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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/2013 in all areas

  1. I'm for one excited about a real restaurant at Kings Island just maybe a resort hotel at some time:
    3 points
  2. As much as I do agree that Rose belongs in Cooperstown, he dug his own grave. Fay Vincent, MLB commissioner during the Rose scandal, knew he was 100% guilty. Rose knew he was 100% guilty. Vincent simply drew a line in the sand and gave Rose an ultimatum, come clean or face a lifetime ban. Rose took the lifetime ban. He deserves exactly what he asked for.
    3 points
  3. I can think of a few reasons. 1. If someone sees a video that you used a glasses mounted camera for (or something along those lines), they are more likely to want one of their own and will be more likely to take traditional cameras and cell phones on the ride. 2. Also, when said really expensive glasses with camera fly off and are then broken or lost, people have the tendancy to want to blame the park for not looking for them or want the park to pay for them. Guests really are that way whether you are or not. 3. Lastly, many rides do not allow photography for copyright infringement issues. Mystery Mine for example is completely a copyright violation to video. The music mostly but also the effects. Just listen to Don and realize it's prohibited. If you want a video that badly, look at the park's official videos. There have been more than enough mounted camera videos of almost every ride, and they will be much higher quality than something handheld (or glasses held).
    3 points
  4. Yep. And KI-ORIG-EMP is only speculating. We cannot KNOW what would have happened.
    2 points
  5. You seem to have a habit of stating as facts things you believe to be true but that cannot be known with certainty.
    2 points
  6. Not sure what us worse than gambling, but that is your call. The 1919 Chicago Black Sox paved the way for gambling to be treated as the # 1 unforgivable sin in sports. Pete's only saving grace was that he didn't bet against his team. If he would have just came clean, there is no doubt he would not only be in the HoF, but he would have been managing again.
    2 points
  7. Dri-fit is well worth the $$$.
    2 points
  8. Like a Nike dri-fit type material.
    2 points
  9. Sorry, been a little busy with this website, and other things. Here's a bit about me. My real name is Lee. Although I live in Indianapolis, I consider Kings Island my home park. I've been going to it for over twenty years. I'm a graphic artist by trade, and have been in charge of designing 95% of the banner, logo, and t-shirt design (well, the one that originally won before Dane released the second version, per request) you have all seen on KICentral for close to a decade... God I'm old, lol. I have been a long term theme park/amusement park enthusiast. I've done the Walt Disney College Program, gone to IAAPA multiple times, and am trying hard to get back into the industry via Disney or Silver Dollar City. Guess that's really all I have. That's my life in a nut shell. If anyone ever needs any graphics/vinyl/etc, contact me. I do vehicle graphics, signage, logo/branding creation. Etc.
    2 points
  10. I suspect they are busy reconciling hopes and dreams with cold, hard fiscal realities. The 90 day walk-away period is still underway.
    2 points
  11. That's happened to me there, and that may be the incident you're referring to. I forget who was with me at the time. I was quite perturbed, and pointed out to the ride op that it was in a zippered or velcroed pocket. It didn't make any difference. I unhappily handed over my phone, but that day I learned a valuable lesson: Never get your cell phone out in a Holiday World station! I don't think it was you I saw, but I noticed it several times prior to last season. I've noticed starting last year that they aren't as overly picky about having one out in the station anymore as long as you put it away before you get on the ride and don't have it out on the ride. Then they'll still take it, but then again, so will I if you have one out on the Tornado if I see it. FYI - As a side note for everyone, the prohibiting of taking pictures on the ride is also presented on the sign at every entrance and exit at Kings Island...along with the rider responsibility law, which states that it is your responsibility to follow said posted rules. Just saying.
    2 points
  12. www.cfif.org/.../pete_rose_reinstatement. ...
    1 point
  13. Actually Bart Giamatti was the commissioner during the Rose scandal in 1989, then he died 8 days later of a heart attack after the banishment. Fay Vincent was just connected to the scandal.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commissioner_of_Baseball#A._Bartlett_Giamatti_.281989.29
    1 point
  14. Yeah, if you go that route I might be willing to pay $25 or possibly even $30. And yes, I'd love to have my username on the back.
    1 point
  15. That's what I'm trying to figure out. I'm trying to figure out if that is probable.
    1 point
  16. Are we going to have username things on the back like a KICentral jersey?
    1 point
  17. I'd like a "technical" shirt with the logo on it...that's all I wear in the summer!
    1 point
  18. That's why I've been thinking about just purchasing iron-on logos for you guys to apply on yourself. Thoughts?
    1 point
  19. And just think. Most of the time, Tip Top is not even that easy to spin fast. Gator - Apparently I went over your capacity and incapacitated you temporarily.
    1 point
  20. I am trying to figure out the best route to go, but I am not trying to make any money off them. All will get them at cost. I'm just trying to decide which direction I should go, print wise. Right now, I'm thinking about $18 or so, each, plus shipping.
    1 point
  21. How many people want shirts? Also, if given the choice between getting a t-shirt, or getting an iron on decal to place on a shirt YOU choose, which would you want?
    1 point
  22. I would have to agree with ViolaKat- Kat that 2009 was the most memorable Opening Day! I met some amazing people that i still hang out with as friends. Kat, Angie, Steph, Gary, Jesse, etc. There all still very close to me and i love my KICentral family! I had the opportunity to work opening day 2012 in the admissions department and then later enjoying the rainy cold day with many close friends. As last year, i will be at Opening Day; but in the admissions department selling passes and tickets.
    1 point
  23. Doubtful, they'd have to stay open awfully late for those mid-week Reds games on the West coast that don't end until 2:00 am east coast time. I wouldnt expect them to stay open on a 10pm west coast game on a tuesday,im talking about a game in progress when the park is shutting down,im sure their sorting all this out now. All the talk of Pete and Johnny being great or a jerk,Im only speaking of what was done on the field;I know they have good days and bad days just like the rest of us.I know Pete was loved by his teamates and he did call Eric Davis the best player he ever seen;so he cant be 100% full of himself. I know I see several #14 jerseys when I attend the games!
    1 point
  24. Any idea of how long it would take for the shirts to be ready to be bought and around how much they would cost?
    1 point
  25. Details for BeastBuzz have been released: http://coasterbuzz.com/Content/BeastBuzz
    1 point
  26. I am originally from Loveland, but I live in Arkansas now and only get to come home once or twice per year. When I do make it back, my favorite thing to do is go to KI...the more Cincinnati Icons as they and cram into that place, the better!
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Ask for them, and the shirts will come.
    1 point
  29. Are we going to be able to get T-shirts with the new logo? The one I have with the old logo is getting a bit faded
    1 point
  30. Well, as it can be inferred, the new thing is a new sit down restaurant called "Reds Hall of Fame Grille". It is red, it does have a great view on Diamondback, and many all-stars will be there at the park. I am glad they took this new step, re-embracing the culture that has faded from KI from yesteryear, I believe that through this that people that go to KI could actually see how Cincy is and a bit of who it is. A bit of the German heritage, the fun days of Coney, Larosa's pizza, Servatti's, and now the Reds, it is now becoming more of the KI I have been waiting for.
    1 point
  31. How soon we forget the impact that Flight of Fear had on the industry, as it was the first coaster to use LIMs.
    1 point
  32. Using these would still be taking pictures and video on the rides, which is strictly prohibited at Kings Island.
    1 point
  33. What, the ones at Columbus Zoo? They are VERY snappable, as long as they're running in high speed! Keep in mind though, it has two speed settings. They turn the speed down if the wind picks up at all to keep the tubs from colliding, but if the winds are calm and they're running on high, they snap like crazy. And no, they don't get mad at you. So few people that ride them know how to snap them that the operators don't really know what it is, and as long as you aren't trying to climb out of your tub, they'll let you do pretty much whatever you want.
    1 point
  34. I would say SOB made a pretty big impact. Literally. Crunch.
    1 point
  35. So by your own logic, you're naive and ignorant since you take every press release from Ed Hart as gospel truth. It's all common sense. If you don't have it, then your delusional. Obviously you guys werent born with it. I'm not on no one's bandwagon, I'm just telling it like I see it. Apparently common sense doesn't apply to basic grammar or apostrophe usage? How are we delusional again? Because The Interpreter pointed out the plan according to Hart's own spoken word in several articles? Because we see the situation differently? Because several in this thread are following things closely and you're not? For some reason, certain members in this thread take one being skeptical of Hart's plan as some kind of personal attack on themselves and Kentucky Kingdom itself. Scard01, I suggest you actually read the articles and links posted here and if you have an opinion - be prepared to back it up with why you feel that way or what evidence is drawing you to those conclusions. The only delusional thing in this topic is your repeated desire to tell us what you want to see at Kentucky Kingdom despite Ed Hart himself stating the contrary.
    1 point
  36. I don't want to hijack the thread, but what makes many rides go down during Opening Day? I understand the rides haven't operated in awhile, but they should have enough time to get the rides "warmed up" so to speak.
    1 point
  37. Opening Day 2011 with a few members on this site including Gator. Almost every single time we got in line for a ride, it went down. Started happening with the Crypt. We also got evacuated off of Racer (blue). Was a great day though.
    1 point
  38. One of these years, I`m going to get out to Knott`s. I also would like to visit the Cedar Fair park up in Canada. I`ll get to those parks eventually. I would love to see a trip report from those parks!
    1 point
  39. Thanks for the video, I didn't know it was snapping. I always called it "Driving my cousin crazy".
    1 point
  40. That video makes me sad...loved that ride. Had that move down pat.
    1 point
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