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Disney to issue Lifetime Bans if caught faking disability

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A good Disney decision for once! I absolutely agree with this move, abusing a program meant for people with real disabilities is absolutely wrong and should never be allowed to happen. I hope more parks start doing things like this in order to keep the integrity of the programs.

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I don't disagree with the idea of stricter rules per se, but I'm intensely curious to know how "faking a disability" will be policed. If anyone other than people who understand the details of the person's disability are the ones policing it, this seems like it could turn into some PR nightmares where someone unfairly gets a lifetime ban for not presenting "disabled enough."

I mean, it's Disney, so I'm sure they've thought it through. The wording on this change is just... curious.

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4 minutes ago, Orion-XL200 said:

I feel like at regional parks, there would be Karen's tattling on those who they don't think are disabled or disabled enough to use the program...could lead to a lot of headache/legal issues for smaller than Disney parks.

Karen's already do that now lol.

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Unfortunately, if you give some people the possibility to exploit something at the expense of others they'll do it. Third party tour guides were banned from the park last year partly because of their role in encouraging the abuse of this policy.

I hope that this change will not cause much of a problem. I'd imagine most of the thoughtless, selfish people who abused this program will know that abuse of the policy will no longer be tolerated and stop for fear of forfeiting hundreds of dollars' worth of tickets/passes and a lifetime ban.

I also assume that bans will only come down when the evidence of lying/abuse is undeniable, and the benefit of the doubt will be given if at all possible, in borderline cases for bans.


** @disco2000 Just a distinction here for clarity. I don't believe the thread title is completely accurate. My understanding is that the focus of the bans will be for people who lied about a loved one's disability rather than for individuals who "faked having a disability". Some of those will be one and the same, but I think it is smart of Disney to make the enforcement based on truth vs lying in the program application process rather than making it based on determining whether someone is "faking" a disability or exaggerating its severity.

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^I am sure our attorney member will weigh in if using the word "faking it" is materially/legally different than a lie or exaggeration :P

But the point is they plan to ban anyone abusing the system, whether it be faking, lying, exaggerating, etc.

Now the difficulty is how to prove it.  No matter what procedure they come up with, someone will find a way around it.

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Haha, I won't join the "legalese" subset of the forum. I just wanted to point out that Disney would never word the policy "if we catch you faking a disability you are banned for life."

That could put pressure on disabled people and their loved ones to go out of their way to display ongoing proof that they actually have one. "Lying about a disability" is more flexible and shifts the spotlight/ culpability if needed. Disney probably paid crazy money to lawyers and mental health professionals to craft perfect wording for the new policy.

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14 hours ago, KI Guy said:

I also assume that bans will only come down when the evidence of lying/abuse is undeniable

Yes, this. The ability to ban people is likely just to lay the groundwork to prevent abuse. It'll likely only be used in extreme cases, but when they need to use it, the park will be on solid ground to enforce it.

14 hours ago, disco2000 said:

I am sure our attorney member will weigh in

You really oughta be charging me rent for living in your head. Lotta lost revenue there. Sad!

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1 hour ago, DispatchMaster said:


You really oughta be charging me rent for living in your head. Lotta lost revenue there. Sad!


Looks like a classic case of paranoia or egotism (or both) thinking everyone is talking about you....

Actually I wasn't referring to you as you haven't given off ADA attorney wannabe vibes with posts demonstrating misinterpretations of basic HIPAA laws, so who should be paying rent now....

Your Ad hominem nonsense is insufferable...do better....Sad..... :P


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4 hours ago, DispatchMaster said:

My mistake, I should have realized you're an insufferable troll to a lot of people around here, my mistake for not abiding by my initial impulse to ignore your "contributions" to the discussion. I'll do better in the future.

I think a troll would be someone with no skin in the game. You have said that you no longer have passes and your main park was CP, correct? And that you no longer frequent the parks?  So you've moved on?

When most people have moved in to other things, they don't stay on forums and argue with the majority of posters ad nauseum. 

This is the only internet specific forum site I'm on, and while you may stick around to ruffle feathers, I'm debating on putting you on "ignore" status or watching what you post for some humor.

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