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New Coke Refill & ICEE Stand Coming To Action Zone

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On 6/3/2024 at 10:38 AM, DJSkyFoxx said:

Another non-alcoholic drink stand is definitely needed. But my fear is, will they actually keep it staffed?

I know Tower Drinks is on and off staffed. The drink station over by the train is often not staffed. And what is with the drink station by LaRosa's in Rivertown never being staffed? I get that a lot of you have said because they don't turn as much of a profit for the all day/all season drink options, but goodness it's frustrating trying to find a place to get something to drink and either having to wait in a long food stand line to get one or walk across the park for a drink to a station that happens to be open. 

I was truly shocked to see Tower Drinks opened yesterday ( and sadly without my beloved fountain Cherry Coke-albeit the fact that I have all but given up soda, this was a treat to myself that I later got at Tom&Chee ). The drink stand in Adventure Port was open as it normally seems to be. But other than that I didn't see the River Town drink station open which is fairly common anymore except on busy days. I don't recall seeing the drink station in Coney Mall open either. It just felt like I had to work a lot harder to get a drink and that was pretty frustrating. It really makes me almost wish they would upcharge the ticket and pass prices to just include unlimited drinks with the cost of admission so one can self service much like Holiday World does. That way you can drink as much as you want without having to staff drink stations and not have to worry about whether or not this place or that place will be open and so on. 

I get it though. It makes too much sense and not enough cents <_<

Love the idea of another drink stand like you mention but like you said will they keep it staffed? The station by LaRosa’s wasn’t open anytime that I went. I hope that they will staff this better for next season or take it out. As a drink pass holder at times it would take me longer to get a drink than it would to wait on certain rides. 

I’m not sure how the staffing situation for the new stations will affect the others.  Unless they are planning on closing the other stations or staffing them correctly, but I’m sure the new station will be fully staffed.  


Like you said It makes too much sense and not enough

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On 9/2/2024 at 10:12 PM, BeeastFarmer said:

It's disappointing that they are sticking with the architectural culvert style columns, which is a holdback to the late 90s style of Action Zone. To me, this doesn't look promising for a retheme of Action Zone of they are going to retain that aesthetic.

My thought exactly when I saw this Sunday. Guess the “retheme” ship has sailed and KI isn’t on it. 

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13 hours ago, Korey said:

Love the idea of another drink stand like you mention but like you said will they keep it staffed? The station by LaRosa’s wasn’t open anytime that I went. I hope that they will staff this better for next season or take it out. As a drink pass holder at times it would take me longer to get a drink than it would to wait on certain rides. 

I’m not sure how the staffing situation for the new stations will affect the others.  Unless they are planning on closing the other stations or staffing them correctly, but I’m sure the new station will be fully staffed.  


Like you said It makes too much sense and not enough

That one by LaRosa’s (and the train for that matter) would make more sense if the bar/beer/alcohol was incorporated into them. You KNOW there would be staff then, and they could front it with the bar/pay station and then have the pop refill behind that. Sign it as SALOON and WhistleStop drinks - make the one at the train look like a p LG vector drop your luggage for the train journey. Even have a few tables made from steamer trunks with luggage “stools”. 

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1 hour ago, SmartCat7162 said:

Also changing every single column would be a huge expense that I hope they would not spend money on during a retheme. I would rather they spend the money on making the area more cohesive and better looking than changing how all the columns look.

That’s my point. If they are going to the expense and effort of a very specific column style that matches the others instead of a generic post that could easily have theming added in a year… then there’s clearly not a long term plan to change the aesthetic of this area any time soon. They’ve just added more work and expense if they change something later. Your statement contradicts itself in that you want them to spend money making the area more cohesive and better looking instead of changing architecture, when changing all the architecture would accomplish exactly that- making it cohesive. 

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I think there's a lot of projects the park plans to address such as Vortex replacement, boo blaster replacement, and maybe a new attraction in the tomb raider building before they retheme Action Zone. At the end of the day, Action Zone is ugly but it's functioning just fine as it is while The Vortex left a section of the park with no major rollercoaster and boo blaster is literally falling apart! 

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52 minutes ago, brenthodge said:

That’s my point. If they are going to the expense and effort of a very specific column style that matches the others instead of a generic post that could easily have theming added in a year… then there’s clearly not a long term plan to change the aesthetic of this area any time soon. They’ve just added more work and expense if they change something later. Your statement contradicts itself in that you want them to spend money making the area more cohesive and better looking instead of changing architecture, when changing all the architecture would accomplish exactly that- making it cohesive. 

What I was saying is that they have that column already present in other places so it makes sense that they would continue to use that same design and not a different one.

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  • 5 months later...
6 hours ago, kingsislandfan1972 said:

I'm hoping it'll more open than the one in RiverTown...

Yes, staffing is key. I do like the location though and now I won't have to stand in a long Blue Ice Cream line just for a drink or wait an eternity in the Chicken Shack for guests to get their paper ticket out! :P

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