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None scare me, either, but they are a lot of fun. ToT was one of the best, I really enjoyed it. I think Tombstone Terrortory was much better when it was based on the headless horseman, but that's just my humble opinion. The first year my oldest went to Halloween Haunt (then, FearFest) we did Headless Hollow, and it was a very chilly night. The fog was so thick back on the WWC paths that you literally could not see your hand in front of your face. Awesome. A quick rundown on my take of the mazes: (I won't try to rate the scare factor because to me they all have zero scare factor, lol) CarnEvil: Love the blacklight effects, and clowns can be creepy as he||. Club Blood: Despite the scantily-clad girls, an extremely annoying maze. Probably because I was never into the "club scene." Cornstalkers: This once-a-scarezone has had several locations, with Tower Gardens its home for the past few years. The many tombstones allow for plenty of hiding places for scarers. (Side note: my best experience in this one was the 19-20 year old boy who was dressed like a thug screaming at everything and hiding behind his girlfriend, lol) Cut Throat Cove: I love pirates, so this is one I enjoy each year. One of the least "scary" in my opinion. Holiday Horror: I LOVED the small scarezone this started as in Coney Maul, the full maze is kinda fun, with the Easter bunny being my favorite part. Madame Fatale's Cavern of Terror: Brand new, will probably be the first one I hit this year to see how they utilized the Crypt's former home. Massacre Manor: Meh. Mysteria: The closest thing to my all-time favorite maze, the long-gone Hysteria. I love the strobes, chain link, plastic sheeting, and fog. Love the feeling of a mental institution taken over by the patients... Slaughter House: Gore is not scary. But if you love gore, you'll love this. Tombstone Terrortory: See above. One of the more fun mazes, though. Urgent Scare: it was a decent enough maze, nothing to scream home about. And finally, Wolf Pack: I liked the various wolves, and using the SoB station made it kinda fun. Yeah, so that's my take. Agree or disagree, we all have our opinions, lol. My advice? Just go, and HAVE FUN! Oh, and try to have at least one person who gets scared easily. Tell some of the people in costume the easily-scared person's name and the haunt members will freak them out by calling them by name, lol.6 points
A few loose bolts on any structure/ machine sounds dramatic, but is not that unusual due to the constant vibration. SoB had SEVERE vibration that not only caused loose bolts, but numerous issues, including contributing to the support failure that resulted in guest injuries.It should be understood- loose bolts will not cause a structure to sway. They are engineered to sway. If there was no "give" in a structure, it would fall down like a house of cards. Even the Empire State building "gives" about 1.5 inches. The antenna on top of the CN Tower will sway 3.5'.6 points
I think these awards have about the same level of credibility as a Soviet election.5 points
Best kennel at an amusement park: The Pet Care at Kings Island. I give it 5 paws and a ruff, ruff!4 points
The cost to park doesn't matter to me as I have a Platinium Pass. However I would like to see some of the money used to pay for parking reinvested int he parking lots themselfs. I know KI's could sure use alot of work.3 points
3 points
Who is paying most for ads? Truly. "GOLD"en Ticket, indeed. Pay the gold, get the ticket. It's a business.3 points
Surprisingly, I don't want one. It would ruin the fun of going to Kings Island!3 points
If I could take one ride, it would have to be Dodgems. I love those things, and you could have fun with all sorts of neighbors and what not. Plus, who doesn't want to be "that guy with bumper cars in his backyard?"3 points
We have our announcement, the slaying of the Son, well this is FUN. I wonder how long shall it stay?2 points
None. The price to maintain it would be a pain in the butt. I'll let Kings Island pay for them while I use my platinum pass.2 points
They did this year I know bro! They forgot to paint the fences alongside the path on the way to Soak City!2 points
2 points
^ Except Magnum is better than them... Just teasin' (though I do think so, but that's just a matter of opinion.) It's disappointing that something as big a deal as the Golden Tickets is just a competition to see who can purchase the most advertising space. It'd be nice if a system as balanced as Mitch Hawker's poll got the attention the Golden Tickets gets, but that's life.2 points
2 points
I'm sorry but I thought The Crypt sucked at least the last couple of seasons it operated it did. When The Crypt had the intense program it was awesome.2 points
Boy, who would've thought this topic would start so much argument.2 points
Is this a problem? I enjoyed The Crypt, so I would like to have it back. What's wrong with that? How can you like The Crypt better than the original Tomb Raider?2 points
For Millie to get number one, and Diamondback to get number 10 (a ranking that NEITHER deserve by a long shot), and I305 to not even be IN the top 10 is absolute proof beyond shadow of a doubt these awards are skewed at best. As if that wasnt clear enough evidence.... Wild Eagle best new amusement park attraction for 2012? REALLY?? The only two I agree with, are Holiday World getting Cleanest park, and El Toro blasting Voyage for best Wooden Coaster. That ride hasnt deserved number 1 status for at least 2 years, and its retracking this year doesnt redeem it to that status in my opinion. Now, for as someone as Pro Holiday World as I am to say that, says something. Terpy said it best in the previous few days when discussing something related to the GT Awards when he mentioned the amount of advertising dollars spent in Amusement Today magazine. To look at this list, and say the amount of money a company spends in that rag DOESNT mean anything, would be nothing less than foolish. What baffles me is that, with CF being the conglomerate that SPENDS said money, they didnt "persuade" the GT Committee to place I305 in the Number 1 category as opposed to Millie.2 points
Not exactly I was thinking Blood Drums was going to be, if that is the same show they bring to KI.2 points
2 points
I just did that on Friday. I went to Cedar Point without checking the calendar, assuming it closed at midnight. It closed at ten. Who woulda thought they would bother opening for 4 hours. I still got to ride everything multiple times due to less than 2000 people there, so oh we'll.2 points
Why in the world would you not take TR:TR? I mean it does say PKI rides right? Trololololol2 points
It was a beautiful Service, and it was no surprise to me to see the parking lot, and the church, overflowing with people who's lives Keith touched at some point or another. I will re-iterate what I said to a few of us who spent time together afterwards to be support for one another, when I say that: A)41 is WAY too young to die. B)As nice, and humble a Man Keith was, He was likely looking down upon the full church during the Service and said "Wow, I truly didnt know I had that many Friends and people who I meant so much to".2 points
2 points
2 points
New paint a new ride does not make. Calling a ride by its current name, as to not confuse the new KICers, appropriate it is.1 point
Okay, I know this is off topic (To the conversation above), but has there been any changes to SOB yet? I'M WAITING!!!!1 point
With all due respect... are you serious??? Come on, if the park offered 50% off every time the rides closed for a lightning event (they close for lightning within X miles, NOT just rain) Cedar Fair would be broke. The coasters were closed for a total of 15 minutes.. no more, no less.... and did so only ONCE during the event. I was there.1 point
1 point
They wouldn't stand for long. Harmonic vibrations and such.1 point
I would love to tour Kings Island during the offseason, hopefully when they'd have a lotof projects going on.1 point
Fact: This is not Terpy, either (at least I think so): Hey, 2,500 posts. Confetti! Everybody daaaaance!1 point
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1 point
Sounds like Midget Wrestling will not be returning. Thank God. That show was awful.1 point
There is an ebb and flow to everything. I am an old guy...I have been around this site and the one before it 2 times. With success means growth. It also means especially with a Theme Park, a lot of younger kids will want to join because they think it's cool. A lot, and not always the young ones, think it's cool to try to be funny, or it's ok to be a jerk or a jerkette and put up dump posts. Well, a lot of those types lose their zeal pretty fast IF no one responds to that post. As hard as it can be sometimes, don't jump on a bad poster, correct their misinformation or blatant stupidity. That gets rid of the freaks, geeks and creeps faster than you can say reopen SOB. But...on the other side, new or young members can also be just as informed, make good points and become great members for a lifetime. Sometimes we have to lead by example. "Nuff said.1 point
1 point
I completely agree with the original post here. When I joined in 2007 KIC was a fantastic site. Even when I was being a "bad boy" in mid 2008 KICentral was a very well run, successful site. But it seems over the last year or so the site has slowly demised. Half of the posters here seem to half no clue what they're talking about, and arguments and flame wars have been sparking up like wildfire. There's been a ton of spam, and the mods seem to be sitting by and not doing much at all while all of this goes on. I also must point out that the information on this site (Such as the attractions page) has information from years ago, that hasn't been updated. I used to love this site, but recently it seems as though it's dying. I want to see the site survive, there's still a chance to save it, but something has to be done.1 point
For me, KIC is like being at Kings Island when I can't be there physically. Mostly, it's sharing great conversation with like interests in the park and the amusement industry (sometimes I admit I get a little over-the-top, and I apologize to you for that). Some of the rude and/or irrelevant posts I see on here give me the same feeling as I get when encountering a line jumper, "free-range smoker" or someone spouting off profanity. Still, it is the most balanced, well-moderated site I know, and thankfully, the worst 'offenders' seem to always be dealt with quickly.1 point
I know I'm new, but I have 300+ posts on the other site, and you can bet I'll try my darndest to make this site great.1 point
actually dalefan, CF officials/employees do read the Geagua Lake Today site... and their subsequent forums. There was a guy named "Dave" who posted pictures of the park demolition, who didn't work direclty for CF, but for the contractor- who, as best I can tell, was released from his employment and the pictures on the site removed. unfortunately for this site, the days of Twitter, FaceBook, etc... and the relentless blogging of individuals leaves many to think that people care about EVERY opinion they have on any topic. I have someone on my facebook network that posted 5 times about laying his kitchen floor, and that he hopes he has enough time to finish it. I DON'T CARE... seems a simple solution to the time would be to STOP POSTING. so, if there is a thread about Firehawk... well I must have an opinion so why not post. and unfortunately for the Moderators there are more people and more threads to moderate than they have time to read after. There are a few newbies on here that have over 1000 posts in their first 6 months. I've been on here four years and I don't have 700 (i think).... i can't see my numbers. Granted, if I see someone is getting spirited I will be the first to try and push a button or come up with an obviously preposterous "factoid." Most will see right through it and "get" it- and I do it in good nature. This is still a great site. for the most part moderated pretty well (I about got "moderated" for a political avatar.... before (and I can't think of his name... Ronny maybe)- realized it was a Dwight Schrute mock up). The site is very respectable in that childish comments are tough to cut out, but it always seems that the heated debate topics are kept to a minimum. Go to the cincinnati.com or any news outlet "comment" threads from their stories. This site is Pulitzer-caliber compared to some of the dolts that post on those sites.1 point
Hey BoddaH I may be a newer member to KIC but if I can offer my slight expertise to the newsletter I would be more than willing to help out with it in anyway you need. An article written or such and such. I have a degree in Digital Media Convergence which incorporates Radio/TV/Print journalism. I may not be able to get to the park as often as I like as I will soon be going to grad school this fall at Kent, but would love to offer up my ability to help the common goal....1 point
Funny, I have been around this site for a few years. I have seen many things happen to this site, the good the bad and the ugly. Always seems that during the seasson, with a new pretty ride lots of new faces appear. Some become great members, others not so much, but the off seasson will come and many of those members will disappear never to be seen or heard from again. The core members are here year round and those are typically the opinions that most listen to and respect. I remember when Jackson was trying to figure that out, maybe I was a little hard on him in the begining but he stuck around and does quite well for himself. Unfortunately there are too many that aren't even trying and I really don't care what you say you are not worth the time it takes to read your post. I know who I respect and who I listen too around here. I look for what Terpy is not saying, another great Avatar trip report, RZ to break down the technical aspects of something, Jackson to give his youthful perspective, and the list goes on. I just wonder if it is time for the higher ups to empower more with mod status to patrol the forums because of their busy schedules? There are many long time members who would make excelent mods. I think the site has grown too big for too few to patrol. I also wait for features like the KIC Newsletter and so on, that were discussed yet havent happend, havent seen too many KIC texts lately either. Im just saying, these are things that make KIC unique in a thrill ride web culture that is overrun with tpr and coasterbuzz forums, KIC is different, always has been and always will be. Atleast that is what I hope. Some of the new folks don't understand the knowledge and insight that the membership of KIC posses, I dare anyone to find a more knowledgeable base around. Sometimes it is best to shut up and just listen. No more stupid random thread because you just reached 100 posts (great I dont care, nor does anyone else), or You get a cookie comments, another poll to determine what is the best amusement park poll around, burn SoB to the ground, and the list goes on... Don't post because you are bored, post because you have something insightful and knowledgeable to share, post because you care about this site and the direction it is going, not because you will be one post closer to Terpy. Realize no mater how hard you try you will not reach his quantity and if you do by some chance you are nowhere near his league or quality. Remember quality over quantity, Terpy is the rarity because he masters both. I enjoy this site too much and have put too much time and effort in as a member to earn my place and my respect within its ranks. I will not standby and watch as morons degrade and tarnish what has become a haven for entusiasts of KI and the industry in general. Do your part to make this site great and remember respect is not something that is given to you, it must be earned on this site. I challenge each and every member to try and continualy earn respect from others on this site, if you are not willing to put in the effort, than leave. Simple as that.1 point
As a working member of the Media (Not in Cincy) its important that the difference between personal opinion and fact be stated. But then again if a media member only uses one site for his or her "fact" checking they deserve the punishment and what else that comes for reporting rumors1 point
DiamondbackLover, I don't really know how to say this without being blunt. But you're making yourself look like an idiot right now. If you're still here in the future posting, you'll probably remember this and feel so embarrassed.1 point
Rcfreak339 You are saying what many have been saying for some time. The truth is many of the Old and New members are still here but are choosing not to participate in the current offerings and are tying to wait out for some type of change. LongLiveTheSmurfRide you said it right about the real true park and KIC enthusiasts fans are here to stay especially in the off seasons. DiamondbackLover to be honest this thread has nothing to do with you, over the years we get many like you that come and go and we will get many more. Basically what I am saying is your not that unique. Boodah1984 - I hope more focus is on the members and what they want and less on what others want us to know. (It's not fun anymore) there needs to be a better balance and fast. I support this site 100% and know you guys have lives but this site has some of the best members I have ever been associated with and I think they are being under utilized and overlooked. I am here through all the changes even when I post less at times.1 point
I think that we're all seeing Kings Island's major investment into the park for 2009 having an effect on KIC much like the effect it's had on the park itself.1 point
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