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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/2013 in all areas

  1. After meeting my dad for dinner in Mason, we decided to drive by Kings Island and take a few pictures of Banshee and The Bat. I was able to borrow my dad's camera he never uses. We then into the parking lot for Great Wolf Lodge. A good idea would be going to the KIC Holiday party at Great Wolf Lodge on December 6th-7th. Find more details in the KIC Meetups section. Here is Flight Deck one last time with it's old paint job.
    11 points
  2. Great, now I'm reading my posts in a Homer Simpson voice. Way to go.
    8 points
  3. (nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana) Batcaaaaaam! PhantomTheaterKiss who just had to.
    8 points
  4. 6 points
  5. I can't stop reading your posts with Homer Simpsons voice in my head. "D'oh!"
    6 points
  6. Yeah, that would be a darn diddly shame. Blondy, who just had to.
    5 points
  7. It wouldn't surprise me the least bit to see Delirium get a fresh coat of paint. Frankly, the the ride looks like crap and being right next to the new ride, it's due for one. The motorS perform fine and "stress on the motorS" would not be the reason they don't extend the ride cycle. You want to know why they dont extend the cycle? Because it's fine as is and the general public would not notice the difference. Delirium and Maxair are more less the exact same ride. Minus some small differences. Again,the motorS have performed as expected and waiting on a motor from Germany was not the reason for its extended downtime in years past.
    5 points
  8. OK, a bit late but I had a Kings Island dream last night...or the night before, I'm not 100% sure ATM. First, I rode the new Banshee, which had a pretty accurate layout and everything. Afterwards, I rode The Beast, but the dream skipped over everything after the first turn after the first tunnel. Then, I returned to Action Zone and rode...Son of Beast!?!? And Banshee was still there somehow to boot, with SOB right behind it, as I viewed them from the AZ midway...I even thought "Wait, Son of Beast AND Banshee?" ...the layout for Son of Beast was accurate, save for one detail- the "Rose Bowl" helix & MCBR was INDOORS, in pitch black darkness, similar to Flight of Fear, but only that section of the ride for some reason... (After the first drop, you entered the building via a tunnel, and exited via another tunnel into the old section where the loop was). In the dream, the Rose Bowl section was kinda rough, but somehow not too much, and had decent laterals. Then I hit the MCBR, and creepy music started playing as build-up for what I think was the loop, but I woke up before the train exited the building and did the section where the loop was, so I dunno if this was looping or non-looping SOB... And that was yet another of my weird KI dreams. Ehh, still not as weird as SOB and Diamondback fighting each other, though.
    5 points
  9. We all seem to think that we would be the only one that would care for those changes, but I think if you went up to a member of the general public and took them by the hand and said: "Okay the fence next year that will be replaced by a brand new roller coaster that hangs below the track like Flight Deck, it will be called Banshee. Now I have been thinking, what if they replaced that ugly concrete with bricks, wouldn't that make it a lot prettier. *Shows them Coney Mall and brings them back to site* Wouldn't it?" So the response might be: "Yeah sure..." but maybe that would spark something in the mind, they might appreciate the time it takes to do such a thing. I told my brother that Flight Deck was getting renamed and rethemed to The Bat, he asked: "Why?" I said so it can complement Banshee and make it's own little section. He than said:" Does this mean no more walk ups for Flight Deck" I told him "No, I wouldn't expect anymore of those" Then after a few seconds, he said: "Are they going to change the other rides there?".... Oh, Jake you really are my brother. EDIT: Jake is 7, so similar mind set of the General Public.
    5 points
  10. Why are we talking about removing rides anyway? I enjoy all the current rides at the park. Some I can tolerate a few times a season (Vortex), and others I ride often depending on who I am with. A lot of posts I have seen on this forum over the last couple years have claimed that "there isn't enough." "Build more flat rides." "I want this" " I want that" Now you want to remove something? One thing that needs to be gone is the Crypt building. Personally, I would rather they use the building for a "Houdini" type attraction. I got to experience the Houdini ride at SFGAdv earlier this year. There were INFANTS on the ride! There is NO minimum height requirement. It is EXACTLY what KI needs. People complain that there isn't enough thrills for the entire family. Well, here is the answer.
    5 points
  11. Thanks for the photos! It's interesting to see Banshee's emerging effect on the skyline from multiple angles. Invertigo is complementing it well. It will be nice to get an overhead perspective at the December meetup, from one of the balconies at GWL.
    4 points
  12. Great Photos by ohiocolts here.
    4 points
  13. ^You have a point, Terpy... Or Comic Book Guy... razmataz, who is going to watch the Simpsons now.
    4 points
  14. i have say my intial thought at first was the Backlot Stunt Coaster... its just an eyesore. would love to see a maverick style coaster or something that could blend in with the geography and much needed improved landscaping there at the centerpiece of the park. but after reading though here, it does seem congo falls is out of place the most. and i wish people would leave adverture express alone. just respect it for what it is, a mine train coaster and a great mild family ride. its a specific genre of coaster thats about as classic as the modern amusement park itself. besides, there is plenty of space for expanding to the same area behind Banshee as hightlighted on here from the Xbase area. which also brings up the point, i wouldnt mind seeing Firehawk being removed, perhaps a better B&M flying coaster could go where congo falls is currently... certainly would make that area an aviation themed area for coasters. and ohio is the birthplace of aviation... could all even work in a haunted ohio theme as well. anyway, just my random thoughts on the matter.
    4 points
  15. 4 points
  16. CLEARLY you have never had to stand in line with kids waiting to ride the Whirlybirds. It gets plenty of attention. Very rarely are we able to get in in under 5 minutes and this is the norm as my Daughter must ride it multiple times every time we are there. That and it doesn't take up much room and is a unique ride with it being elevated. I tmay be old and it might not be a thriller, but to the youngins, it's amazing.
    4 points
  17. Bigger often means the opposite of better. Terp, who means it (and whose favorite rides are oft small or mid-sized...take Frisbees as just one example...or Top Spins, Whips, etc.)
    4 points
  18. I'd move Backlot Stunt Coaster to a smaller park. It has a low capacity, the launch into the helix is too intense for a "family" coaster, and it's an eyesore compared to what it replaced. You'd remove the second biggest people eater after Banshee? You must like long lines at Beast and Vortex. Besides, there's more that can make a ride entertaining than just forcefulness. Even if you personally can't enjoy the coaster, perhaps you could catch up on your reading? Have you handed in your Kings Island fan card yet?
    4 points
  19. Yes and no. While it shows The Bat, it doesn't give a very close view of it to see what's going on. You're right! I'm not observant at all lol hmmmm
    3 points
  20. I think if you put your kid on a leash, you know you will at least be able to keep them within your grasps. Even at 4/5/6 if your child only goes 3 or 4 feet in front of you and it just takes one weirdo to grab your child in a large group of people. At least with a backpack leash you can keep your hand on the leash and keep the child from being taken as quickly. Its about keeping your kids safe. Who cares what other people think.
    3 points
  21. Why would someone think putting a kid on a leash is abuse?! If their child would run off and get hurt, they would scream abuse or neglect, too. My daughter ran off once, but she doesn't have ADHD, or any other handicap or condition. She always pushes things and she ran off to simply show her tail. If she had anything like ADHD or anything like that, I would do every thing I could do to keep her safe while doing what I can to open up life experiences for her. Medford (I think?) said something about his child looking older than he was. That really brings added issues. I used to own my own daycare and had a boy that was 3, but looked 6 easy. He was a very well behaved 3 year old, but people expected him to act as old as he looked. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  22. This reminds me of a question I've had. RCDB lists The Great Pumpkin Coaster as 199 feet. If you only went around the track 1 time, would you travel 199 feet or 99.5 feet? Feels like 199 is the right answer Same question with Invertigo RCDB lists it as 1,013.8 feet. If it were possible to start at the top, go to the other side thru the course, then hop off, would you have travelled 1,103.8 feet, or 551.9 feet? or perhaps they could even count the first lift hill more than once since you go up, come down and thru the course and on the way back you go up again and back down to the station.
    3 points
  23. Everytime I see the line for Woodstock Whirlybirds, I'm thankful that my son has a very much "take it or leave it" approach to that ride. Its definently popular, despite the slow load times, but its out of the way of everything and offers a unique perspective of Planet Snoopy since your above everything else. I can defiently see why so many kids "must" ride it, I'm just glad my son choose Boo Blasters for his "must ride" when he was three.
    3 points
  24. Ms. Colnar is VERY unlikely to return. Terp, trying to behave.
    3 points
  25. Blsc is a great transitional ride from kiddie coasters to adult coasters. I find it very fun and i feel that its medium intensity allows it to be a kids coaster and an adult coaster that the whole family can ride together Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
    3 points
  26. Backlot Stunt Coaster's too intense for a family ride? Try telling that to my 5 year old. Maybe he's not the typical 5 year old having been on Vortex, Drop Zone, Beast, etc... or maybe he is, but I'd have a hard time labeling that ride as "too intense to be a family ride" In many ways, I think its the perfect ride for that 5-8 (or older in many cases) that have outgrown (either physically or mentally) the rides in Planet Snoopy, but haven't quite grown up (again either physically or mentally) enough for rides like Diamondback, Invertigo, Banshee, Firehawk, etc... Adventure Express is another ride like that. For a park that claims it wants to provide "the best day of the summer" for families, I personally think they need more rides like those two, where mom, dad and child, perhaps even grandpa can all ride comfortably together, while still getting a little roller coaster thrill. Congo Falls... I'll admit, it has long since fit the theme of the area it resides in when it was first built and rarely have I had to wait for more than a boat or two when riding it last season, but I saw someone on here talk about how it provides the best air time in the park and after "rediscovering it" this summer while waiting for our son to grow that last inch, I can't say I can argue with that opinion. The air time is brief, but is exilerating. Its likely not worth the cost, but I've long dreamed that they could turn the timberwolf area into a long, imersive boat ride experience w/ the current Congo Falls drop as the end point. I would understand why they removed the ride when it comes to that, but I will be saddened by its departure after the couple of months this summer my son and I rode both that and white water canyon while waiting for him to hit 48" and mom and little sister laughing at how wet we would be walking off those rides. Action Theater serves no use to me at the moment, but there is still great potential there. Would love to see a "Soarin'" type attraction go in there if it could fit. No idea what it would costs, but there is no reason to tear the building down unless they're going to put something else there that couldn't fit somewhere else. Those seem to be the popular choices, so what is mine? I've got two.. Snoopy Splash Dance. Its a great concept and fairly popular, but the concept of having your chile go in on one side, and come out on the exact opposite side in a time frame that limites your chance as an adult to get around the attraction to actually see your child come out is mind numbing. I wouldn't let my children do that unless both mom & I were there, one at the entrance one at the exit. I've never actually heard of any problems arising from that setup, but its just ripe with potential for a kid to wonder off in the wrong direction, or even worse. If they could re-work so the kids would exist that attraction from the same side they entered it, it would ease my mind unbelievable. There appears to be ample room to make that happen. My other attraction, snoopy junction. Snoopy Junction sits in an area of Planet Snoopy I call the "lost world". You have Peanuts off road Ralley, Snoopy Junction and Linus' Beattle bugs all tucked in behind Surf Dog. Even on busy days, that particular part of Planet Snoopy is usually pretty quite. Linus' Beattle Bugs is great (well it looks great, no adults allowed), while the Off road rally looks incredible boaring, though I can see its attraction to very young kids. In between you've got Snoopy Juntion sitting on a fairly large plot of land b/w Surf Dog and the path back to the picnic area. Two problems with this attraction, its not a particularly comfortable setup for adults to sit on it, benchs are hard and at odd angles, part of the seats are for kids only (or short people) as they're partillay covered. In addition, you've got a much bigger train not too far away that everyone can ride. To top it off, I realize lines are not the pefect indicator of popularity, but consider the slow loading times, I'm not sure I've ever seen a wait more than 4-5 trains and often see empty trains cycling around. With all that said, I don't like the idea of removing a ride just to remove it, so I've got to put something in its place, something that would benefit Planet Snoopy, something that helps them fill the gap in their lineup. Great Pumpkin coaster is great for the smallest of kids. Parents can ride with their kids, you don't have to be too tall to ride it by yourself as a kid, so you can ride it with your brother or friend. Woodstock Express (40") is a great step up, actually a fairly big step up for small kids. You get some suprising air time on the 2nd drop, a great little wooden ride. After that, you've got Surf Dog, if you choose to claissy it as a coaster (which the Park does) and Flying Ace Arial Chase (both 44"). I personally think they need another 40" coaster back there if they want to keep the claim of Best Kids area in the world going forward as more parks are focusing on this part of their parks (see 6 flags claim to have the most coasters (4) in their kids area at one of their parks with next seasons addition, discouting KI's claim to Surf Dog as a coaster) A nice smooth steel coaster, I'm thinking something along the lines of the coaster at the Indy Zoo that could compliment Woodstock express as another choice in the Kids lineup there.
    3 points
  27. I know some people probably looked at us and thought we were horrible parents or whatever when they saw us walking my nephew around with the harness on. That doesn't bother me though. The way I look at it is this, people put a leash on their dog when they take it on a walk because they care about their dog and don't want it to get a way. So how much more should we care about our children when we take them to a crowded theme park? It is only for their protection because we don't want to see anything bad happen to them. And people probably didn't realized that my nephew was autistic with ADHD and they really don't have the ability, especially at 4, to think rationally. He would have thought nothing of it to wander off and go see something he wanted to see. We care about him enough to keep him attached to us, to protect him. People can think what they want to think, but at the end of the day it comes down to what you think is best for you and your child.
    3 points
  28. I hate to say it but I didn't need a harness... One "HEY" or my first, middle, and last name got said...I came back... Parenting has def. changed from the generation I was raised and before, to the current people popping out little ones
    3 points
  29. That's odd. Why would Cedar Point store their Halloween decorations so far away?
    3 points
  30. Probably not till much closer to April. Supports and track are typically complete by the time the trains roll around. (I'm not even sorry. That pun was entirely intended.)
    3 points
  31. (nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana) Batcaaaaaam! PhantomTheaterKiss who just had to. This is EXACTLY what went through my head when I read "Bat Cam" Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  32. todays update. Link to gallery
    3 points
  33. KI still has the fire scene before the tunnel. Perhaps you're confusing it with KD? As far as what I would remove... NOTHING! I believe that there are only two acceptable reasons to remove an attraction: 1. If it is unsafe. 2. If the cost to maintain and operate it outweighs the benefits of keeping it open.
    2 points
  34. This is a debate when counting inversions on 4D coasters as well (like X2). If we're going by how the track inverts, it only has 3, but add in the times the rider is physically upside down with the spinning and it adds up to the double digits. Eejanaika, a 4D in Japan, has 14 inversions if you count the seat flips.
    2 points
  35. ^ I'm being really nitpicky, but The Crypt got a new ride cycle over a year after it received the retheme. It operated with an intense cycle from opening day 2008 through the Ride Warriors Weekend event in 2009. The cycle was oddly similar to Kings Dominion's Crypt cycle. From that weekend through its closure, it had the two-inversion cycle, which is what earned the ride its reputation on this board as a Ferris wheel. You may be thinking of a subtle theme change that occurred a few weeks after it opened as The Crypt. I never experienced it myself, but the ride supposedly initially opened with techno music during the ride cycle. After that, it had some wind/howling track played during the cycle. (I can't remember where, but I've since heard that track played in the park. I want to say on Adventure Express.)
    2 points
  36. Its not always as easy as "hey" or "get back" My 5 year old son is borderline ADHD (some of the tests for it he matches, some of the tests he passes). We've had long had trouble with him "wondering off" at KI. Generally speaking we keep a good eye on him, and if he gets to far away, we make him sit on a bench and "he owes us a minute" which worked pretty well this year. For ADHD kids, sitting still or walking in an ordely manner is not as easy as it is for everyone else, their minds wonder, their body wonders, they find distractions in everything. As I said, he's borderline, may just be maturity issues as he's always been imature for his age (which is made worse as he's generally much bigger than kids his age so he looks like he should be 7 rather than just turning 5) and recognize there are people that have it much, much worse than us. From that perspective I completly understand why a parent might put their kid on a leash. 10 years ago, I probably would have thought it stupid, if not abuse. Today, having lived life as a parent I completely understand. The parents who put their kids on a leash are more than likely putting it on there b/c they love their child, but also recognize the difficulties the kid faces, not because they want to punish the kid. My guess is that for each parent that has a kid on a leash at Kings Island or a much busier place like Disney would gladly give the cost of 100 leashes just so their kid could be "normal". Voicetek, the only people that would look at you in that situation and think "you much be horrible parents" are people who have never had to walk in your shoes and be resposible for someone like your autitistic nephew in a place as crowded as Disney. For every one person who judged you, there were probably 4-5 parents that "got it"
    2 points
  37. I've gotten the same impression about the poster lol. That's why I usually don't take anything they post too seriously. This person INSISTED all the seasonal parks closed on Halloween last year and every year, and continued to argue even after I and many others posted sources to prove they were wrong lol. They claimed that they stay on top of CF happenings and have reliable sources. Then don't do them the justice of spreading their rumors because that's just bringing this place down to their low level. Silly kitty Kat. With the multi colored Drop Tower, Bat being possibly orange and black, Face/Off being blue, and Banshee being the "Mystic Red and purple" I could see a darker red and black. Who knows.
    2 points
  38. I agree with you Voicetek. I was put on a leash a few times as a kid and hold no resentment towards my parents for what they felt was protection of me. I mean...I'm still here. I wish more kids were on a leash nowadays when I am out at the parks. I don't want your kids touching me with their Banshee ice cream smeared hands while I'll in line for Dodgem.
    2 points
  39. I don't know so much as it was I 'didn't know' better at age 3 and 4... I think it most likely was the fact of my brain rationalizing 'Alright, I'm walking with these dull people, still walking with these dull people. The one who feeds me is now going to the bathroom. Great. Standing here with the one who is gone all day... HEY..SCOOBY DOO AND FRED FLINSTONE!'
    2 points
  40. If I had to remove one I'd take out the Action Theatre, if you can even count it anymore. It doesnt' serve much of a purpose anymore. Got a dino film no one watches and a maze used one month a year. Rather see it removed to make way for a new ride, or gut it and install a new dark ride. Congo Falls could go too, but I rather see it moved to Soak City than removed completely. It's a fun ride but unless it's really hot out I just don't feel like getting that drenched. But if it was in Soak City it'd be a great addition, don't have to worry about getting wet since that's why you're there, and it ahs a high capacity. I hardly see more than a handful of people on a boat at any time, if any, where it is at now.
    2 points
  41. Pardon me, I spelled the darn names wrong. Sheikra, who was totally NOT using the word "darn".
    2 points
  42. For future reference, use "rcdb.com" Just search the name of the ride. And Carowins and Busch Gardens
    2 points
  43. You could study grammar! On second thought, knowing you...oh, never mind. Terp, trying to be good (and almost not doing it)
    2 points
  44. 2 points
  45. Mr. Helbig took a great picture of Banshee today....And because of that picture, we can now match-up rendering and real photo! Banshee Rendering: Actual Photo of Banshee: (The photo above was taken by Mr. Helbig, so all credit to him)
    2 points
  46. I had a dream where i was riding Flight deck (Now known as The Bat) And my OTSR Came out and i fall to the ground and when i hit the grund i end up in a underworld thing where all of Kings Islands old rides were.
    2 points
  47. I just noticed this topic. Glad I am not the only one who has weird dreams about Kings Island. I have a recurring dream nearly every time I ride WindSeeker. I get to the top, unlatch the restraint and fly like a bird. I never fall, but it still scares me a little bit when I have it.
    2 points
  48. Hmmmm......Invertigo's name could be changed to something like Jekyll and Hyde, and have the queue line enclosed and made interactive with as a mad scientists lab. That would satisfy the dark atmosphere. edit: Almost sounds like the area could be remamed something on the lines of an Edger Allen Poe theme. Bat Banshee Pit and the Pendulum Jekyll and Hyde drop zone..."the tell tale heart" with a beating heart noise until the carriage drops. What other names might be appropriate? Then it really could become the Amusement Dark
    2 points
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