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Kentucky Kingdom

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The bank, which refused to lend more than the $15 million it did for this project, is now tooting its own horn:


Note that the loan is secured by the taxpayers of Kentucky's land at the park....

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Ode to the Shuttle Loop Coaster....


"There was a time, there was a place
When this ride's technology set the pace.

... The simple drop of a forty-ton weight
Jerked riders forward - from zero to 58.

A run of straight track vaulted riders into a loop;
Some became queasy, while others whooped.

Fans would come from near and far
For the thrill of riding in the front car.

The 70's and 80's were her prime;
She was a great coaster for her time.

Everything has a season; everything has a reason,
And today, when we must finally tell her so long.
We promise you this - her spot won't be empty for long.


The Shuttle Loop Coaster
1978 - 2009

AKA: Greezed Lightnin’
Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom 2003-2009

AKA: Viper
Six Flags Over Georgia 1995 - 2001"

( https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=605729856127857&set=a.599973010036875.1073741827.150584424975738&type=1&theater )

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So reading their Facebook, there are several people who are pretty tiffed off that Greezed Lightning is being torn down. I understand the memories that were made on the coaster but many are over looking the whole fact that the ride was determined to not be on the rehab list due to the fact that it is beyond repair. Why would they save the ride to just sit there if they can't reopen it?

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For more pictures of Greezed Lightnin' Deconstruction check out these pictures I found earlier....They were posted on Theme Park Review by Midgetman82 so all photo credit goes to him and only him. (I am not a member of ThemeParkReview.com)
















(All photo credit goes to the photographer Midgetman82 from ThemeParkReview.com, I did not take the pictures, he did.)

For these pictures and more....http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1331362#p1331362

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In an ironic twist, before its removal, Greezed Lightning was the tallest coaster at Kentucky Kingdom once Chang left for SFGadv. That title is now held by T2, which means for at least the 2014 season, KK's tallest roller coaster will be SBNO- unless the new-for-2014 coaster is taller. Given that the park has stated the location of the new coaster will be GL's old spot, I cannot help but think...the Intamin Impulse KK never got under Six Flags could finally cometh? :wacko:

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The ride was also 35 years old. Most steel coasters from this era have a "normal" lifespan of 25 years or so, so Greezed' Lightning was already living on borrowed time, so to speak. It was just so old, being SBNO for 3 years and numerous re-locations were just too much for it, pretty much.

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I am curious what this new coaster could be. The park has stated that it will be steel and cost $7 million. Anyone have any ideas of current steel coasters that had the same price tag? I am thinking a launched Eurofighter.

A launched Eurofighter will have a much heftier price tag than 7 million.
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