best. You know, I always love it when I can interact a little with the employees. It's not that I expect it...but conversation usually happens whether they are asking me about how my day has been or I am wearing a coaster shirt.
  13. Can't wait for Fearfest! My second consecutive year. Last year was a lot of fun! Think we'll see Undertaker?
  14. Other than Disaster Transport, what other theming are you referring to that is so bad at CP? Hardly any of their coasters or rides are themed. Just my opinion, but I don't think the theming that Paramount could afford was all that good and most of the time was not operating soon after the rides opened. Also, I think the theming of TR:TR during ride cycle is just about pointless anyway. Just give me a good ride cycle. That's far better than some crappy sub-par theming anyways. I've also seen CP's landscaping and it's not that bad. There's not as much as KI, but what they have is nicely kept.
  15. Don't forget Thunderhead, PKIVortex! I hear it is not to be missed.
  16. I think maybe a Son of Beast bashing thread may be in order. Not for me to bash on it, just for those who keep insisting on coming in here and telling the world how much you hate it. I'm pretty sure we understood you the first 50,000 times you posted it. Personally, I can't wait to ride it again. I never had a problem with it before and I'm sure I'll love it again.
  17. I just read about the new ride for Dollywood last night over on Coasterbuzz. Sounds like a really good addition for them. They are becoming a well rounded park. This may warrant a trip there next year.
  18. Sounds like they are headed in the right direction. They just needed competent management.
  19. I agree with Scooby. Sounds like a real a-hole to me. I did stupid things when I was 10. However, violence was not involved.
  20. Since their debt load is really LARGE i would be very suprised if star trek and geauga lake would even come close to what they need financially. Ever get the feeling that no matter how many times you make a well-reasoned, logical statement rooted in real-world pragmatism, in some cases it will just never sink in? Yes, and I have seen you experience such events as well. I understand what you are saying but my thinking is that getting rid of properties can do a lot of financial good. I would get rid of Great America, Geauga Lake, and Star Trek. The only other park I could see being in danger would be MIA. I just don't know much about it. What this would do is: 1. They could use the attractions at those parks to add to the other parks for the next couple of years. Between ThunderHawk, Dominator, Double Loop, Head Spin, Invertigo, Vortex, Top Gun, Psycho Mouse, Demon, and maybe a few of the wooden coasters you could almost add a new coaster to each of the left over parks. Plus you could do water park expansions and add a few flats also. I know it costs money to move rides but it is still cheaper than buying new ones. 2. You would think the money they get from selling land (Geauga Lake) and the money they would save from not having to lease land (Great America) would at least help them make their payments on their debt for the next couple of years. Not even wanting to guess how much their payments are. 3. They would save a ton of money on employees. I just think something will happen. The funny thing is last year when I visited Geauga Lake for the first time I said to my friend that I bet they sell the land here and move the rides to other parks. They have done half of that. I have another friend that lives 15 minutes from GL and he thinks its funny that I have gone there the last 2 years. People that live around that park do not respect it very much. Where would they store all of these coasters from other amusement parks to install over the next couple of years? After all, they won't own those parks' properties any more. I would think every ride would have to be torn down and re-built in one year.
  21. The toll was done away with. Now, you only pay parking.
  22. You can buy Starlight admission tickets at the front gate. It's not an on-line special as far as I know. You just have to wait until 5:00pm I believe.
  23. I have heard that the braking on The Bat is different from Top Gun. That would have had to have been fixed, not to mention that it appears they have been dismantled.
  24. Coolness...never seen that before!
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