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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/2013 in all areas

  1. Attempting proper grammar shows class & respect for those who read it. Blatantly disregarding grammar is a sign of laziness.
    6 points
  2. An apt quote for 1000+ reasons: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. We each are to TRY to comply with the TOS. Being humans, we aren't always going to do so perfectly. Good grammar, spelling, avoiding text talking--these are courtesies to our fellow readers. Then there's the fact that many of our posters are young, in their formative years, and make rediculous misteaks over and over. The fact one poster may not want to see corrections is selfish in the context that we can choose to help each other improve. These young people have taught me many things (just yesterday I learned about peanut butter in Seattle and cereal...and were I not here and reading, that would not have happened). I've seen many young writers and photographers develop here and get plum jobs in their chosen career fields. To the extent this site and we can help that, I, for one, am going to, even if one or more posters are careless or could care less. Try. Some of our wisest, sagest posters have atrocious grammar and spelling but are trying hard to be understood and quite succeed. Others with fantastic linguistic skills haven't had an original idea since nursery school. To not even try to communicate clearly is disrespectful without regard to income. Net worth is not a measure of human worth. At least not on my book. As for how much one makes, that is not a proxy for the degree to which one is expected to be polite and courteous. Except maybe Ms. Lohan. And even she will eventually run out of cake.
    6 points
  3. Except that the http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4128-terms-of-service/'>Terms of Service require posters to use proper spelling and grammar. It's the very first item on the page. If you still have a problem with people correcting others' spelling, take it up with the admins. We're just enforcing the TOS as they stand.
    6 points
  4. Photo #13 - The Beast Station 1980's
    5 points
  5. They do and it's beautiful. That's why some are worried about it being overdone. The fountains at night are one of those memories that will be sorely missed if the new show is gaudy. I'm not. I'm cautiously excited about it.
    4 points
  6. Yeah, I've noticed how obsessed most of you guys are about spelling & grammar...I like people to use it correctly too, but, it's not like we're gonna say "YOU DIDN'T CAPATLIZE THE FIRST LETTER OF THE SENTENCE! That's against TOS. Banned forever!" - that's being very nitpicky...
    4 points
  7. Afraid of gaining weight? (Sorry, I couldn't resist commenting on that. )
    4 points
  8. Cool video! I love the more openness we are getting from CF now. Very excited to what Matt has up his sleeve for all the parks.
    4 points
  9. 3 points
  10. I easily overlook small grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors...because God knows I create them myself...but is it really that hard to capitalize the first letter of a sentence? Making it easier for your fellow members is just common courtesy.
    3 points
  11. I'd rather just talk to other people and ride rides. A scavenger hunt just separates people and makes a fun day into a competition.
    3 points
  12. It was way to quiet last year on the Million Dollar Midway without the Kitty.
    3 points
  13. I will forever miss the sound Wildcat's anti rollbacks made on the Cedar Point midway.
    3 points
  14. I was glad to hear that Ouimet wants to elevate Luminosity from an "A" to an "A+". I'm now looking forward to seeing that this year. A culture of continuous improvement and rooting out shortcomings is exciting to see. In this case, the openness earned Cedar Fair quite a bit of free publicity, including the AP article earlier this week. It's certainly a refreshing change from the management of old. It can't be hurting recruitment either.
    3 points
  15. They could start by restoring it to its 1972/Coney Island splendor. Terp, who NEVER liked what Paramount did to the flumes (esp. KC:KC).
    3 points
  16. A very nice video. I wonder what thing they are going to do to the fountains? I`m thinking maybe some sort of new lighting package that is synchronized to music. It was very nice hearing Rob Decker talk. Being in the design profession, it has always been my dream to get the chance to work on amusement park projects. I have had the honor to actually get to work on a coupe amusement parks over the years. It is truly amazing (and no, I can`t reveal what projects I worked on, but it was really rewarding getting to work on them. Someday I wish to eventually work for a park chain. That would be an ultimate dream job! Its interesting they went with every park and reviewed the attraction installs in the last 7 years and determined how they were received and what shortcomings the parks had. I wonder what shortcomings they determined Kings Island had. And they also said that 2014 additions are already set with most of 2015 set as well. I can`t wait to see what we have in store at Kings Island!
    3 points
  17. If you guys look closely in the background of the Thunder Alley Demolition photo, you can see one of Adventure Express' tunnels! That view definitely looks much different!
    3 points
  18. At first it was exciting, but after it really hurt my neck.
    2 points
  19. Mr. Ouimet seemed so enthusiastic in that video and, on PB, Jeff said that he (Ouimet) was as giddy as any enthusiast in the building. I remember another time when Jeff and they were by Mantis and Ouimet said how proud he feels to be a part of this . I am truly impressed with him and so excited about the future.
    2 points
  20. Here's a YouTube video. The flexibility of the design is fantastic; I just hope that if that company is selected, it is not overdone.
    2 points
  21. Or Mythos at Islands of Adventure.
    2 points
  22. A keynote speaker would be cool indeed. The point of a game is to serve as a conversation starter. You certainly don't want your icebreaker activity distracting from the main events. The key is to make it simple yet interesting. If there's a scavenger hunt, and you want to ignore it and just talk to people, great! Some people need more prompting than others to have fun. A scavenger hunt, for example, might consist of a list of clues, most requiring you to find a location and jot down (or take a picture of, or text message) a minor detail. As a bad (and boring) example, a clue could require the number of gravestones in Boo Blasters. There certainly wouldn't be anything to encourage disruption of other guests or any violation of a park rule.
    2 points
  23. I would like a big, nice, sit-down restaurant with a nice view like the Crown Colony Restaurant in BGA http://seaworldparks.com/buschgardens-tampa/Dine-and-Shop/Dining/Crown-Colony-Restaurant
    2 points
  24. I think he meant the sign in the queue where the line splits into front/back of the train. A split that has been modified in recent years... Terp, trying to help (and if your picture was what was meant, what would the back of the train sign be?)
    2 points
  25. Some things I can splain, some things I cannot. Terp, who tries to be a good boy in not just the theme\amusement park milieu.
    2 points
  26. The grassy area just north of ET will have "2013" in grass grown on the hill.
    2 points
  27. Captain Picard is exactly right...there have been announcements of Paramount Parks around the globe (Japan, China, Europe, maybe even Dubai) for years (going back to the days when Viacom/Paramount still owned the US parks). All have involved some sort of licensing deal with a developer, and to date--none have panned out. Somewhat interesting...I was hopelessly lost driving at night back in 1999 in Murcia Spain (this was long before the days of in-car GPS), and that single event made me swear I'd never rent a car and drive in Europe again!
    2 points
  28. Here we go again! Stop judging people for how they spell,put two and two together. I sucked at English and spelling and still make a smack load of money.If you want to be a school teacher thats great,my parents are,but i know what hes saying, so just let it go! Makes me sick when i read everyone correcting each others grammar! Doesnt pay my bills,and like i said,im not hurting!
    2 points
  29. I, for one, am thoroughly sick of classic flumes being 'upgraded' to drench the guests, be it by coconuts, elephants, beagles, geysers or fire hydrants. And I find Shoot the Rapids to be Cedar Point's most blunderbus addition since, perhaps, Mean Streak.
    2 points
  30. Scooby was really rolling on those Scooby-Snacks at this point wasn't he? hehehehehhehehe
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. I'd re-theme Racer to look like a well maintained classic.
    2 points
  33. I would say what was installed in 79 makes up for 78 and 80.
    2 points
  34. Thank you for not making a new topic about this.
    1 point
  35. For the curious, that photo was from the 1994 season. Someone in my family took it - from the angle, I'm pretty sure it was someone taller than me at the time . Scooby may have been alone with those crazy eyes that rolled about. I have photos of other characters from the same time, and they have normal eyes.
    1 point
  36. Not to mention The Crypt, Space Spiral, and Geauga Lake.
    1 point
  37. I love Blue Streak! People who dont know CP seem to skip it,they dont know what their missing.Greatly under appreciated in my opinion!
    1 point
  38. I really hope they can make a way for Vortex to stay. Yes it's bumpy in some spots, but it's part of Kings Islands skyline of roller coasters. Every park has to have some kind of ride to grow old with too. For example, next year at Cedar Point, Blue Streak will turn 50 years old!
    1 point
  39. Never take anything for granted. This time last year, The Wildcat at Cedar Point was a given for 2012. Crews were even hired for it. The NJ Great American Scream Machine closed very quickly. Enjoy what you can, while you can.
    1 point
  40. I feel whether you love or hate this ride, The Vortex is an iconic coaster in the park and everyone who has been attending since it was built knows it. I for one am a fan of the ride. Sure it has given me some jarring experiences, but it has also given me some fantastic ones too. I more or less have countless memories on it too. I will miss this coaster whenever it is that it meets its demise, but for now I am not worried about it because it still stands and I know I will have more chances at getting more rides on it this upcoming season.
    1 point
  41. Until other things lead you to other conclusions. If it were easy, prior management would have led the way in the refreshing of Racer.
    1 point
  42. I'd re-theme Boo Blasters to something that looked like an old, rundown theater. Then on the inside I'd add characters that looked like ghosts of the old performers. I'd have one of them playing an old organ in the ride queue, and throughout the ride I'd have all the ghost performers doing their act. I think that would be a great ride!
    1 point
  43. Here's a YouTube video of what it sounds like, for those of you who have no idea...
    1 point
  44. I hear Kings Island is getting a big 12 inversion roller coaster
    1 point
  45. It was, SOB was tring 2 mak a funni
    1 point
  46. I think someone did that on porpoise. Terp, no Flipper he (and posting as others post, so to speak).
    1 point
  47. I'm really hoping that was done on purpose...
    1 point
  48. Why cant we life in a world were their is apropriate speling and gramar used?
    1 point
  49. It would be nice if we could recreate old coney full scale!
    1 point
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