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Decoding Episode II: Rivertown 2017 and the Falling Trees


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Today I learned I've not been nice and I've been a grumpy sour puss. Oh well, been called worse by people who actually call me a friend.



  On 6/17/2016 at 2:40 AM, bjcolglazier said:


You think the local news couldn't get hold of these plans and post them?  They won't, but you better believe they could!  The fact that these plans are apparently being shared among "preferred" customers of this site would be a violation in itself if it was illegal.  It is not.  Someone post what Mason has, already...because this is getting ridonkulous.


Yes, they most assuredly can get them. Share them, freely? I am no lawyer, but I believe they could with no legal repercussion. Key word: legal. There's a lot more in play than legality when it comes to how one company (don't be fooled, the press/media are companies) treats another company.


Also, it's not just the relationship between the local new company and the park. The news company realizes this is not worth their time. It's not a ratings boost in any way. Only a small portion of their viewers would give more than 2 craps about it.

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  On 6/17/2016 at 3:25 AM, bm0324 said:

Oldschool, didn't you post another layout pic earlier, with the ride orientation flipped 180°?

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tee hee hee

Remember that layout could very well be fake. As many have said, it looks a lot like Prowler. Seems very easily leaked in the drawings. The plans only specify for that very small section. So the rest of the layout could be a decoy. They are only required to have the section noted for work to be correct.

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Just because you can doesn't mean you should. we would get info into our station all of the time about upcoming events or such that we could share but if we did we would lose that contact forever.

Like Benny said this little amusement park addition means nothing in the news cycle. Burning a contact and access for something like this would be career suicide.

Let's look at the news side of the options:

Go to Mason get blue prints, find an expert that can read them, go to the park get some no comment answers from Don, air the piece and get maybe a 30 second story out of it, while also not getting invited to future media days, losing an anonymous source for info when things go bad, and probably upsetting the bosses for this reckless journalism. All to get maybe a few extra clicks or eyeballs.


Wait till media day/announcement day, get invited, get high resolution pictures and mock ups, get interview time with Don, being invited to media preview, ride the new ride, get on ride footage, get a good few days of stories, and see more overall clicks as you got multiple stories out of it.

See about the new water park slide and Local 12.

KIC has been invited to many things. If some sensitive info is spilled here on purpose that relationship can dry up to the detriment of all

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  On 6/17/2016 at 3:46 AM, Oldschool75 said:
  On 6/17/2016 at 3:46 AM, Oldschool75 said:
tee hee hee

Remember that layout could very well be fake. As many have said, it looks a lot like Prowler. Seems very easily leaked in the drawings. I mm the plans only specify for that very small section. So the rest of the layout could be a decoy, and is done on many other things. They are only required to have the section noted at correct.

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I wanted to say thank you for the personal message with the information.  I responded to your message.  But in short I believe the coordinates are not correct.

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I believe that the Train House is on a platform and the Miami Valley Rail Road will go under.  Entrance will be where the old funnel cake was.  It'll have the feel of Banshee.  The Coaster Turnaround will stay within the Train Tracks.  I am having fun despite "others" saying I have it all wrong.  It's who I am, I think I am closer to right than wrong.  I tried to give you another perspective.  If the tracks are falling on something else, this is just my perspective from what I can see with the trees being full of leaves and can be adjusted later.  


27620314652_88cb670ce6_z.jpgNEWKIPROJECT2017Revamped by KingsIsland1972, on Flickr

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  On 6/17/2016 at 3:17 AM, Maddog said:


  On 6/17/2016 at 3:06 AM, Oldschool75 said:




I've seen more than one layout taking this right over top of significant portions of WWC.  This one takes the track on top of the big round-table?   :blink:  


Not saying it isn't possible, but something just doesn't seem right.  That's a huge span to deal with via wood construction.



Not to mention he has the first lift/drop over the train station.  I'm fairly certain the scale is off as well. Not sure if its an intentional diversion or a misreading of something else.

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  On 6/17/2016 at 12:39 PM, Beast Gal said:

It has already been determined it's a rocky Mountain coaster.


By some, sure. Some of the hints/clues may imply that, sure.


Perhaps I've missed it in this thread somewhere (gotta work, eat and sleep, after all), but have we seen anything that is clear-cut evidence that it's RMC? 


Footings and their design are indicators, but they're not hard evidence. If companies didn't evolve their designs over time...well, I like the Model T for what it is/was, but I'm glad designs have evolved.

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  On 6/16/2016 at 3:22 PM, Beast Gal said:
  On 6/16/2016 at 2:14 PM, DiamondBanshee said:
  On 6/16/2016 at 12:39 PM, Beast Gal said:
  On 6/16/2016 at 12:25 PM, ethancoaster said:
  On 6/16/2016 at 12:21 PM, Beast Gal said:

I find it hard to believe that a traditional small wooden coaster would sell lots of season passes.

It wouldn't sell YOU a pass, apparently, but as long as a coaster looks fun and interesting enough to ride, people will come. The same amount of people that would come for an RMC would come for a GCI, because they don't care about the manufacturer.
So what your saying is if Joe blow is watching the news and they show a traditional wooden coaster that will make him take his family to the park? I believe if Joe blow is watching the news and sees a hybrid doing flips, "top gun stalls", etc he will be more likely to take his family to the park.
I agree that most of the GP would much rather have an RMC than a GCI, but the difference between the GP and enthusiasts is that enthusiasts know that both exist. Most of the GP does not know what an RMC is, especially if they do not live around one. Yes there is one at KK, but a lot of people around here have never been there. Heck, many don't even know KK is open again!

What I'm trying to say is that, yes, they would enjoy an RMC more, but if they don't know that RMC exists, they would just as happily accept a GCI. To the GP, for the most part, anything new is good. Whether it be GCI or RMC, as Don said, "People will come"

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I value your opinion.

I understand what your saying but Joe blow has already seen a traditional wood coaster before but wold not have seen a wood coaster with inversions, top gun stalls, etc.

A small coaster can work in a smaller market like KC, and valley fair cause the people don't have access or know of anything different. Here everyone knows about CP and the massive rides they get consistently.

Once again.....CF, not CP. We are decoding for KI, which is by CF, not for CP, which is by CF.

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Going back to the hype talk for a minute. If you hadn't gone to KI this season and you are not on here you wouldn't know that they were building a new ride at all.

To be honest if it's a new ride that helps bridge the gap for our younger/shorter friends and park goers I'm all for it

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  On 6/17/2016 at 3:14 PM, MadMaverick said:

I thought someone said there were blue prints for the footers and the steel ties proved it was an RMC. Not exactly sure how or if that's true but I think it was a few pages back.

Are these included in the plans from city hall?  It seems like information of this type would have been confirmed by at least SOMEONE on here...unless we're still hoarding information.

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  On 6/17/2016 at 3:38 PM, LovinMeSomeBanshee said:
  On 6/17/2016 at 3:14 PM, MadMaverick said:

I thought someone said there were blue prints for the footers and the steel ties proved it was an RMC. Not exactly sure how or if that's true but I think it was a few pages back.

Are these included in the plans from city hall?  It seems like information of this type would have been confirmed by at least SOMEONE on here...unless we're still hoarding information.

Gavpenn confirmed pages ago.

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