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  On 5/14/2013 at 4:51 AM, Tanna said:
  On 5/13/2013 at 10:05 PM, SonofBaconador said:
  On 5/13/2013 at 7:14 PM, Colonel_SoB_fan said:

We will not be getting a wing rider.

Did anyone see that guy just laying there at 0:12?

I like the guy posing in the background.

I like the idea of variety, too. It's okay to have mainstays, especially in the kids' park, but to have signature coasters in every park makes people want to travel to experience them.

Well wouldnt KI have a few rides that are signature coasters, that are not clones of other park's rides (Flight Deck, Beast, Racers, Adventure Express). Mainly due to how each ride uses the land around it to create a unique experience, as oppose to the Stunt Job Ride, Face Off (can never remember its new name), FoF where the rides dont incorporate the land around them and could be found anywehre.

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  On 5/12/2013 at 3:11 AM, XjoshhyX said:
  On 5/12/2013 at 12:06 AM, Diamondback96 said:

I'm getting a banner ad on another site for KI. It has what looks like Leviathan's trains on it.

B&M Giga confirmed.

Gotta love CF not putting enough into marketing to make the ads park specific, other than the name of the park.

I do this type of Graphic Design/Marketing work for a local company. It's really not hard to swap in a new background to make an ad or banner specific to a certain thing. I do it all the time. It's kind of ridiculous that Cedar Fair is too lazy or cheap (which ever the case may be) to do the same thing for their parks which are WAY bigger businesses than the one I work for. If our small company can do it with just a team of one (myself), then there is no excuse for Cedar Fair's marketing team to take such shortcuts.

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  On 5/14/2013 at 4:59 PM, Voicetek said:
  On 5/12/2013 at 3:11 AM, XjoshhyX said:
  On 5/12/2013 at 12:06 AM, Diamondback96 said:

I'm getting a banner ad on another site for KI. It has what looks like Leviathan's trains on it.

B&M Giga confirmed.

Gotta love CF not putting enough into marketing to make the ads park specific, other than the name of the park.

I do this type of Graphic Design/Marketing work for a local company. It's really not hard to swap in a new background to make an ad or banner specific to a certain thing. I do it all the time. It's kind of ridiculous that Cedar Fair is too lazy or cheap (which ever the case may be) to do the same thing for their parks which are WAY bigger businesses than the one I work for. If our small company can do it with just a team of one (myself), then there is no excuse for Cedar Fair's marketing team to take such shortcuts.

From one Graphic Designer to another, I agree wholeheartedly with you!

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  On 5/14/2013 at 9:00 AM, TheBEASTunchained said:


^ Its a good little TR with lots of pictures of KI construction behind the fence including this one...

(Photo Courtesy of CoasterFusion)


That's a good article and good pics. I think most of us have made the assumption the majority of footings we are looking at is for a transfer track. The rest ... i have no idea. After a couple weeks of seeing in person, seeing pics and reading the discussion, I am in the same place I started. I have no idea, and I am trying to enjoy it because it won't be long until we do know and the surprise and mystery will be no longer. I think if it is to be called Banshee, it will be like a maverick type blitz coaster. Personally I am holding out hope for a giga until it is too obvious it's not.

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  On 5/14/2013 at 5:45 PM, DontWantToWait42mar0 said:

What is the significance of redbar?

I think you either misread or made a typo. It's rebar, and that is an indicator of how much concrete will be used. The more rebar, the more footers or bigger footers. It reinforces the concrete and also the steel.

I just learned rebar is short for reinforcing bar.

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  On 5/4/2013 at 12:59 AM, Brian5475E said:

I couldn't find anything in Warren county permit search. Just looking at the picture and other B&M construction pictures, this is defiantly a B&M coaster

going in.



Brian's prediction looks very plausible in my eyes. Especially after looking at the footer layout of Diamondback construction. The square footers we all see now in Action Zone seem to be more common with station and transfer track, as opposed to the circular footers being related to the actual ride itself. As soon as I see some circular footers, I will then be excited. Because then some of the more educated on the site can try to determine the layout.

EDIT: Are my eyes deceiving me, or can anyone else spot what looks to be circular footers dug out in preparation to be filled in the bottom-left corner of Brian's "station" in the image above?

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  On 5/14/2013 at 5:45 PM, DontWantToWait42mar0 said:

What is the significance of redbar?

Concrete is incredibly strong when it is compressed (being pushed upon), its relatively weak when its in tension (being pulled upon) Since the nature of a roller coaster (or bridge or many other similar applications) is such that the forces applied to the concrete will be compressing the concrete one moment, then stretching the concrete another, or even more specifically, compressing one side of the concrete whle simultantiously stretching the opposite side of the concrete, rebar is added to give the concrete strength when it is being pulled.

I hope I explained that easy enough to understand.

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It was always my impression that the rebar also formed the "bolts."

I always assumed the rebar was positioned in the form so that after concrete was poured, several inches of steel rebar protruded from the top of the footer. I always figured the rebar was then threaded and served as the bolts to which supports are attached.

Maybe I'm completely wrong, but I thought this was how the construction engineers guaranteed the exact placement of the "bolts" based on the needs of the supports.

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For shame. An onride photo is strictly prohibited on all rides at Kings Island...sans of course the Eiffel Tower and KI and MV Railroad. Especially since this was on Drop Tower, it's a big no no. How many people at the bottom - including ride ops - could have been injured from falling camera/cell phone parts?

Now that I got that out of my system...that does show a lot!

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  On 5/14/2013 at 11:50 PM, SonofBaconador said:
  On 5/14/2013 at 11:39 PM, TheCrypt said:

General question time: When did ground work begin for Leviathan and Intimidator 305?

Kings Dominion broke ground on Intimidator 305 on June 1, 2009 and the erection of Leviathan began during the week of 11 September 2011.

I don't know I-305 but this article from aug 19, 2011 says laying foundation has already begun for Leviathan. http://forums.canadiancontent.net/hot-topics/101326-new-leviathan-coaster-could-crack.html ...

From the article: "Construction has already begun on the steel structure, with crews laying out its foundation. Tracks will be brought to the site in the coming weeks, Beaven said." I can't find a specific date though.

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Alright, to just conjoin my thoughts and bring some ideas to the topic, I am going to start a two week prediction on what the new ride/attraction could be.

Week I- After the news that I have encountered with Mr. O., as well as the new developments, I am keeping to the idea of a B&M coaster, yet to decide on the type, or similar one to I-305 can be a stronger possibility than the other types.

(BB1 forgetting to erase things from his revisions)

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