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Kings Island Lost One of Their Own On Wednesday

Guest rcfreak339

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Guest rcfreak339

It hurts having to tell anyone this, but I think it deserves some attention on this board. On Wednesday, December 26th, Kings Island lost one of their own. Jessica Galley, a former rides associate at The Racer, lost her life in an car accident. She was only 18 years old, a freshman at the University of Cincinnati, and a graduate of Mason High School.

I was lucky enough to work with Jessica Galley the past two years of her life, and become a close friend to her. She was a terrific young women who had an incredible heart. She always wanted to make people smile, and make sure nobody was left out. Every time I saw her she always had the biggest smile on her face, that seemed to light up a room, one that can't be matched. I'll always remember the fun quirky moments at work, the Cedar Point trips, the concerts, and everything that made us friends.

When you work at Kings Island, you don't just "meet" people. You meet people that will change you forever, people you will never forget. Jessica was one of these friends that have impacted my life greatly and I know she left the same impact on everyone she has spoken to.

Please pray for the Galley family, I simply can't imagine what they must be going though. Pray for Jessica's friends and hope they stay strong through this. Below I have included a news article on the accident, which includes a video of a reunion her friends had to remember her.

Rest in peace Jessica, you will be greatly missed by everyone you have touched.

Best regards,

Cody Johnson



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Wow, Thats terrible news...... God bless her family and loved ones. I have known her for a few years, not on a very personal level but me and her have had our fair share of good conversations over the past few years. She was an incredible person and a great KI employee, She will definitly be missed.

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When you work at Kings Island, you don't just "meet" people. You meet people that will change you forever, people you will never forget.

Well said Cody.

I first met Jess when we rode up to Cedar Point together, within the first hour we were already singing to Ke$ha in my car. Very outgoing and accepted everyone. She'll be missed.


(On the way to Cedar Point a train stopped, thus stopping traffic, so we jumped out and posed for a picture)

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As a long time employee of Kings Island, I feel the loss of one of our own. I have met lots of people while working at Kings Island and we get to be part of a big family. It was indeed very sad to hear it was one of our own that died in that awful accident. May she find the joy and ever lasting life in the presence of our Lord. Rest In Peace dear friend.

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I am so sorry for your loss. I too experienced losing a friend at a young age, and many questions pop into your brain with sadly no real answers. I am so sorry for her friends and family. My heart is heavy for everyone. Too many tragedies lately.

Please take a moment and make plans with your friends and family. A tragedy like this shows that when our time is up, it is up and sometimes it comes at a time we may not understand. Please use this experience to cherish every moment.

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I, too, worked with Jess over the Summer, it is a very shocking thing to hear of this.

Any time someone's life is taken from them without warning, especially at a young age, we all seem to understand the value of life that much better. This notion, unfortunately, is alive once again.

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I feel so bad for her family, friends and associates. When I look at the ride associates, I think to myself how great their lives will be, they have this great experience, and are having fun at a hard working job at a young age. I'm sorry her time was cut short.

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15 years ago I lost a good friend of mine in a car accident. He was only 17. I understand completely the pain that her friends and family must be feeling. It's something that you never really get over or ever really understand. I always hate to read news like this because I know how badly it hurts the loved ones of those lost. Thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who was affected by this tragedy.

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