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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/2013 in all areas

  1. I feel bad for the park no matter whether it's real or fake. A lot of hard work and effort goes into planning such things. I think it stinks that someone -although incognito - who made NONE of the decisions is getting attention and glory. The Executive Team at a park works long hours to provide exciting things for their guests. In the Marketing world, this *could be* the equivelant of someone blowing out the candles on YOUR birthday. That having been said, if it turns out the plans are accurate, then I think the placement of the lift/1st element is perfection! It would appear the *possible* coaster *may* drop off the lift and turn right above where the entrance to Adventure Express is (directly across from the Beir Garden.) Imagine the visuals... both on and off. Great photo ops! But no matter if these are real or fake... I applaud KI for finally filling the eyesore void left from the vacated KC land. I've been annoyed by that blank spot between Slingshot/Delirium/Go Karts for years! As far as the naysayers. Be very careful about pre-passing judgement on anything in life... including coasters. I've learned the hard way that criticizing something of which I'm not intimately (Or INTAMINLY... as the case may be...) familiar just makes me look like a darn fool in the long run. Statements such as "It should have been this", "I wont ride it", "It's not what I wanted" or "this would have better if it were this type of coaster" simply demonstrates a lack of forsight, narrowmindedness and immaturity. Thank God we have people like the Cedar Fair execs that are continuing the long-standing tradition of making KI such a great park. In the past 5 years, I've gotten a tinge of "the old days." Many of you didn't get to experience the early days. In the first 20+ years, the installs fit KI to a "T". Unfortunately the park lost it's direction for a while (IMO) so I am ecstatic to see it returning to it's roots of providing thrills for seekers of all levels and rides of substance and worth.
    32 points
  2. Okay kids. Your Uncle beastfan11 has had a few to drink tonight and was just dropped off at home. Here's what I'm thinking: There was a time, but now it's all gone by where I was just a young lad. Now in these times, I'd see the park once a year, if lucky, And every year I'd make a great return to the Island of Kings, and BEHOLD! A new attraction would appear. You see, in these days, the best things in life were a surprise, and every surprise took me farther away from the everyday and when you're taken away from the everyday, you are happy, no? Yes. You are. My point? Be a young kid again. Intamin? B&M? Vekoma? Ahhh, come on. Let's have a real good time, whatever it is. Does it really matter? No. We'll all have a great time,no matter what, only if we let ourselves. Let's be surprised and happy. Any new addition is another way we can escape. Got it, bro? Love, Collin PS: My current (legal) state is proof that anyone has the ability to use proper grammar. No excuses.
    26 points
  3. I'm lovin' how this thread is starting to wax poetic! There's dirt and new footers behind yonder fence, Doth thrill-thirsty thousands wot what's coming hence? A cheer of enraptured fans gather and bellow, Upon revelation from one well-dressed fellow! Everyone dance when you hear the good news, Of this thing which will knock you right out of your shoes! Where once stood that slumbering mess of a ride, Will now stand a legend 'twill fill us with pride! So go on and dream of your best guess and fancy, A diver? A twister? Diversion or Banshee? 'Tis but a few days, and then we will know, And then do it again, in a decade or so.
    19 points
  4. There are people behind the avatars of every board member here. I've looked at a lot of them. Some of them are just pictures of different things, but a lot of them are actual faces of members, and I see many beautiful faces of people with real feelings. They are people with hopes, dreams, ambitions, and ideas. We never know what personal fears, struggles, pains, or heartaches they may be experiencing. Sometimes I think if we actually all met one another in person, we wouldn't say some of the things we say in this forum. I think I'm going to back out for a while and wait until the night of the 8th to find out what this project is all about. So I'm going to retreat to being a lurker again. I'll still be around, but just observing. You guys take care.
    18 points
  5. No date sticker was placed on the tag. No dates were changed.
    17 points
  6. One of the great joys of being older is you generally don't give a rat's patootie about what others think is cool or not.
    16 points
  7. I am thinking about streaming the announcement live from the park using UStream. Would those not attending be interested?
    14 points
  8. Well, only if it's a slow news day
    14 points
  9. Remember when everyone was SO SURE that it was going to be a B&M Giga? Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be worth the anticipation.
    14 points
  10. Well we now know who leaked the blue print...
    13 points
  11. Was the point of creating this thread to criticize those who wear one?
    13 points
  12. Latest construction photos from the 31st... Non-Flash Version / Mobile Version
    13 points
  13. The Partridge Family and Brady Bunch would have had very boring episodes where each family visits a soybean farm next to an interstate in Ohio.
    12 points
  14. How about we respect everyone's thoughts and we see what it's going to be Thursday 8th at 10pm! We all have a right to believe what we think, Agree to disagree! Ride Warriors..Not just a coaster rider, but a way of life!
    12 points
  15. Latest update from KICentral's Facebook.
    11 points
  16. ^^ Here you go locostich. More posts. (rimshot) I just had to.
    11 points
  17. TPR can be...uh...interesting. Especially if you don't agree with Bob Avery.
    11 points
  18. I feel like a kid that just saw "santa" downstairs...
    10 points
  19. Not often Don needs to ask for a comb.
    10 points
  20. The Ballad of The Beasts I decided to post something perhaps tangentially interesting at the risk of being slightly off-topic (given the ebbs and flows of this thread I think I'll be in the clear). So, a friend texted me asking to be told a story, and this is what happened: Once upon a time there was a land of Kings and it bustled with activity, there was all manner and sort of pleasurable pursuit in the Kings' stronghold. There were amusements of all variety, the most famous rising above the timberline and delving into the forest, a Beast of legend and lore. He'd been tamed, you see, and the Kings and their courts would ride upon the back of this mighty, massive creature to their heart's content. One particularly drab day, the Kings and all their men came to know the true gender of their Beast, for it was with child. The Son of Beast was to be born, and each King wagered as to what it would be like - larger, smaller, thinner, taller...but all agreed they'd come upon a great fortune for they could shape the future of this Beast from youth (and perhaps more accurately discern its gender). When alas he came to maturity, indeed he was an impressive behemoth. Much taller than his mother, Son of Beast was also more wily and wild, possessing a certain savagery not even his wild-born mother could equal - but still for many years he gave rides upon his back and Kings Island fared well. On an especially bright, beautiful day some of the court jesters and wenches decided they'd mosey over to Son of Beast and take in a view of the forest from his back. Their laughter and revelry carried across the treetops all up until Son of Beast gave a jerk and a lurch and tossed all the jesters and wenches from his back. Not satisfied with his work, Son of Beast proceeded to tear them all limb from limb, and each was eaten before the rest of the court could even respond. A battle ensued, and the combined powers of all Kings looked to be overwhelmed by a pure carnal fury. At last, a sorcerer came forth with a plan - if Son of Beast could not be killed, it would be lulled into a magical slumber. An attack was planned and as battle raged the sorcerer cast his spell. Success! Son of Beast was confined to a deep sleep, and slowly things began to return to normal. No one knows why, but for a time Son of Beast was not slain. Perhaps it was due to concern that his mother would become unstable if her son were killed. Finally, and after many moons of deliberation, the time for a decision came. Son of a Beast would be lain to rest - the destruction and horror it had caused meant it was beyond saving. The sorcerer abruptly made it so, and with a disturbing quickness Son of Beast was no more. Now, though, the Kings and their respective courts yearn for a successor. They dare not seek another primal being, so this new beast is being forged in secrecy, made by the fist of man from enchanted earthen metals. Nearby blacksmiths toil day and night to bring the metal beast to life, but they do so covertly - no one in the courts must know what awaits until the Kings themselves speak. Of course the fools and commoners rant and bicker over what new monstrosity may arise in the forest Son of Beast once called home, but whatever it may be, Kings Island will likely ne'er be the same.
    10 points
  21. My ex girlfriend would appreciate it if you stopped posting pictures of her.
    10 points
  22. maybe patrick michael is big sexy
    9 points
  23. Although, if they are under-engineered, they might build the ride, run a few test runs, and then find out they have to take out an inversion or something. That definitely would be bad.
    9 points
  24. As mentioned above - record breaking could mean anything. If it's an invert, none of them are really that tall... could be the tallest. Maybe the fastest.. most inverts? It's going to be an interesting week.
    9 points
  25. Yes....... Great news. One less person....
    9 points
  26. Just popped over to the park to see if there was anything to see. looks like they have an area in Action Zone, by the owl, that is sectioned off and currently has two stone formations, 1 is a rough pyramid shape the other is square-ish. Looking inside construction reveals what appears to be the mounting of an upright support to the foundation. The picture dosent show the color of the mount very well but from where i was, it looked to be like a dark slate color. Her is a link to my photo stream on Flickr to see the pictures i took. http://www.flickr.com/photos/94706696@N04/ - check out the originals for full resolution The first Picture is the service entrance from the parking lot, it looks like they JUST took down some rather large trees, perhaps to make room for something big to enter?
    9 points
  27. ^Someone's upset that this won't be an Intamin ride.
    8 points
  28. 8 points
  29. Of course I do, where else would I store my partially eaten turkey legs?!
    8 points
  30. Mr. Spiegel also famously guessed that Diamondback's transfer track footings were indicative of a vertical loop, and that it would be a Dive coaster.
    7 points
  31. As stated above - for those of you in the Cincinnati Market, WLWT Ch 5 was out at the park today and they are going to do a story on the new attraction on their 11:00 news broadcast.
    7 points
  32. Leaked? Everything posted on this forum is public record.
    7 points
  33. Not commenting on the validity of the blueprints here, because I don't know. I just feel the need to point out as an engineer that both drafters and engineers aren't exactly renowned for their spelling abilities. Instead of learning how to spell "vicinity" in school, we're learning how to design stuff to run and/or not break. Just saying! FTW, with many thanks to the inventor of spell check.
    7 points
  34. You Agreed to this YoungStud and so did I and everyone else here Because what we were talking about was pure speculation (which I am ok reading). Now that this has happened it no longer is speculation. Really think about others buddy, not yourself.
    7 points
  35. For once I agree with you on something.
    7 points
  36. ^They look legit to me EDIT: Looks like a right hand swooping drop into a diveloop or immelman, followed by a vertical loop around the lift. Then comes a zero-g, some weird element, another vertical loop, a helix and thats it.
    7 points
  37. "Comb" is an anagram of "BMCO", btw... as in B&M Co.?
    7 points
  38. This is the thread that never ends, For the rumored coaster trends.. Some people, started decoding it not knowing what it was, and they continue quoting it, forever just because: This is the thread that never ends, Yes it goes on and on my friends..
    7 points
  39. Reading the past couple pages, it seems like some of you will be contemplating suicide if this coaster isn't what you want it to be. Not the right attitude to have. Sit back, watch the construction, enjoy the ride.
    7 points
  40. If only there were a show building like Verbolten. Send in the cranes...
    7 points
  41. If those are footers being prepped out by SoBs Rose Bowl, then good lord we are in for a ride.
    7 points
  42. You usually bring yourself? What about the times you do not?
    7 points
  43. Who cares what it is! It's a new coaster! The one thing we all have in common on here, we love them! Let's just sit back and enjoy the next few days. Kings Island will be changed forever in a good way. This is like a parent saying, I want my child to be tall, smart, funny, have blue eyes, and be able to fly or I won't love them. HUSH PEOPLE! Do you think anyone is still bummed out that Diamondback wasn't an Invert or an Intiman?! If they are, get over it.
    6 points
  44. If once you forfeit the confidence of your fellow-citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem.Abraham Lincoln Ride Warriors..Not just a coaster rider, but a way of life!
    6 points
  45. This is my guess for the layout of the track. track layout guess by upstop2, on Flickr
    6 points
  46. Johnny Cochran is deceased. Terp. Just sayin'
    6 points
  47. Why in the world would we do that? You didn't ask anything wrong. We aren't being mean to you. We just feel it's better for new members to get caught up by reading through the posts first so we don't need to keep explaining things that have already been explained. There are SO many questions that are easily answered by reading through the thread. If it's a new question, we'll be happy to answer it for you. You expect every new user considering posting in this thread to read almost 10,000 posts? By the time they do that, the announcement will have already been made. And they have no way of knowing at what point to start reading, especially when the thread list only provides links to the first three pages and the last one. I think we can cut the new users a little slack in that regard.
    6 points
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