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Banshee Construction Progress


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"No Bags Past This Point' makes its trip to Action Zone I guess. I normally wear cargo shorts when I make my visits, but I also carry a drawstring bag on longer days so I can have what I need. I really would like small bins for the one item people instead of these people who seemingly put their entire car of merchandise and prizes inside a bin. There should be no way to purge money out of park guests for an hour while they ride one ride storing a small bag. Small bins just big enough for small bags would do. I usually have my bag in a bin and back in my seat before ride ops come around to my seat. Smaller articles are easier to manage.

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I don't understand the uproar about this. When I go to any park, I don't carry anything other than my wallet, phone, and maybe a camera. If I get thirsty, I stop and get some water. When I eat, if I stay in the park, I might buy a pop then. I guess I just don't see why people feel the need to bring so much stuff with them.

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I don't understand the uproar about this. When I go to any park, I don't carry anything other than my wallet, phone, and maybe a camera. If I get thirsty, I stop and get some water. When I eat, if I stay in the park, I might buy a pop then. I guess I just don't see why people feel the need to bring so much stuff with them.

I think the people who are a legitimately frustrated are people like myself who go to the park the smart way - with cargo shorts and just the bare essentials - who are now forced to pay for a locker rental if, by chance, they decide to buy some kind of souvenir cup or bottle. Now there comes a choice, skip Banshee and enjoy your drink, enjoy Banshee and skip your drink, or the worst - enjoy your drink, enjoy Banshee, and buy a locker. As I mentioned above, I will not be buying a locker so they've lost a souvenir bottle purchase from me and my wife this season.

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Everyone may not agree with me here but this is disappointing news. Sure it will speed up the line and increase riders per hour. But it feels like CF is money grabbing again. They will charge $2-$5 each locker rented knowing that this will be the most popular ride in the park this year. I for one will abide by the rules and only bring things that will fit in my pocket. One thing I will be leaving in the car will be my wallet. Penny pinching customers does not make me want to spend my hard earned money in the park.

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I don't understand the uproar about this. When I go to any park, I don't carry anything other than my wallet, phone, and maybe a camera. If I get thirsty, I stop and get some water. When I eat, if I stay in the park, I might buy a pop then. I guess I just don't see why people feel the need to bring so much stuff with them.

During the summer, I go to the park with keys, phone, wallet, sunglasses, and sunglasses case. Sometimes, I didn't even bring a wallet and simply put my pass and a $20 in my phone case, and tie my car key to my shoes. But I don't own cargo shorts as I find them a bit uncomfortable, especially on hot days, so I carry a sling backpack. It takes less than 8 seconds to put that bag in the bin and be seated with my restraint down. Yes, this policy for Banshee (and Firehawk) will be/are quite the inconvenience/annoyance. I hold my bag on every coaster ride except Diamondback (has bins) and Firehawk (no longer ride it)

Edit: while I still wouldn't like it, I could justify a 50 locker rental...however, I don't see them being this cheap. Even if they are, I see them filling up rather quickly on busy days.

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Everyone may not agree with me here but this is disappointing news. Sure it will speed up the line and increase riders per hour. But again it feels like CF is money grabbing again. They will charge each person $2-$5 (if not more) per ride knowing that this will be the most popular ride in the park this year. I for one will abide by the rules and only bring things that will fit in my pocket. One thing I will be leaving in the car will be my wallet. Penny pinching customers does not make me want to spend my hard earned money in the park.

How are they charging each person $2-$5? I missed something...

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The problem with loose articles is that no matter how much or little the locker costs, you still won't get everyone using them nor will every guest be aware of them. In my experiences with ride operations as an associate, supervisor and manager - a lack of loose article bins does little or nothing to speed up the ride times. Every season, we'd have the same debate about Firehawk - trying to find some kind of alternative or solution to allowing guests the option to store loose articles in the station, no one could ever agree.

It's tough asking the 16 y.o. kids working for you to have an unpleasant conversation telling guests "you can't bring your bags past this point," day in and day out. Not to mention, if your associates are distracted by a height check or guest question, guests with bags can and will slip by.

I think for the park it's more about liability while also trying to avoid situations where guests lose things (that often can not be retrieved until the end of night). On one hand if you allow guests to stow items in the station, you're providing a convenience, but you're also allowing an environment where items can be stolen or misplaced. I don't believe anyone I ever dealt with had their souvenir cup stolen, but I saw plenty of people mistaking,y grab the wrong ones.

The earlier mentioned Universal locker idea would seem to be best, but the. It comes down to the park making a true effort to really have convenient locations and make the guests aware of the locker's need. Ever since 'The Beast' started doing the 'pause' for fireworks in 2007, that policy is STILL not communicated properly to the average guest.

Also on the subject of cargo pants: not everyone wants to wear those and not everything fits in those. It's easy on a board of enthusiasts to sit back and talk about your ride marathoning secrets, but for the average family going group - stuffing items in pockets isn't always an option and Kings Island's current locker situation isn't the best, it really comes off as an exercise in price gouging even before Cedar Fair.

Edit: Correcting iPad induced spelling errors.

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It has to come from somewhere...

I do understand this is a business. Just because the money has to come from somewhere doesn't mean I have to like the way they are recouping the money. Nor does it mean I have to participate in the penny pinching.I have a voice and can use my actions of not paying the locker or buying things in the park to protest the move of requiring lockers for loose articles. Not every park charges for lockers on rides and they get by just fine. See Holiday World.

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Whatever happened to planning? Why not store the things you MAY need during the course of a long day (cooler of pop, sandwiches, waters, etc) in your car, a 5 minute walk from the front gate if you arrive before 10am?

It works one of two ways. Going to a park is not a 10 day trek to Istanbul. Plan accordingly, and travel lightly so you don't have to rent a locker, or, if you feel the need to bring half your worldly belongings with you to the park, rent a locker.

Simple, really.

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It has to come from somewhere...

I do understand this is a business. Just because the money has to come from somewhere doesn't mean I have to like the way they are recouping the money. Nor does it mean I have to participate in the penny pinching.I have a voice and can use my actions of not paying the locker or buying things in the park to protest the move of requiring lockers for loose articles. Not every park charges for lockers on rides and they get by just fine. See Holiday World.

Apples and Oranges, the operation of Holiday World is an incredibly small scale compared to Kings Island. Not to mention, they deal with completely different customer bases. What works for Holiday World doesn't necessarily work for Kings Island.

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I agree completely! I didn't know what to think about the company taking over at first, adding new rides and attractions that everyone wanted is one thing, but maintaining public appeal by considering historical elements is another completely. I don't mind a business considering bottom line (which is always necessary), but every business has the opportunity to consider what is best for their customers and I believe Cedar Fair does a good job balancing the two. On a side note, it's interesting to see how public interest has exploded with attraction announcements. Most of the announcements up until to Diamondback were like corporate meetings that the public was invited to...then Banshee comes along and it's like a full blown rock concert! I see nothing but a promising future for this park!

not saying i hate Cedar Fair... but do you remember geauga lake?

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Cargo shorts my fellow riders. REALLY REALLY DEEP cargo shorts.

Word on the street is, there will not be a place to put personal items on Banshee! *Round of Applause*

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

If they will hold souvenir cups as they once did for Firehawk, then that's fine. Everything else I bring with me fits in my pockets.

If not, then they can expect to make a LOT less money on drinks from me. Because I'll drink water before I'll pay for a locker.

I agree. My wife and I bought a souvenir bottle last season because we liked the 99 cent refills. However, if we can't take it on Banshee or leave it in the station then we will skip it this season. By the time you factor in the price of locker rentals, that 99 cent refill becomes less and less of a bargain. That's frustrating a bit.

I also recommend wearing a belt. Although I am not sure of the exact rule on this, last year I went to Cedar Point and bought one of the souvenir cups. I attached it to my belt (ie. i put the handle of the souvenir cup through my belt, as though it was a loop on my jeans) and no one said anything to me about it. Now, I apologize if that is against the rules and policies, but if it was I would have hoped someone throughout the day would of said something to me about it. Just a thought.

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I don't own cargo shorts as I find them a bit uncomfortable, especially on hot days, so I carry a sling backpack.

I don't wear cargo shorts and i still don't have a problem with my wallet, phone, keys, and camera.

I also agree that the best solution would be lockers like Universal. Or for people that are concerned about their drinks, they could create a drink band program; Instead of getting a cup you have to carry around all day, just give you a wrist band that you can get drinks anywhere.

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That brings up a whole other question. At Diamondback, shoes are required to ride. Will shoes be required to ride Banshee? If not, where will guests store their shoes (especially all the open toe shoes that are so prevalent these days in the warmer months.

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I don't own cargo shorts as I find them a bit uncomfortable, especially on hot days, so I carry a sling backpack.

I don't wear cargo shorts and i still don't have a problem with my wallet, phone, keys, and camera.

I also agree that the best solution would be lockers like Universal. Or for people that are concerned about their drinks, they could create a drink band program; Instead of getting a cup you have to carry around all day, just give you a wrist band that you can get drinks anywhere.

Have you ever tried to put stuff in a locker on the Harry Potter ride? Good luck. KI did do a drink band program in 2012, I enjoyed it very much.

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I think some people are blowing this out of proportion. Of all the rides at Kings Island, only Firehawk actually requires us to pay for a locker for loose articles. Every other ride has bins or some other means of holding our belongings. I think we have to give a little to get a little; in this case, we pay for a locker to get a record breaking, NEW coaster.

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In the pockets or my shorts. Just because they aren't cargo shorts, doesn't mean they don't have room for your small items.

Call me crazy, but I don't like risking losing my phone and wallet on a ride...I don't trust them to not fall out

Lost my keys on DB a couple of years ago with deep cargo button up pockets. The next day an $250 later I got new keys and headed home to Indy. No matter how hard you try to hold onto things in pockets or zippers there is alway a chance of stuff falling out of your pockets. Especially on a ride that inverts you 7 times. Thats why i dont like the policy. Its either risk losing your keys on a ride or pay money to lock things up everytime you get on it.

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Lost my keys on DB a couple of years ago with deep cargo button up pockets. The next day an $250 later I got new keys and headed home to Indy. No matter how hard you try to hold onto things in pockets or zippers there is alway a chance of stuff falling out of your pockets. Especially on a ride that inverts you 7 times. Thats why i dont like the policy. Its either risk losing your keys on a ride or pay money to lock things up everytime you get on it.

I take off all my keys except my car key and attach it to a lanyard. I loop/tie the lanyard around one of the belt loops on my shorts/jeans and the slip the end with the key into one of my pockets. Even if the key slips out, it's still tightly secured with the lanyard tied around my belt loop. I have found this method to be a safe and secure way to carry keys around KI.

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