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Everything posted by BeeastFarmer

  1. ^I'm vaccinated and do not opposed others getting vaccinated. However, your post criticizes the fact that politics has been brought into the debate when in fact you bring politics up in your third sentence. I'm not the TOS police, but I think you are strattling the line there.
  2. I think this is an incomplete analogy. To complete it, it would be as if a car is driving towards a stoplight/sign from a high speed, a part of the car detaches and hits a pedestrian on the sidewalk.
  3. What she did to render aid is admirable. But she did what any HCP would do, to the best of their ability. And in they eyes of any HCP who would hear about this, they would doubt her professional integrity, values, morals and ethics. The best skilled HCP who saves a life devalues his or her standing when they make such a stupid mistake. Patient privacy is pillar of professionalism and hopefully her actions will have consequences. I have rendered aid many times outside the walls of the hospital and would never speak of that out of respect for the patient. My students get it drilled into their heads about not speaking about what they experience in the clinical setting. Unfortunately, this may because a case in point for health care students in the future.
  4. Her intent is unknown. It could be just what you mentioned, it could be that she wants 10 minutes of fame, or it could be terrible discernment. It's completely the wrong thing to do and any healthcare worker should know better. It's no different than an ED trauma nurse posting his notes from the arrival at the ED. "The patient was brought in by EMS and had injuries and....(medical jargon)...But I didn't mention a name or anything. I just want to keep ahead of the rumors that are bound to happen."
  5. While I hope we get it too, I am very happy that KD is getting extra investment.
  6. In your world. If you knew the ethical, moral and legal obligations of a caregiver to a patient, you would understand why the nurse should have never posted anything about the incident. I won't engage with you further because, based on previous posts you have made, you seem to think that you are always correct.
  7. And that is what she should have --kept her own notes. Maybe she thought that CP would supress the incident report to mitigate their liability. Or maybe she thought when she posted it that she would capitalize on her act of being a hero (in this time of medical workers being heroes, there is some pressure to one up the others). All in all, a horrible decision that was in very poor judgement. I will not search for the report and I do not know the gender of the nurse, but I went along with "she" even though she might be a he. I don't like to contribute to the stereotype, but sometimes I do
  8. Ideally, a helicopter takes a trauma to the closest level one trauma center for direct assessment and treatment. In an amusement park, especially CP, this likely is not practical with the tall rides being obstacles, crowd control etc. It is routine for trauma victims to be taken to the nearest hospital for evaluation/treatment and stabalization and then life flighted to the nearest level one trauma center. It has nothing to do with being close to home, preference of family or patient etc. So requesting a helicopter while en route to the first hospital is quite logical. There is a bit of logistical movement with availability of the chopper and staff on board. Shame on this person who posted an incident report on the internet. SHAME SHAME SHAME. When s/he began to treat the patient, s/he began a sacred relationship. To violate the patient's privacy by posting online is reprehensible. S/he may not have been in a hospital, clinic, school or whatever employ s/he has, but patient privacy is still in force outside the workplace. I hope the nursing license is investigated and suspended and s/he is held to the highest standard of the law. @Kenban thank you for the facts. I am not disagreeing with your post, but quoted you because of the shock I experienced reading about the nurse posting this online.
  9. Shame that they pre-empted the announcement since they were not invited. I was not aware it was an invite only announcement, since they are open today. I remain hopeful for this awesome park. They are adding a coaster. But this coaster is a step up from the flat ride it is replacing and it apparently is highly themed. Could this begin a trend? It will be difficult to replace the awesome Volcano: The Blast Coaster, perhaps they will install a highly themed, reliable people eater that will be a signature coaster to the park.
  10. ^Could it be that they want each park to maintain an identity and not a corporate identity? I want themed music as much as anyone, but what works at Kings Dominion wouldn't work at Schiltterbahn. Likewise, a playlist for Valley Fair wouldn't work at Kings Island. However, once we solve the music problem, can we work on area appropriate uniforms?
  11. Every meal I have had on the meal plan this year, with two exceptions, has been was more food than I can eat. French Corner is a "small meal" by design as is the Chet's Plate which are the two meals that were the exceptions I have had. Small meals are the exception, not the rule.
  12. There is/are a way/s that it could be done. The entire ride was built in what 1.5 years? It's probable, but not practical to do it all one season. If they sought proposals and a reputable contractor came back with one to retrack that was very favorable and within budget, they could make it happen. But with current hard material and labor costs, its not likely.
  13. Maybe it's a franchisee that operates both brands in central KY. Their stores are either beside each other or they share a storefront. And I saw a Skyline SM post recently that combined a slice of Larosa's, 2 skyline hot dogs and a Reds game and said something like "You can't get more Cincinatti than this."
  14. ^ I think it boils down to money. Larosa's and Skyline (aren't they owed by the same company?) are park sponsors. Do they pay to be in the park or does KI pay them a royalty fee? Their branding probably is contracted, so it makes sense that they are in two very prominent spots right as you enter the park. Pizza makes sense in the Italian Building.. The Rainbo Bakeri made some sense in 1972 in the Swiss Building.
  15. My experience on The Beast says that the trains ride differently too. Train 2 being the roughest, Train 3 being ok and Train 1 being the best.
  16. I can see that, but it would be exclusive to the market. To a CF park hopper, maybe not but to the vast amounts of local passholders it might be hit. It would be third chicken offering at KI, though. I disagree about Skyline. To the traveler, it is about as unique as it gets. To locals, its everywhere. You also have the theming issue--like Asian food in the Festhaus, Greek food in the Swiss Building. Nothing says Cincy like Skyline and the "e-yack-see-yent" of the tri-state area. LaRosa's--I agree. Every park has pizza and even though it is unique to the area, it is just pizza. A profit machine.
  17. Hmmmm....I think I have heard this before....replace Kill Mart with a climate controlled eatery with porch dining overlooking The Racer. But I was told that was impractical and we already have enough indoor dining. LOL. But serously...how about Mrs. Knotts Chicken across the chain?
  18. I will say, however, that the Peanuts meet and greet in the petting zoo has been awesome this year. When I am with friends we always stop by for photos. The characters and escorts are great.
  19. This was a marketing mistake. They used a shot from Cedar Fair's secret park, a sister park in North's Korea called Kims Island.
  20. I think they need to extend the Peanuts Gang out into the park more. I don't think they would do it as extensively as Taft did with HB, but it would be nice to see characters on International Street. Maybe even have Snoopy conducting the Royal Fountain like he does at Canada's Wonderland.
  21. If KI were to open earlier in the season and stay open later, they would need a different workforce. I think the most logical would be a senior workforce. One good thing from the pandemic is that I have seen more senior workers in the park than ever before. We had a good conversation with two litter gitters who were retired (if I remember correctly, one was an engineer in his early 60's and the other was a school guidance counselor and was 55). They loved it and said they plan on coming back next year even if pay is lowered.
  22. @Snowball thank you for all you have done to make Grand Carnivale excellent Because of work being short staffed, I have only made it up there once this year and it was great! Please pass the feeling on to your coworkers who really made KI magical this summer.
  23. The 2036 comment was a tounge in cheek reference to the theory that KI gets a type of ride CP got 20 years prior (Raptor/Banshee and Millie/Onion). No other speculation than that
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