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New Park Map Teaser


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Submitted for your approval, taken right out of the Math and Science Days workbook:

Umm, is it just me, or in my 18 years of riding Adventure Express have i just missed that drop at the end? I'm personally not a big fan of this map. The old style I found to be more detailed, and some things were more to scale. Also, in perfect Cedar Fair style, there is not one tree on the map. The old style wasn't perfect, but better than this in my opinion.

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So CF is getting rid of all the trees?

Obviously teasing!

I'm okay with this map...I'm not wowed by it. I feel it's a bit to simple...but thats what people like in maps...as long as it tells them the basic information they're golden. I did laugh when I saw Diamondback and Beast just out there in the open!

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The map looks to be folded in half and 2/3 of the map are exposed, the other 1/3 looks to be covered by another map. Are they just trying to hide the new Coney Mall on the map or lite the fire of SOB. Is SOB really there, or are we SOL.

The guy in the photo has a sense of humor. It's not brilliant and witty like mine, but it is there.

I think many of you hit the nail on the head -- there are pages and pages of discussion as a result of a fold on the map. I mean, really?

Oh, and for the record - I doubt SOB will show its wonderful self on the map this year. I don't know any more than any of you, but that's my thought.

Now sit back, relax and crack open a refreshing RC Cola. It's almost opening day!!!

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I find it funny how Diamondback is as out of "bounds" on this map as the previous map. I do like how the layouts of the coasters are dynamically improved on this map (e.g. Flight Deck, Beast and Vortex) but others (Adventure Express) I'm not so sure about.

I like the map, but I find it very awkward looking at Kings Island without any trees.

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Those who visit the park, especially for the first time, would much rather know a simplistic map of where attractions and shops and shows are compared to where trees are in relation to them.

I agree, the trees were ok before, but served no purpose for finding rides, shops, and rest rooms. The treeless map is a lot cleaner and easier to read for first time guests.

I also think the ride scale is meant to be funny and makes the map have more character. I am ok with it either way.

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^^^ I saw that on Twitter too and got a good laugh too.

Honestly people, it is a map. And I actually kind of like, nice to get a change every once in a while. I think everyone can rest assured that the map is not an indication of future plans to tear down every tree in the park. And for everyone mad about the depictions of the rides, the new map is just as accurate on most rides and more so on a few others. I'm surprised no one who is mad about the 'big hill' at the end of Adventure Express has gotten mad about how The Racer ends side by side on the side close to Flight of Fear on the old map. It's a map everyone, not the end of the world.

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Awful - how can they Put that garbage in front of us and not Realize that It will cause many people to visit Less this summer. For a park that Once had an Outstanding map with nice red Lines showing exact layouts of coasters, this Supposed map is just not acceptable.

Please tell me that this is Only for the math and Science brochure and is not the True map.

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