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  On 8/12/2019 at 4:06 PM, Bansheelover said:

1. Is a geological depression.  ( A meteor strike perhaps, teasing a space theme?)

2. Is an inter-mountain geological depression. ( Perhaps where the continent of India slammed into Asia billions of years ago.)

3.  Is the center of Asia.  A monument is erected to state such. (Is KI's giga going to be the center of all gigas hence a monument to the giga coaster world?)

4. The Caspian Depression is near here, which is also surrounded by large mountains.  (Is this referring to the height, and drop of the coaster?)

5. There was a fortress here to prevent invasions. (Alien theme perhaps?)


I believe Cedar Fair and Kings Island will not build a giga coaster under 300 ft. That would be an embarrassment to the company.  It will be a very large coaster, and a very fun coaster. I also believe that Cedar Fair, Kings Island, and the City of Mason know people snoop for blueprints, and I believe KI filed a little white lie blueprint to throw the super fans off.  I believe this coaster will be between 315-330 ft. I would be surprised either way if it is taller than Fury or is not.  In anyway though this is going to be an amazing roller coaster. 


Has anyone looked at the states listed on the posters for craters at well?

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  On 8/12/2019 at 3:46 PM, homestar92 said:

It's 296 feet with a 301 foot drop. Expect anything else and you will be disappointed on Thursday evening. That's just the cold, hard truth of it.

During the change.org petition, this forum had reached the bargaining stage of grief. We've now gone back to denial.


I don't understand how anyone knows exactly what this is going to be until the powers that be actually release the information on Thursday. It very well could be 296 feet but there may be something we are missing as well. Unless you work for the park and are in the know, no one knows for sure. And why be disappointed? We are getting another coaster, I will be happy with whatever we get and will not form an opinion until after I've ridden it.

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  On 8/12/2019 at 6:45 PM, Kodistict said:

I couldn't find the hand ripping up the Firehawk track but at the end of the promo it is holding The Vortex track followed by a laugh. 



It’s very similar to this. It seems like it was on the Facebook page go the company that was dismantling the coaster. I couldn’t access it but someone posted it and described it. It was in the Firehawk thread. Oh well. I just thought it might be a clue...lol

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  On 8/12/2019 at 7:36 PM, harmony29 said:

I don't understand how anyone knows exactly what this is going to be until the powers that be actually release the information on Thursday.


We know because the blueprints have been filed with the city of Mason and filing false blueprints is not something the zoning board would take kindly to, and may, in fact, be illegal.

Yes, plans can change. But plans for a 30+ million dollar coaster do not change drastically within the month before vertical construction begins. The park isn't going to file false blueprints to throw enthusiasts off their scent. Not to be mean, but the park literally does not care about enthusiasts as they are an insignificant percentage of the visitors. If all enthusiasts suddenly quit going to KI, it wouldn't even amount to a rounding error on the financial reports. The teasing campaign is for the GP who don't go to the city building and get copies of the blueprints or even follow park forums to get information. The park knows that enthusiasts will find those plans, they just really don't care because in the grand scheme, it doesn't matter.

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[mention=9354]harmony29[/mention] YOU may be happy, but there are a lot of pessimists. Prior to leaked blueprints, many people assumed it would be bigger and longer than Fury. Then the blueprints were leaked (whether real and complete or not) and pretty much all hell broke loose on here. I understand the “we’re still getting a coaster” argument as I’m part of that train, but the reactions months ago shows that if people start to believe that the coaster will be bigger and faster and it happens not to be, a TON of people will be disappointed and fell like KI/CF went the cheap route and that CF doesn’t actually care about KI.


Get your hopes up for a bigger coaster than is shown on the blueprints, I honestly don’t care how you think. I’d rather assume the blueprints are right and, if not, be happily surprised if the coaster is bigger than we thought. The alternative is either assume it’s bigger than what the blueprints show, and either be happy if it is, or disappointed if it isn’t. Believe whatever you believe. I can’t and won’t try to stop you. Hopefully Thursday is very fun and exciting for everyone!



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Honestly I knew there would be issues from the moment The Beast Unleashed started to go viral in our area. Good for the creator but bad for the park because no matter what they did people would question things thinking we were getting that fan made coaster. I had so many people from around work and family that are not enthusiasts talking to me about that video and how awesome it looked and they couldn’t wait to ride it. Now you’ll have a lot of general public remembering that video and scratching their heads. 


Im going to put this again people people misconstrue things. I’m happy regardless. 

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  On 8/12/2019 at 6:23 PM, CoasterDude48 said:


When researching the crater Chicxulub and the asteroid that made dinosaurs go extinct, I found this mission executed in 2016 (around the time that this roller coaster project would’ve been forming) that I thought sounded interesting. It also may just be my optimism that the height will be 350+ feet. 355f164fbc751d07e13983060849859c.jpg



This is interesting...when I read this I noticed "L/B Myrtle" in the 1st paragraph. L.B. are the initials on the new teasers released this morning. I googled L/B Myrtle, which was the name of a driller for this expedition and it was made by Bollinger Shipyards. Very close to Bolliger....

I doubt the teasers are that in depth...I'm just having a slow afternoon haha. 

8-12-2019 3-43-01 PM.png

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You know when the whole “end of the world” teaser started my first thought was Y2K, and the whole reset to the dark ages conspiracy. This made me think of the video in FOF. It would “reset” right after the invitation to fly away with the spaceship then Mr Christopher pulled the plug and reset the video. The first words from the video cast members were “what happened? I feel like a computer that was rebooted” and the whole story started over. I wonder if the “flight” of this coaster is to destroy an impending asteroid and then return to be rebooted for another attempt? Maybe this coaster dives into a crater?

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  On 8/12/2019 at 8:06 PM, upstop said:

You know when the whole “end of the world” teaser started my first thought was Y2K, and the whole reset to the dark ages conspiracy. This made me think of the video in FOF. It would “reset” right after the invitation to fly away with the spaceship then Mr Christopher pulled the plug and reset the video. The first words from the video cast members were “what happened? I feel like a computer that was rebooted” and the whole story started over. I wonder if the “flight” of this coaster is to destroy an impending asteroid and then return to be rebooted for another attempt? Maybe this coaster dives into a crater?


That's kind of what I am starting to think.  Maybe the height people are concerned about is merely above ground, and the first drop goes 10-20 feet below ground (or more) and we end up with a 300+ foot drop.

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  On 8/12/2019 at 5:31 PM, fryoj said:

Seems like they are leaning to a Meteor/Armageddon theme. I think Polaris and Orion are out at this point. 

MT wasn't a record breaker, but they teased it and made a big deal about it. It's going to be the biggest ride at the park, do you expect them to just randomly announce it in a tweet because it doesn't break world records?


Sometimes you just stop trying to get people to see reality and let them have their delusions.

Dude... You really sent him pics from a competing tv station's news report on the coaster? I know we are supposed to be respectful of other members on here, but you really need to get a hold of reality. 

Where does one find this non-existent roller coaster category book of definitions? And also, could you reference me the governing body that will sue Kings Island when they call their 296 ft tall coaster with a 301 ft drop a giga? 


You just went out for blood there lol

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I'm not sure if you guys already follow Wild Gravity Travels...if not, they give awesome updates with high resolution photos of the construction site. The link below is their most recent update from Friday. They have discussed a couple of things that I haven't seen mentioned on here so I think you guys will really enjoy it... 

For example, he has some pics of the the area around the station being dug out a little, I wonder what that's for? Also, he has some pics of the ravine area being filled in with dirt (near the 1st drop)...doesn't look good for an underground tunnel but who knows! 


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When this is all over, News Channel A is suing News Channel B, Enthusiasts go on rampage being let down, The GP is let down it's not The Beast Unleashed and an Asteroid, for real, hits Earth and causes tons of damage..  

This new Giga will be heard "Around the World" and to set the worst World Record for the only coaster in the world to have provided Global disappointment on an unrecoverable level.

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  On 8/12/2019 at 9:52 PM, Maverick44 said:

Psht you mean to tell me …...I am not going to be going down the hill screaming...………………...OMG!!!! THIS HILL IS 25 FEET TO SMALLLLLLLLLL!!!!! haha :lol:


See I am that guy.   I've always been told every single soul on this rock has a gift... mine is sarcasm. Lol. I will be "that guy"  but trust me, it is all in good fun.   I think this will be a 4.998 out of 5 stars.  Coulda gave it 5/5 if it woulda been 5 foot taller. Lol

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