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What`s next for Son of Beast?


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The more I see of the New Texas Giant, the less and less it looks like the Texas Giant. While the ride looks exciting I am not sure what the point is in keeping the structure or ride name, when the new layout is completely unlike the original. Also I find the train design to be extremely weird. Plexi glass windows because clerances are going to be tight? Strange to me.

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i wonder if they could do like what they did with the loop? how it was steel the rest was wood. do that to the first rose bowl and leave the rest the same. cheap and able to make lots of people happy. i would love to ride the ride that is all wooden the once in a life time feel. it is not true yet that it wont or will be open 2011.

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  On 12/1/2010 at 3:57 AM, son of beast214 said:

i wonder if they could do like what they did with the loop? how it was steel the rest was wood. do that to the first rose bowl and leave the rest the same. cheap and able to make lots of people happy. i would love to ride the ride that is all wooden the once in a life time feel. it is not true yet that it wont or will be open 2011.

I'm pretty sure that the only steel part of the loop was its structure, the track was still wood coaster track.

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  On 12/1/2010 at 2:46 AM, Indyguy4KI said:
  On 11/30/2010 at 11:13 PM, The Interpreter said:

Just imagine what that plexiglass will look like by week 3, much less year 3....

I don't see those lasting long!

Terpy once those get all scratched, yellowed, and a few pieces of gum they will be quite lovely. Why not cage them in like on Dollywood's Veggie Tales SideShow Spin. Talk about an uncomfortable ride.

and Indyguy The plexiglass is not going anywhere because it is there to prevent arms from going sideways out of the train, looks like there are some clearance issues out the side.

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  On 11/30/2010 at 8:14 PM, Browntggrr said:
  On 11/30/2010 at 5:06 PM, 74Gibson said:
With all due respect, how can the new Texas Giant not look fun?

SoB looks to be a fantastic ride?


We were talking about looks;) I don't assume much about rides until I've been on them.

  On 11/30/2010 at 8:26 PM, Fear the Four said:

No it doesn't :P

Agreed. To me, it's a boring layout. It does look absolutely amazing and beautiful. A true engineering marvel...almost

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The more I see of the New Texas Giant, the less and less it looks like the Texas Giant. While the ride looks exciting I am not sure what the point is in keeping the structure or ride name, when the new layout is completely unlike the original. Also I find the train design to be extremely weird. Plexi glass windows because clerances are going to be tight? Strange to me.

Sometimes when a new building is built, part of the old structure is used...because of its history, beauty, or in most occasions, both.

I'm a proud alum of Ohio State University...take a look at their new library:


The building has had two major renovations, and on each occasion, much of the old structure was left intact...but clearly it is an entirely new structure today than it was.

This is the same principle.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/1/2010 at 12:30 PM, son of beast214 said:

i wish they would just tell us what will happen to sob!

where is mother beast? has 2 kids and she isn't around to see them i think that would be a good 40th anniversary+ sob.

When the park has decided what they want to do with it, they will say something. Until then, all we can do is remain hopeful that it will reopen.

I personally loved that ride in its original form. Sure, it was rough, but that was part of the fun in my opinion. It's unfortunate that they were not able to leave it that way. I did ride it once in its second form (in 2009, a month or two before it was closed), and didn't like it nearly as much. It wasn't that the loop was gone - it just wasn't the same ride with those trains. If they can get lightweight trains that actually fit the track well, it would probably work out quite nicely.

A lot depends on how many nickels it will take to get the ride to a state that the park management likes well enough to reopen it (and, possibly, whether or not Kinzel's successor likes hoarding nickels as much as he does...)

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Q would apparently say Mr. Kinzel likes using nickels that should be distributed to unit holders to pay off debt instead, as well.

Anyway, those lightweight trains, as you called them, HAD been modified to fit the track, and did so...very well. When trains shuffle, as they appeared to on Son of Beast from day one, there are at least two major possibilities that could cause that. For many years, work was repeatedly done on the track to address the issue (a state report would later say this was done not in a unified way, but in a very reactive fashion). Later, the other major possibility, the trains, was addressed. And now...

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Not all work that is done in this world can be seen. Some work done in this world is seen only later. And some never is.

Sometimes good things come to those who wait...and sometimes not.

Terp, who likes making what sometimes are random observations, and sometimes are not...but who makes neither stanza nor rhyme before it's time...and soon it's next year

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  On 12/18/2010 at 5:47 AM, son of beast214 said:

why is no work being do on sob? is their? if anyone knows please share!!!

There is work being done. But those who know shall not tell. Unless if course they plan on quitting soon, because they will end up being fired.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 1/10/2011 at 10:40 PM, kipopo88 said:

And for the people who think employees have no clue well most of the time they dont, they go off of what they have heard from other peoples whisperings but it is true most of the time that the home crew knows something in advance because I knew a month in advance of the two possible opening days in july for SOB in 07 and about the new coaster cars etc.

You knew of two possible opening days?

Now that IS intresting inside information!

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  On 1/10/2011 at 10:40 PM, kipopo88 said:

Not that what I have to say is extremely important, but I can tell you as a former employee at KI from 05-07 seasons and having GUN/SOB being my home rides that people that work on the home ride usually hear about whats happening before the public. I can also tell you that as a former employee of KI that it is a widely know fact that if your caught posting on KIC that you get termed without question because I have seen it happen. I was able to be lucky enough to help bring up some of the test dummies and help do test runs and held the second button by the exit gate from the platform of SOB during the infamous testing that took forever. And for the people who think employees have no clue well most of the time they dont, they go off of what they have heard from other peoples whisperings but it is true most of the time that the home crew knows something in advance because I knew a month in advance of the two possible opening days in july for SOB in 07 and about the new coaster cars etc. And on a quick side note, I would be sad if they do tear it down... I have lots of good memories of working at KI on SOB. The puke and pee, hot days... ; ) All in all though, I would be sad because I remember the times we got to ride once or twice after the park shut down... and All the great "test rides" we would take... Great times!!!!!

Posting on KIC is not and can not get you fired. It what you post that gets you fired. My managers knew I was a member on KIC and I was never fired.

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  On 1/12/2011 at 8:23 AM, KILateNighter said:

[original post deleted by user, removed also here as a courtesy]

Not only has this been considered a violation of the Terms of Service, you are kidding yourself if you think there are those who don't know. Further, posting "anything you want" can result in the park (or someone else) taking legal action against you in some cases. Or self help (as in a busted nose...or being followed around in parks, or being denied entry to a park in the Carolinas on nice sunny spring day...any of which may be theoretical and/or a mere coincidence I am sure).

I have seen this on other forums. I'd hate to see it happen here. I, for one, am very careful what I post here....I don't post anything here I wouldn't want to see posted in The New York Times, for example. In fact, what I have posted here has later appeared in that and other media outlets...and as the original author I retain responsibility for what I post. I am VERY careful what I say. I'd suggest you do likewise. And I do not now, nor have I ever, rely on Dick Kinzel & Associates for even one nickel of my income. Thankfully.

Along those same lines, do not think that just because you may no longer work for the park, the terms of any employer/employee relationship have ended. That is not always the case, nor totally true.

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To echo the Interpreter`s comments, creating a separate account to post inside information will at the very least result in your accounts being banned. We have many tools to identify people that have multiple accounts.

Also, as Interpreter mentioned, losing your job over posting such information could very well be the least of your worries, depending on what information you leaked. The park employs spokespersons for a reason, and that is they are the ones who talk with the media to issue the park`s position on items. You, as a low level front of the line employee do not have all the information or the rite to disclose information which is not public knowledge.

In summation, be very careful with what you post here on KIC and on other websites. Information posted to the internet can be traced back to you. And there can and will be ramifications if you post something that you aren`t comfortable having published in a newspaper. Bottom line, the posting of inside information will NOT be tolerated here on KIC, and creating anonymous accounts to do so will also not be tolerated. And you could get in far worse trouble then just getting kicked off of KIC.

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Didn't mean my post in that way, more of a way as KI probally dont like people who are employees saying stuff like, I think KI needs to improve on Customer Service and things like that, I would never say even that and definitly not somthing that the GP don't already know. Sorry for any confusion.

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One of the reasons for SOB's closing was due to the last report of an injury. I seen a news report on it. The ride went SBNO after that. The people who can really say the ride will open again is Kings Island and The State of Ohio. http://www.wlwt.com/news/19826324/detail.html . I read on Facebook on Kings Island's page that someone had said that they wasn't going to the park this year because SOB was closed. I been in Kings Island's customer service office alot to do the kid wrist band things. I can tell you that they deal with alot of people who fly off the handle for no reason. And the funny thing is, the people have a kid with them while they are cussing out the customer service people for some dumb reason. Trust me, i would rather deal with Cedar Fair's customer service then with Six Flags customer service.

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Just because b happened after a does not necessarily mean a caused b. If you eat at Dairy Queen for lunch today and get deathly ill tonight, it doesn't necessarily mean you food poisoning from Dairy Queen...(for instance, the deathly ill could be from a contagious disease you were exposed to last week, or something you ate for breakfast).

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Not to mention, the state of Ohio inspected Son of Beast after that woman had the supposed burst blood vessel (that she reported 2 weeks after riding Son of Beast. So there's no proof that Son of Beast actually caused her burst blood vessel), and after inspecting the ride, they declared it safe to re-open. It was Kings Island's own choice to close it. Either to make improvements, demolish it, or do nothing. According to them....they still haven't decided yet...

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  On 1/20/2011 at 2:30 PM, Browntggrr said:
  On 1/20/2011 at 11:49 AM, kjkjkj said:

According to them....they still haven't decided yet...

Or the money is not availble yet...

It took about 3 years for Drachen Fire to finally be dismantled after it was shut down.

I was really wondering if they set aside some Wind Seeker construction money to start work on SOB, whatever that may be? But with them really sprucing up Coney Mall, I doubt they have a lot of contingency money left for SOB.

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