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My ex girlfriend would appreciate it if you stopped posting pictures of her.21 points
Keeping my promise from last night to YoungStud... I'm currently in line for Maverick, and it's down...20 points
19 points
In my day, it didn't matter who the manufacturer was, whether it was made of wood or steel, went 500 feet up or stayed low to the ground. We just wanted to have a day of fun and share some laughs with family and friends. Because that's the way it was, and we liked it like that!18 points
How I think the announcement should go.... You're sitting there watching the fireworks and you fully know that after the fireworks are done is the big announcement. So the fireworks end and you sit there waiting. A few minutes pass and you look to your friends and say "Man, the announce AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" you hear a scream coming from behind the wall. Everything goes silent....a bit passes and you hear another ghostly scream from behind the fence followed by Don running to the stage he looks frightened. Gregg comes out and asks Don what is wrong. Don *while panting* says he saw it. Greg asks "Saw what Don what did you see?!"..Don seems to blow off the question and says "It must have been at least *insert ride height here* tall. Greg says "What?! Surly we would've seen something that tall!" Don: "No it was there only for a second it must have ran at least *insert ride speed here* fast." Greg "DON what did you see!!!!!!" Don: "THE Banshee!"16 points
There may not be a day this summer...announcement at 10pm...clever. I love it.16 points
^Dang beat me. But here is the invite received by the Enquirer posted to this thread for everyone:15 points
World's first coaster to sit on the former site of the world's first looping wooden coaster.14 points
13 points
Cedar Fair is done with red colored rides and is beginning a streak of blue?12 points
When I first read the text, I incorrectly read it as Kings Island intended to break another world record, which could mean anything from Robbie Knievel to the world's longest kick line. But a world-record breaking attraction... this may be the big one. Or not.12 points
12 points
Interesting that the announcement will be at 10pm. Guess there won't be a day this summer for an announcement after all. Oh, and 100th post!12 points
11 points
The first looping wooden coaster was not at Kings Island. Nor was it built in 2000.11 points
It is amazing how many people had no idea that Kings Island was even building a ride. People on twitter are tweeting "Huh?" and "I hope it is a new coaster." Are people that oblivious to the big huge construction site where SOB used to stand? Man I lose hope in humanity more and more everyday...11 points
10 points
That would be the Terp effect, and it's rather contagious. Next thing you know, you'll be reminding people who could care less that they do care some.10 points
10 PM? Does that mean with fireworks in the background? How Tony Stark!10 points
Just thought I should post here in case someone misses it. Rcoaster10 has done a spectacular thing and started a B&M vs Intamin thread. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/27897-intamin-or-b-m/ I think many of us would enjoy it if you post your thoughts on the debate there instead of here. Thanks.10 points
It looks like a B&M based on footers and other various reasons discussed here, and it seems that the general consensus is for an invert. People believe that this will be a large attraction. The blue steel you mentioned doesn't have a destination that we know of just yet, so KI is an absolute possibility for that. Other than that, you have missed pictures, teasers, debates, arguments, jokes, a poor decision or two, several bowls of popcorn, Snickers bars, some interpreting, a lot of grammar issues, and many other small discussions. Welcome aboard the crazy train!10 points
Because they are upset that the park is not installing the Coaster THEY want.9 points
9 points
My pet peeve is people not coming out and saying instead of beating around the bush.9 points
I sometimes still hear SoB's lift hill when I'm at the park. I think it's one of those residual sound things.9 points
9 points
8 points
Just a thought - if it IS a record-breaking bathroom, it could be called Big John.......blue supports, red seats!8 points
8 points
8 points
I'm glad that it is "world record breaking". I was worried they were going to pull something where they said it was the fastest, tallest, most inversions etc. in the Midwest or something like that. Ain't nobody got time fo dat.8 points
Fom KIClub: Save the date : Kings Island will unveil plans for a new world record breaking attraction Thursday7 Aug. 8th at 10pm !!!!8 points
Hey guys, I just got a text from Kings Island that said a new world record-breaking attraction will be announced Thursday August 8th at 10pm. The plans will be unveiled during this announcement!7 points
7 points
7 points
7 points
Coming from the person with 12 posts. Do some history research and you will see that a looping wooden coaster is nothing new nor was SoB anywhere near the first.7 points
7 points
Thank god! Only 8 more days of this stupidity... And bickering... And people claiming to "know" and "see things" then all ill have to read about is who hates it... And wishes it was something different, or who "knew it all along". he, I'm hoping for an invert by b&m. I've been hoping for one of those for a long long time... But truth be told, ill be happy with whatever they announce as clearly this will be some kind of coaster.7 points
Cedar Fair has had a Blue Streak for nearly 50 years. Homestar92, who simply HAD to7 points
I will say, I want B&M's to roar as they go past. That's one thing that disappointed me with Gatekeeper...I would have loved to get my season pass scanned and hear that thing pass right overhead...that noise is one of my favorite coaster noises.. Best noise is still the sound of an arrow lift hill7 points
Just drove past CSF. The pieces mentioned the other day are still there on the flatbed. 4 empty flatbed trailers out front and we have BLUE TRACK on a flatbed also. Pic to follow shortly...7 points
You have to take world-record breaking with a grain of salt. It could theoretically be a invert with the world's largest corskscrew, or the world's largest cobra roll, many possibilities here.7 points
Somewhere in another dimension, there is a Starting to Decode 2014 thread that is full of relevant and insightful gumshoeing. My guess is that thread has about eight pages.7 points
Announcement 'announced' 8 days in advance. Announcement date is 8/8. Hmmm...8 inversions sounds feasible to me.6 points
The text message from KI woke me up this morning. I read it and promptly fell back asleep because I had been up until almost 4am. I will be at the announcement come hell or high water. I like how the nighttime announcement gives truth to the statement that there may not be a day this summer when the ride is announced. Very clever, Don. The silver comb is enough to convince me that Banshee is the name. The next eight days are going to take forever.6 points
6 points
Very interesting to know that it will be world record breaking. Maybe the tallest and fastest, possibly longest invert?6 points
You will understand when you're older...or you won't 17 posts and your attacking people 'Twas hardly an attack, more of a commentary on only understanding one kind of attraction. If you would like to read all 17 posts, you will see it hardly took me until now to say something that could be taken as an "attack" An attack would have been pointing out the poor spelling of "supposed" or your apparent inability to differentiate between "your" and "you're"... but I didn't do that6 points
YoungStud, you're disappointment is your own fault. You hyped it up in your own mind. It seems you want a 350' Intamin giga that goes 98mph with sharp turns and ejector airtime, which in and of itself is fine, if that's what you want. I think anything less than that is going to be a disappointment to you. A lot of people seem to hype it up in their minds, and that's what causes the letdown when they see it's not what they envisioned in their heads. But KI hasn't done anything to hype this up to be anything more than what it is.....and they haven't even told us what it is yet. So any and all speculation by anyone at KIC is based on their own fantasies and interpretations. The hype is not fed by KI at all. Annoumcement?? You aren't by chance on a bumpy road, are you?6 points
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