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WindSeeker Construction is underway


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  On 11/9/2010 at 1:46 AM, Indyguy4KI said:

Just taking a stab here, but I am guessing they had to go to get construction equipment in? I could be wrong, bur don't think they would spend the money to remove them if not necessary.

I could sort of see that (or they're removing those planters? I wouldn't cry if they did that, as long as they're replaced...), I guess. But there's also that one in the middle of Coney Mall between Skyline and the arcade... I would understand if one of them had died or something, but they could have at least planted *something* there other than grass.

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Aren't we all hoping that when they install this ride that Coney Mall gets a good refurb? Like pavers replacing that ugly ol blacktop and such. Well, hopefully that is happening and the trees were removed to facilitate that plan. I'm sure they will put something back. Not to mention where everyone says the ride is going WILL require the removal of a whole lot of trees in that area.

Edit-- I realize the trees are in a paver area already and I'm sure those were removed to bring in construction equipment and crap like that.

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I wouldn`t hold my breath on that. A few years back, KI removed several of the other planters that held trees in that area of Coney Mall (by Juke Box Diner and the Speed Pitch. Although, these planters were lined with brick walls, and not just cast in place concrete walls.

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  On 11/9/2010 at 5:38 AM, KIfan1980 said:
  On 11/9/2010 at 3:25 AM, AZ Kinda Guy said:

I'm glad they are cutting down the trees.

I know, if they hadn't, what would we be complaining about following the announcement that construction on the new ride was starting.

The lack of a construction webcam so as we could watch their every move 24/7 as if we had no social lives outside of the time we spend on our computers just like we did with Diamondback?

Oh, wait....

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With any new construction, tree removal is likely. Also with new construction, a tree study is performed as to which trees will be able to survive and which will have to be removed as just changing the grade of soil during construction can kill a nearby tree 4 to 5 years down the line.

I can only imagine the uproar that would heard from enthusiasts if a tree that was saved during new construction later died and fell on a park guest or the ride itself.

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  On 11/9/2010 at 1:18 AM, dr_humor said:

Luckily, do to new advances in science and technology, researchers have discovered that trees can actually grow back.

I literally laughed out loud on this! :)

  On 11/9/2010 at 1:23 AM, goodyellowkorn182 said:
  On 11/9/2010 at 1:18 AM, dr_humor said:

Luckily, do to new advances in science and technology, researchers have discovered that trees can actually grow back.

But only if a strange small, round, rock-like object is placed into the dirt (gross, I know) and cared for.

That's the only problem I have. Diamondback's splashdown has made Rivertown into an open plaza with a concrete pool in the center. Now, if they had planted dozens of pine trees and birches and maples around the lagoon, I wouldn't mind. But there are like, five or six dogwoods. Twenty years from now, that will still be nothing more than an open plaza with a few little trees around it, whereas planting just a few more trees of various types a year ago would guarantee that it would one day return to its dense forested feel.

Cedar Fair has improved markedly from its former feelings towards atmosphere and landscaping, but there's still quite a ways to go... They're going in the right direction. But if they buy 100 baby oak trees and plant them around Diamondback, The Crypt, Planet Snoopy, and most importantly Boomerang Bay and Action Zone, the park will look beautiful 10 - 15 years down the road. That sort of foresight and care would mean a lot!

I'd love your idea of having a dense forested feel. Yeah, dozens of pine trees and birches, maples around the lagoon would look great! However, would the leaves falling during the Haunt be a good thing or a hindernce?

I'm excited to see what the WindSeeker construction will bring to Coney Mall. I personally would love to feel like I'm walking through a highly themed midway and would love to see pavers in place of the blacktop. I've always found the part where WindSeeker is going a little too dark. I'd love to see some great lighting, carnival lighting if possible.

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  On 11/9/2010 at 3:51 PM, The Beast Rider said:

I hope they replace the blacktop with pavers as well. The work they did in Rivertown and on International Street looks really nice! I am surprised that no one has mentioned that being in the back of Coney Mall, WindSeeker should provide some interesting views of The Beast as well!

Oh it's been mentioned... I can't wait!

I love the pavers too. They are crazy expensive though so I'm very grateful that we've gotten what we have.

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Gibson, you are right. The pavers are expensive and very labor intensive as compared to asphalt or even concrete. I have done many paver projects and the amout of labor alone is enough of a factor to go a different route, especially on large scale. I hope this area gets the DB plaza treatment when it is all said and done.

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  On 11/9/2010 at 5:21 PM, flightoffear1996 said:

I would be happy with just concrete instead of the backtop.

According to Jeff Gramke, the blacktop in Coney Mall replaced the failed concrete that was originally there. Rather than replace the concrete with concrete, asphalt was easier to install and maintain. Hopefully what Mr. Gramke said a few weeks ago was true, and the concrete/asphalt in Coney Mall now will be replaced with pavers.

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Tree replacement and Wetlands replacement are two very different items. From my experience (different industry), wetlands replacement is governed by state law and requires that wetlands are replaced at a 3:1 or greater ratio when looking to obtain a construction permit for work in a designated wetlands. I don't know if any of the WindSeeker site is considered wetlands, but Coney Mall is almost certainly not :).

Tree replacement can be a stipulation from a planning department when someone looks to redistribute/develop a property and is looking for planning permission. I'm assuming that most of KI property (subject to setbacks, easements, limitations on total developed acres, etc.) is able to be developed as part of the amusement park.

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  On 11/9/2010 at 11:53 PM, CedarPointer said:

I'm surprised that KI isn't required to replace every tree they remove. My housing development's builder was, I don't see why a major theme park doesn't have to. (actually, the builder was required to replace each tree with two trees...)

From the looks of the photos the trees were in planters that were obviously planned and planted there like any landscaping.

It's not like were talking about 100 year old oak trees is it?

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Considering how much forested land Kings Island owns, I'm surprised they don't transplant trees, although I would expect said process to be a pretty expensive and lengthy process, what with finding mature trees and figuring out how long its roots extend, or something of that nature...

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That is what the caption for the image says, isn`t it?

It will be interesting to see how traffic flows next year, back with The Vortex exit, the entrance and exit for WindSeeker and the Action Theater. Especially during Haunt, with Urgent Scare back there.

Hopefully those restrooms back there receive some TLC as well. In fact, in general I think some of KI`s restrooms could use some sprucing up. Not necessarily new fixtures and such, but some of the counter tops around the sinks look like they have been untouched since the early 90`s or before. I even witnessed some restrooms that had broken tiles on the backsplashes, etc. Not a lot of tiles, just one or two. But still, it is all about image. I mean, when was the last time that new restrooms were built at KI? 2004 with the expansion of Boomerang Bay saw some new restrooms, but as far as the dry side of the park, I have no clue.

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