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When I began to experience grey outs, it was during times at the park where we would go from coaster to coaster without a break, walk right on without waiting in line.

Later found out the problem was caused by low blood sugar, plus the fact that going onto so many rides in rapid succession didn't help. It might help to eat once in a while during park visits.

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Apparently, as of a few regular doctor visits ago, I've actually got slightly low blood pressure, which isn't necessarilly a bad thing, but I tend to black out somewhat easily if I haven't had anything solid to eat for a few hours prior to riding rides. The most notorious for me is the helix on BLSC. Funny thing is, I never black out on Diamondback or any other tall rides, it just seems to happen with centrifugal force. Regardless, I still enjoy all the rides I can get throughout the day.

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  On 8/5/2012 at 9:55 PM, TheCrypt said:

^The reason you black out on Backlot Stunt Coaster's helix is because of the intense positive G'a it pulls at the bottom of the helix. It's one of the most intense elements in the park.

I told ohiocolts and dudecoasterman this. I really think it is one of (if not the) toughest elements in the park as well. I struggle with it every time.

Back to the topic:

I finally experienced my first gray out ever on my night ride on Vortex Saturday. I had been in the park since 11 am and it was about 9pm. I rode a lot (31 rides during the day) and during the second loop I grayed out. I was looking at the lights on WindSeeker and they almost disappeared as I was looking at them... After the loop I was okay. Pretty scary/weird experience.

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  • 1 year later...

I've only greyed out on Invertigo, and Diamondback. Diamondback.. after the surprise of greying out, I considered my body position. I was tired, and it was my alone day, I had my head down.

Invertigo on the other hand, I've only rode it a few times. I could probably tighten up and avoid it, but the ride doesn't interest me to the point I feel like the bother.

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  On 8/24/2013 at 11:07 PM, AlexHunter1997 said:

I Blackedout today on the Invertigo.... i was so worried of i was okay it was only for a few seconds and i dont think there is anything wrong with me im only 16...

Invertigo does 5 g's which is pretty intense-I won't ride it any more because I have come pretty close several times to fainting on that ride.

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I have greyed out 2 times, both from my recollection were on Backlot. I hate greying/blacking out on any ride, because it just doesn't seem right and it shouldn't, usually if i do grey out, I take a small break and just relax with my favorite Coca-Cola product, then ride it again! :D

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Well.. glad to see I'm not the only one!
I've had it on basically every coaster that has been mentioned at KI except Flight Deck. Invertigo, Back lot Stunt Coaster, Diamondback, and Vortex.

I typically will see it worsen if I've a headache during the day and I still ride (not painful but just causes me to get tunnel vision very near to complete black out.)

And now I have Justin Timberlake stuck in my head, since I've said that term.

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The only time I've ever greyed out on was Tennessee Tornado, cresting the first loop. Of course, this was the last leg of an east coast tour of 5 parks, one per day, in the middle of summer....I was exhausted when we got to the park (first time to go there). Most likely it was dehydration that caused it to happen to me.

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I've only grayed out once, and that was on Millennium Force. I was sitting in the very last seat and started to gray out about halfway through the ride. I don't know if it was because I had worked an eight hour shift before going to Cedar Point, or if it was because it was the first ride I went on, but it freaked me out a bit because it had never happened to me before. The funny thing is, it hasn't happened to me since, not even after I rode it 10 times in a row last year at Boo Buzz.(I'll never ride it 10 times in a row again, it made me feel a bit dizzy when I was done.)

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I grayed out on Vortex on Sunday. Right at the start of the second loop till about half way through about 3 seconds. I usually do not grey out, except once in a while right there on Vortex, but not that much. It was quite warm out and was getting sun burned at that point, so I am not sure if that was a contributing factor, or it could be I was is a bad position?

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Do what fighter pilots do to combat the G forces: Squeeze your butt cheeks constantly and take rapid deep breaths. While pilots wear G suits to keep the blood flow to their upper body, they also use this technique. The pilots for the air force Thunderbirds do not wear G suits and use this technique while flying their jets in their shows.

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