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Adams Family Coaster


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Is the Adams Family Coaster concept something that was brewed up here or something that was in a poll from PKI? I am new here so be kind. I think this would be awesome. Set it back in a treed corner of the park and theme it well. The ride platform could look like an old haunted mansion. Not to mention it would go well during October.

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It was a pretty detailed concept that was described in a Paramount new attraction survey last Spring. It was actually described in the same survey where the Italian Job was first mentioned. (Although, when I first read the IJ:ST description at the time it sounded more like Test Track at Epcot than the coaster that was eventually revealed...)

The description and concept art sounded like a B&M dive machine that started out in a haunted house and "dove" straight down into the family crypt. Hopefully it will get built at some point (and at PKI!)


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Yeah, it described walking through a bit of the mansion in the que line, then going into a preshow that involved an explosion in the fireplace, then riding Uncle Fester's new invention to the attic, where you suddenly drop vertically then shoot out of the mansion into the family graveyard for a series of quick turns and sudden drops around the tombstones and mausoleums. Also, it appeared to contain animatronic figures, like Uncle Fester in the attic. I think it would be cool if right before you went down the drop, shutters in the attic would open up and you could see how high you were just like in Tower of Terror, and people could watch you drop, then they would close back up again. And they could have maybe a strobe go off right when you drop(or take your picture). And yes, as I've been saying for a while that I think this ride will end up at the park in 2007, possibly where Sleepy Hollow Horror was at this year's Fear Fest. That could be the graveyard, and the mansion could sit right in front of the pond just a little bit to the left of the graveyard. It would be really cool if the que stretched around the house and you could walk by the pond and maybe they could have smoke rolling over a part of it or have an old dock with a little row boat that's half sunk and a little lantern out on it. That'd be really spooky and cool. I'd also like to see you enter through the front door and wrap around the main hall, while maybe Gomez(an animatronic figure)stands on the staircase and talks to you like the Maestro did in Phantom Theater. Maybe the kids could be up on the balconies, or behind doors and occasionaly come out and talk to Gomez and the park guests from above. That'd be so awesome.

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  The-Snapper said:
The park doesnt need to revamp NC it is already the best in the world. They should concentrate on things like keeping the park clean and getting better food service.

Well I just got back from Las Vegas Star Track ride and area. Paramount Parks sould clean this area up it was so run down I would not go again. If Paramount whats to be a movie park then start cleaning up the parks.

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When I went to Guaga Lake, back in 2002 when it was still under the banner of Six Flags, I was not impressed with it. Also, Cedar Point is quite awesome when it comes to landscaping and cleanliness. But PKI just has some sort of magic to it that makes it special to me. Yeah, they could use a little TLC with the bathrooms and more eco people to make it spic and span, but there is always room for improvement. Of all the parks I`ve been to, I`d rate PKI right up there with CP. Although both PKI and CP pale in comparison to the Disney parks in Florida. At least PKI is attempting to theme rides so that they are immersive, a lesser degree to what Disney does.

Additionally, I don`t have a problem witht he food service. I just get the Cincinnati traditions LaRosas or Skyline. That is if I don`t leave the park and go up the road to Burger King or Skyline where it is much cheaper to eat, not to mention the fact that you get free refills at those places.

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The food service has its ups and downs. It seems like the people are always friendly, but need to do a little work on multitasking so lines can be cut through more quickly. I recall waiting in line for almost 20 mins behind 4 people at the Dip n Dots place in Coney on the last day the park was open last season. It seemed like the person working the stand almost didn't know how to operate the register.

Is this anyone's fault? Not really. Some people just need to have a little more training before being unleashed into the public. Then again, this is totally made up for by the rides department in which almost everybody is quick, efficent, and very personable.

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I think part of the food department`s service issues could be in part related to the volunteer program. I know that when I volunteered last year and was sent to Subway. One of the other volunteers with me was put on the cash register. Now granted it wasn`t a very busy day (Friday before Labor day) but he still had trouble and was slow at ringing things up. Part of the problem could be that people don`t want to work in foods when they can work in foods at any place outside the park, but that is no excuse. After going to Disney World, and seeing how efficiently they do their food stands, it does make PKI`s service and speed seem pathetic. But at Disney, they have to move quickly to get the amount of people they have through those restaurants.

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If they are trying to keep up with Disney and Universal, the ideas are well thought out, and stored for future use. I expect that the Addams Family coaster will come and be placed in the spot where Sleepy Hollow was located, just to bring more customers to the Rivertown side. PKI needs a haunted dark ride, badly!

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