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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/2013 in all areas

  1. "The first drop on Banshee is going to be wicked." - KingsIslandPR (facebook) (Photo Courtesy of Kings Island)
    9 points
  2. ^ Are you offering? Because I'm down for a trip to Tampa.
    8 points
  3. From Kings Island's Twitter: "Workmen have begun installing sections of track for the first drop of Banshee." This picture's perspective is really cool and emphasizes just how steep and awesome this beast is! I seriously can't wait.
    8 points
  4. Had a great weekend at KD! Got to ride everything since crowds were not bad at all. Rode I305 12 times (7 straight). It's a great ride. Volcano is very fun too. The food there does suck though. I think over a day and a half I took 40 rides
    8 points
  5. Suddenly, this ride runs up (somehow), screaming "NO! ONLY I AM WICKEDLY TWISTED! Banshee IS JUST REGULAR TWISTED!" (Sorry, could not resist...)
    7 points
  6. I don't know if we should just let Son of Beast die. Sure, it had a checkered history and what-not, but it is still arguably the biggest part of Kings Island's history. Like it or not, that ride had a profound impact on our park, and I think it is fair to discuss.
    7 points
  7. I love this place. It's possessed.
    6 points
  8. Any field research as to why people throw plastic bracelets on the roof on the first hill of The Beast ?? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  9. Then go there and enjoy.
    4 points
  10. Steep drop + tight curve=high gs, high speed, and high thrill. Can it be April yet?
    4 points
  11. The rotation going down that drop is going to be intense! I'm excited!
    4 points
  12. After working on Diamondback and riding 1000 times, yeah, you will find this. It's a really cool thing because it takes a while for the ride to get stale. My favorite row is row 2 - I believe you get better views, and it's a ton of fun hanging off the edge on the sides of the train. Instead of the middle middle, I like rows 4 and 10 - both provide a blend of sustained floater air; 4 gives you a little more push over the top, and 10 gives you more pull down the hill. And 15 is choice for the back since it's always had a rattle.
    4 points
  13. I'll just continue to ride Banshee's virtual pov and eventually real HD pov... Sign.. But you all will have snow and yucky weather for two years, I will not..so I guess there's a trade off
    4 points
  14. Apparently not. No one had replied for several days. And then...
    4 points
  15. Haha gotta have a little fun around here sometimes. Disclaimer: I'm not actually in love with an inanimate object (AKA Banshee). I may be a coaster enthusiast but I'd never go that far! Man, do I love sarcasm.
    4 points
  16. Familiarity breeds contempt.
    4 points
  17. Yes, that's 240 minutes (4 hours) for Toy Story Mania at Tokyo Disney Sea Was at the park last week, Will do a Trip report if there is any interest (or if I'm not busy)
    4 points
  18. I was just in he midst of typing that lol.
    3 points
  19. ^ Doesn't count. That one is only half-twisted.
    3 points
  20. No, how dare you Orpheus, resurrecting this thread, Ki man did such a great job killing it. It is dead! No saving threads from the under world. Hades would not approve.
    3 points
  21. Do you mean designed by the two principals of B&M? Or sold by a company named B&M? You said built by B&M? I'm not aware that B&M has ever built a coaster.
    3 points
  22. Depends on how you define B&M. Honestly.
    3 points
  23. And non-tilted back seats. Only one like it in America. Doubtful there will ever be another.
    3 points
  24. The Diamondback splashdown pond could REALLY use some touching up. Just compare that rendering to the brown stuff we have now.
    3 points
  25. It probably will, they typically have the premier rides on the early ride time list. Well not their premier rides, but the premier rides, what ever you know what I mean.
    3 points
  26. Been there hot cold, post rain, and early morning runs, still has the same result. I do notice it more in the colder weather, which like all coasters is to be expected, but mid JUL I still started noticing the same problem. I do honestly think the wheels are probably wearing, and yes weather is a slight contributing factor...but like I said I bet you next year, smooth as it has been like every opening year. It may not be opening day inagural year smooth, but it's still going to be a great fun ride as per usual
    3 points
  27. Has anyone ever considered the weather conditions when they've experienced a "rough" ride? Believe it or not, weather including temp, wind, etc. can affect a ride.
    3 points
  28. Next support in place, things will start moving a bit quicker now as they get towards the ground.
    3 points
  29. Wow, the track is redder than I thought it was. Its almost like Firehawk. I just asked my brother what he thought of the track. He said it looks "pretty red-ish". No matter what we say about it, most of the GP will think it's red. Don't worry, in several years when the paint starts to fade, it'll be a horrible shade of pinkish.
    3 points
  30. aka dynamic pricing. Get used to it. You ain't seen nuthin' yet.
    3 points
  31. This is getting weird. Anyways, when you see Banshee in person it looks nothing of DB or Firehawk's red as previously mentioned.
    3 points
  32. 3 points
  33. 3 points
  34. track/support completed so far:
    3 points
  35. Looks like the first support for the drop is almost done, only needs the top section and they can hang track.
    3 points
  36. Let the builder build the ride. Not engage in cost cutting short cuts.
    3 points
  37. Now that I got your attention with that wonderful headline (I'll explain that one later). I'll begin my TR for Kings Island on Sept. 29th, 2013. The day started with myself, my wife, and her little cousin (She describes me as her "roller coaster buddy" and we were heading to KI for her 10th birthday) heading out of Indianapolis. It was pouring down rain in Indy and we decided to shop for some ponchos as the forecast for Mason was continual rain after 2pm. We ended up grabbing some from CVS and that put us about 20 minutes behind schedule. About 30 minutes down 74 the rain stopped and the clouds lightened up a bit. We ended up getting to the park at 11:15. The park was dead. Every ride was a walk on. There might have been more employees there than paying customers in the park. Now my wife's cousin has not been on Diamondback or Invertigo so what does she decide we are riding first? Diamondback. Since there was no one there it was a walk on. She was pumped and ready to go. The queue gates opened and we sat in rows 3 and 4. As soon as we sat down she said she didn't want to ride and hopped up and left. We told her that we weren't going to make her ride anything she didn't want to so she decided to hop off the ride. After some talking to she decided she was ready to go again. So we went in rows 3 and 4 and she LOVED IT! After it was over she decided to ride again so we rode it 4 more times without a wait. Then we headed to Beast for a lap. After Beast I went to the car to drop off my backpack in the car while my wife and her cousin rode BLSC, Shake Rattle and Roll, and Zephyr. We met up at FOF and rode it 3 times in a row. Then we went on FH and rode it twice in a row. This is when the rain started. My wife and cousin rode Monster once and then we all rode Racer. After a "painful" ride due to stinging from the rain in the face, we decided to grab our jackets from the car and try out the Reds HOF Grille. The Reds Grille was pretty nice. The theming was nice. The menu was a little bit on the shorter side IMO. But they offered some good meals. I ended up eating the chili cheese fries while my wife and her cousin both ordered chicken tenders. The meals were good and the portions were pretty large. I would say the meals were well worth the price which we ended up paying $31 before tip. After food and waiting out the rain we decided to ride Boo Blasters. We rode it 4 times, I won all 4 matches with a high score of 2190! Then we headed to Diamondback and it was still a walk on we ended up riding it 7 times in a row with us not even getting off for the final 3 cycles . We headed to Vortex and rode it twice. This is where the "Soaked Booty" came. The rain gathered in the seats and thus soaked out "tooches." That stuck around with us for the rest of the day... The rain had stopped by now and we were going to ride WindSeeker but it was closed due to high winds. We then headed to AE and sat front row for 3 cycles. After that we headed to Drop Tower. My wife and roller coaster buddy didn't want to ride so I went for one cycle while they went to ride Delirium. Next up was FD. After 2 cycles in the back row we headed to Invertigo for our final ride. The ride was great and my roller coaster buddy loved it. After one cycle we headed to the car and headed home. The day was about a perfect as you could get. The weather wasn't as bad as it was in Indianapolis. We almost didn't go because we thought we were only going to be able to be in the park for a few hours due to rain. But the rain held off for the most part and was not heavy during the day. We were all very glad it didn't rain like it did in Indianapolis. Final Thoughts: -Banshee looks very similar in color to DB from the highway. You can tell the difference when in the park but most of the general public will probably think its the same color. I was hoping the ride would have been more like the renderings but the color is not what makes the ride, IMO. The construction looked to be coming along very well. -AE will offer very good views of Banshee from the queue line, the front row in the loading station, as well as along the ride. -The Reds Grille was a good deal for food and a nice place to eat. The food was good and the prices were similar to most sit down restaurants. Service was fast and good. - This was the third time I have been to Kings Island during a Fall Sunday and they are by far the BEST days to go. Today our longest wait was one train for any ride in the park. Almost every ride was a walk on. - My roller coaster buddy's favorite ride was Diamondback! She loved the speed and airtime!
    2 points
  38. Or perhaps, that was the plan... to start it darker so that it would age into the correct shade.
    2 points
  39. I kinda agree with you, I went to Kings Island for the first time in ten years this year and and almost every other weekend. I found that the end of year, Diamondback is the only one thats still thrilling. The Beast without trim on the first hill. AE just boring, Racer yawn, Delerium could be something if laster longer. Invertigo, Flight deck doesnt last long enough. Vortex and Flight of Fear offer a little thrill, Firehawk is only good in back and in the loop. I think the prob is too much exposure. I did get well use out of my season passes and hopefull Cedar Point next year will change that, if not I prob will quit going as much. I felt like this before Kentucky Kingdom closed and so did many other people. Now I feel like this with Kings Island and Holiday World.
    2 points
  40. This is cool' Agreed; thanks davidw for creating this. Also, before looking at the recent construction pics, I never realized just how steep Banshee's first drop will be.
    2 points
  41. And enthusiasts get upset when the park does a promotion to get people to visit on such days.
    2 points
  42. This is not the first time they have had bring a friend days in October on a Sunday. Yes they are trying to boost attendance, the park was dead, they even took trains off of coasters yesterday cause they were sending them empty....Haunt Fridays and Saturdays are the busiest times during this time of the year!
    2 points
  43. Banshee takes awhile to get ready and have all her work done to be able to go out in public.. Much longer than the normal girl. I advise against it.
    2 points
  44. After riding Raptor several time over the weekend, I am so ready for Banshee!
    2 points
  45. After riding Adventure Express Friday night, I can tell you that Banshee will be very visible. While sitting in the station and exiting it you are looking directly at the lift hill! And yes, I think the batwing will be pretty close as well.
    2 points
  46. What I find that is amazing is that an 83 year old can't hear a conversation when you are three feet away but can hear an ambulance coming from 5 miles away (that the person talking to them can't hear)...true story.... I can't imagine that Banshee will be anywhere as loud as SOB's lift hill was...
    2 points
  47. Did you advise Cedar Fair on what to do with Mean Squeak?
    2 points
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