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Banshee Construction Progress


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  On 11/13/2013 at 12:21 PM, steveinphoenix said:

if one of the designers from B&M were on here and explained why that first loop is the way it is......I GUARANTEE you that 99.9% of the people interested in that would be saying "huh?!" and scratching their heads.....the physics, kinetic energy, design, weight distribution, distance speed etc.....not to mention all the series of equations it takes to make a coaster work like it does....you aren't going to understand unless you are a specialized mechanical engineer. this goes WAY beyond those little lessons they teach you in your high school calculus and trig classes that use a rollercoaster as one of their problems....its 100 times more involved than that. And if some of you diehards still wanna see why......just go down to the city planning and zoning department for where Kings Island is......and ask to view the plans......its a matter of public record so they will have to show them to you.....just be prepared......a steel coaster set of construction documents (blueprints) can be at LEAST 2 feet in diameter when rolled up! And if you want to see plans for a woody.....ive seen some that are in EXCESS of 2000 drawings....and these are large 30x42 inch sheets EACH........just saying.........oh, how do I know this.....im an architectural designer.....and back in school I went to magic mountain and went to view plans for a couple of their coasters...that's how I know..............

Really not sure what you're talking about. There is no specialty in mechanical engineering for roller coaster design. Trust me, I've looked. I AM one of those mechanical engineer folk.

Also, the calculus and trig you learn in high school is not irrelevant in engineering. In fact, they both play major parts in engineering. The calculus is where B&M would be getting their equations from. Everything else involving mechanical engineering they're doing, save for any dynamic analysis of structures, the lift, or the brakes, would be algebra. Even the stress analysis is algebra. Where do we start learning that, again?

The posters here aren't incompetent, and I think you're over mystifying the whole thing.

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  On 11/13/2013 at 12:21 PM, steveinphoenix said:

...And if some of you diehards still wanna see why......just go down to the city planning and zoning department for where Kings Island is......and ask to view the plans......its a matter of public record so they will have to show them to you.....just be prepared......a steel coaster set of construction documents (blueprints) can be at LEAST 2 feet in diameter when rolled up! And if you want to see plans for a woody.....ive seen some that are in EXCESS of 2000 drawings....and these are large 30x42 inch sheets EACH........just saying.........oh, how do I know this.....im an architectural designer.....and back in school I went to magic mountain and went to view plans for a couple of their coasters...that's how I know..............

The only thing filed with Mason were the blueprints for foundations and electrical

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  On 11/13/2013 at 5:42 PM, Joncars05 said:

Didn't see this on here but Kings Island tweeted that track work is scheduled to be completed in January. With "other parts" being completed later on in spring. They are moving so fast!

It seems fast but I'm sure they will still be working on these at the last minute.

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  On 11/13/2013 at 1:32 PM, steveinphoenix said:
  On 11/13/2013 at 12:48 PM, The Interpreter said:

What's required to be filed in the State of California is far, far different than what is required to be filed in Ohio.

Don't expect to see the same level of detail publicly filed in Ohio. It isn't.

well im not saying you don't have to use a little finesse...you do. but anything that is being built for public use reguardless of the state must be available to the public for viewing......they may (and probably will) make u go thru some kind of red tape B.S......that's just how they are for some reason......I just have experience knowing how to get what I want.....and its not always easy.



You cannot get what was not filed.

I don't care how much finesse you use.

Ohio is not California.

Terp, who said that once already.

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Wow. I can assure you that not all things that are built in the State of Ohio are a matter of public record. And as the Interpreter said, the differences between California and Ohio are pretty dramatic. Not to mention that California has strict guidelines for seismic regulations.

And I am positive that more than just foundation plans were filed for Banshee`s station. You have to get a building permit for structures that are going to be occupied with people. Its a matter of the health, safety and welfare of the people using the structure (referred to by most State Architect Registration boards as HSW). All buildings have to meet these HSW requirements and it is those requirements that the building codes are protecting.

I have been in the architecture industry working full time now for nearly four full years. I know a little bit about what I speak of.

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^^ I remember in the sand box we would build Volcanoes, no joke. It was like a serious operation, there was this kid, Chris, we elected him the head architect of the project( we called it something else back then). There were different levels of jobs. There was the gathers, which is what I was typically stuck with. They would gather sand from the sides of the sand box where it was wet and nice for building. Then there were Storers, they would gather "bad" sand that was dry and unusable and push it under the bezel on the sides of the sandbox, where the gather had just cleaned out the "good" sand. Then there were builders they would put the sand down and pack it to keep it nice and tall and structurally sound. Then the most daring job. The stealers(boo). They would sneak over to the girls Sandbox and grab as much "good" sand from there storage, and in the process probably destroy what ever there project was at the time.

Good times, good times.

EDIT: WOW, Nathan, eleven sentences depicting the social pyramid of your preschool sandbox projects...

Edited by fanofFirehawk
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Yes, some tend to get worked up over these things, I tend not to. I know that Banshee will be fun, fun as in fun, and FUN. If you have a problem, deal with it. BB1, someone who dealt with it, and carried on.

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  On 11/11/2013 at 11:12 PM, sheikra_rocks said:
  On 11/11/2013 at 10:16 PM, TheBEASTunchained said:

Photo of the loop surrounding Banshee's lift hill....

It is not because of the lift. Other B&M coasters loop around the lift and the are not that far apart.

Perhaps Don can answer why the base of the loop is so wide.

No other B&M Inverts wrap around the lift. Perhaps it could actually still be relevant.

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  On 11/13/2013 at 3:31 PM, Diamondback FOF said:
  On 11/13/2013 at 12:21 PM, steveinphoenix said:

...And if some of you diehards still wanna see why......just go down to the city planning and zoning department for where Kings Island is......and ask to view the plans......its a matter of public record so they will have to show them to you.....just be prepared......a steel coaster set of construction documents (blueprints) can be at LEAST 2 feet in diameter when rolled up! And if you want to see plans for a woody.....ive seen some that are in EXCESS of 2000 drawings....and these are large 30x42 inch sheets EACH........just saying.........oh, how do I know this.....im an architectural designer.....and back in school I went to magic mountain and went to view plans for a couple of their coasters...that's how I know..............

The only thing filed with Mason were the blueprints for foundations and electrical

they may not have the full set available until costruction is complete as there may be revisions until that point....the foundation and electrical are for the most part complete...im pretty sure that's why that's all that is there right now........if you want to see a full set just for curiosity reasons....ask for the Diamondback set...that would be a good one to review.

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I think the width of the loop has to do more with how the layout goes and where supports are located than anything to do with train design (which are standard width 4 across B&M inverted trains) or anything else already mentioned. If the two tracks at the base of the loop were closer together, the 0g roll would be directly over the final turn and likely the final helix. That would make for a LOT of supports having to go in one spot. The descent off of the 0g roll also comes pretty close to the final turn as is with the loop widened at the bottom; imagine the the loop being narrower.

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The hostility and drama of the off season. Almost seems like folks go through the 5 stages of loss and grief every year the turnstiles are locked for the season.

1. Denial & Isolation

2. Anger

3. Bargaining

4. Depression

5. Acceptance

Right now folks seem to be in either Denial & Isolation and some have moved on to Anger. I love the off season.

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  On 11/14/2013 at 1:59 PM, RailRider said:

The hostility and drama of the off season. Almost seems like folks go through the 5 stages of loss and grief every year the turnstiles are locked for the season.

1. Denial & Isolation

2. Anger

3. Bargaining

4. Depression

5. Acceptance

Right now folks seem to be in either Denial & Isolation and some have moved on to Anger. I love the off season.

This also sounds vaguely like PMS. Not that I would ever have PMS.

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  On 11/14/2013 at 2:10 PM, thedevariouseffect said:

Man...some of my ex's with PMS...I have STORIES...some of y'all get crazy...Broke up with one over it..We'll leave it at that

She got you ready for the Military. :)

I have had friends (not 'friends' as in code name for myself) who have had PMS in three forms - Pre-Menstrual, Post-Menstrual and Permanent Mood Swing.. I pity any man (or woman that is romantically involved) with a woman who suffers from the latter.

Just to clarify, I am happy 99% of the time, just don't get me on the 1%. :)

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  On 11/13/2013 at 10:52 PM, Diamondbacker27 said:

Im a little ticked. I mean, the floor isnt going to drop as on other inverted coasters. How am I going to get in my seat? How?

where are you getting this? there is still a lot of construction left before we can even tell what the floor is going to look like
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