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  1. Posted on Twitter:: Photo courtesy of KingsIslandPR https://twitter.com/kingsislandPR Notice the finish on the back wall by the yellow scaffolding.
    17 points
  2. There was a topic on KIC last summer where the poster was trying to connect with a female park employee in one of the shops. It turned creepy very fast. It was entertaining. Ah, love.
    16 points
  3. Hmm. That is a really nice rendering of the station. It must be really cool to work on projects like that.
    14 points
  4. I posted this a few years ago, here's my story:
    13 points
  5. Photo courtesy of Kings Island's Facebook page. "The first vehicle of a Banshee train was placed on the track this afternoon. The rest of the vehicles for the train will be transported to the ride and placed on the track tomorrow." http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152565741423368&set=a.226729858367.174830.155893938367&type=1&theater
    11 points
  6. Met my current girlfriend of 2 1/2 years while working @ Cedar Point. Was working Witches Wheel, she was in my line and I saw her. I messed up my spiel and did my Corkscrew spiel, as it was my first day back on Monster/Witches Wheel after going back to my home ride. They laughed, we talked a bit while the ride was down slow waiting for brakes. Got the cars unlocked, came back, talked a few seconds, got her and her friends on the ride. After they rode, I always prepared a few of my cell phone numbers on slips of paper. Tossed her one and told her I got off at 1800, to message me to meet up to go do something cool and I could get her on the last ride of Dragster that night. We hung out after I got off work riding rides with her friends and my one enthusiast friend in the park. Went to Thirsty Pony that night and had dinner as a group. Then went back to the KOA where they were staying to watch a movie..All on August 31st 2011. Ended up spending the night there and then spending the morning riding rides with them and then working that afternoon. Spent the evening there again hanging out and whatnot, then asked her out. Next AM I went to work while they went to the park, I finished up work, saw them off to head back down to KI for the next week The rest is history, and here we are now
    10 points
  7. After checking out her ass all summer while working together at the park, I finally decided to ask her on a date. We're now married.
    9 points
  8. First car of the first train installed today. Link to gallery
    8 points
  9. I'm really starting to like this station. Love the idea of taking a building design that has been around for a long time and adding a modern flair to it. Brilliant, and artistic. Yet very subtle.
    8 points
  10. People assume that Banshee is a straight progression of coaster elements, but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective standpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, steely-wheelie stuff. Banshee will surely be an experience that you don't want to miss for a moment. I would recommend that when riding, you don't blink. Don't even blink. After all, the ride is fast (faster than you could even believe). Plus it's almost like a memorial now that the angels have the Son of Beast. And all I can say about this diversion is that I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... -homestar92, who managed to stay (relatively) on topic and discuss one of his favorite non-coaster hobbies all at the same time in this post that he is remarkably proud of.
    8 points
  11. Here it is from another angle! This image can be found on King Island's Twitter page
    7 points
  12. I was engaged to a man and we went to Kings Island once. He boo hoo'd about Face Off hurting him. He then nearly chickened out getting on The Outer Limits Flight of Fear because he was afraid to ride. Seriously what a wienie. We went to Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom a few weeks later and he was afraid of Chang and Twisted Twins. As if Kings Island was not a big enough warning sign, this truly sealed the break up. We broke up 2 weeks later. (Not because of the non compatibility of amusement parks, it was just not a good thing at all for a solid marriage for a multitude of reasons.) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    7 points
  13. I wouldn't call it "bragging", just sharing a cute story that has happened at Kings Island!
    7 points
  14. @KingsIslandPR on Twitter: Tweet : Don Helbig / Kings Island via Twitter
    7 points
  15. Same here, for different reasons. While we were dating, Tanna kept saying "I'll never get married." So I never asked her. So she proposed to me. She wanted to do it on the Carousel, but was afraid I would drop the ring down a crack. So she proposed on Days of Thunder, with it's concrete floor. Immediately after which, the seats started bouncing comically. (sorry, no matter how I word it, it sounds bad) But I DID HOLD ON TO THE RING.
    7 points
  16. Wow! The Effiel Tower in that picture looks stunning.
    7 points
  17. I fell in love with amusement parks at Kings Island. Does that count?
    6 points
  18. Dear Kings Island, please keep the seats of Banshee's trains clean! Unlike Diamondback.
    6 points
  19. I love Gator's story. I'm 16, nothing TOO romantic happens in my life. My girlfriend and I had our first date at Kings Island. She was afraid of roller coasters but after hours of persuasion, I got her to ride Flight Deck (The Bat). We marathoned it 7 times before we moved to Invertigo (which is now her second favorite ride next to Firehawk). Ah. Teenage "love" xD. We're planning on going opening weekend and I decided as a birthday present, I'll try to win her a big stuffed animal.
    6 points
  20. I don't know if it really classifies as "cute" but.. My wife and I spend the weekend closest to Halloween at KI every year. We were married on Halloween so it is our annual anniversary mini-vacation. Fog, monsters and holding hands during a crisp fall night ride on The Beast..does it get any more romantic than that?
    6 points
  21. https://twitter.com/KingsIslandPR/status/433312513329881088 Hope I did that correct.
    6 points
  22. ^ This is great news for the park. I hope vertical erection goes smoothly for KK. Still amazed at the lack of a web cam or even pictures during construction. This is what it would feel like if a coaster was built at Area 51. Maybe they need volunteers to set up the web cam and take pictures?
    6 points
  23. Everyone take note! A poster made an honest mistake, someone informed them, and it was fixed. It really is that easy! That station looks really nice the way it is coming along.
    6 points
  24. Just posted on Kings Island's Facebook page: (Photo courtesy of Kings Island) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152563357463368&set=a.226729858367.174830.155893938367&type=1&theater The station is really coming along!
    6 points
  25. I don't need to tell you guys how important A Kid Again is for the park, the community, and most importantly the lives of the families of kids suffering from life threatening illnesses. I have always been proud of KICentral's effort to rally behind this fantastic organization in order to help out someone you don't even know... and have a great time in the process. As we very well know, Kings Island is giving roller coaster lovers the opportunity to be some of the first night riders on Banshee during their Scream for A Kid Again event on April 17th. Information on the actual event can be found here. I encourage all of you to post the URLs of your donations pages in this thread and request that you be generous with others as we work together for this noble cause. Just remember that $100, $20 $5 or even $1 goes a long way when it comes to helping others in need. Thanks, and we'll see you on the 17th!!! Ryan My URL: https://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/RyanSuhr/screamforakidagain
    5 points
  26. 5 points
  27. Kentucky Kingdom on Facebook: "Now that some of our busy bees have settled into the new operation's building, I thought it would be nice to show off the interior of their new work space!" Photo : The New Kentucky Kingdom via Facebook
    5 points
  28. Those would be concrete blankets. When cement reacts with water in a chemical reaction known as hydration, it produces heat. Those footings were grouted (filling in the space between the top of the footing and the bottom of the ride column base plate). The blankets are there to keep the heat from this reaction in and around the grout to keep the water in the grout from freezing. If the water froze, it would not be able to properly react with the cement and it would not achieve its desires strength. I hope that answers your question.
    5 points
  29. ^^ I'd take it with a grain of salt, two squirts of catsup, a slice of cheese and run it through the garden.....yum....
    5 points
  30. Oddly enough, Kings Island still has their moving seats, though I doubt they're being used for anything besides spare parts. In December at the ACE Holiday Party, they were sitting outside. Here's the picture I took of them: I've got a weird minor affection for Action Theater. It never was amazing by any means, but I've got a lot of good memories of waiting in line for Spongebob 3D with friends. If there's no film this year, I hope they're able to make use of the space for Haunt--although I'm not fond of another fairly large building only being used 1.25 months out of the year.
    5 points
  31. I can't think of the countless hours I'm going to spend under that roof this summer, calmly waiting behind the gates for my turn and NEVER shaking them. Only hoodlums, ruffians, yahoos, hooligans, and no-goodniks shake the gates.
    5 points
  32. It went for 76, which is pretty impressive... or outrageous.
    4 points
  33. I held a girls hand for the first time at Winterfest '05. Gave her a cheap ring I bought at the mall for Christmas. I think it turned her finger green. What an evening. I'd take these memories over any new ride or attraction any day of the week. It's the stuff you'll remember.
    4 points
  34. A former sculptor for Kings Island sent me these images of some of the work he did for both Kings Island and Kings Dominion. Enjoy
    4 points
  35. A couple that got engaged at Pride Night
    4 points
  36. ^^They already said they wouldnt...you missed an old memo mate . Btw some die hard enthusiasts are driving me insane.. They see one car on the train and immediately think OMG testing soon...le sigh..we got lot more to do first
    4 points
  37. I'll correct it to scan for "the bathroom" and not correct it. As I said in the other post, it's not perfect nor will it ever be. Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
    4 points
  38. ^Then there are those of us that love Haunt, and anticipate it just as much as some people (myself included) look forward to riding Banshee. To each their own. -Gator, loving the idea of Banshee and Haunt equally and welcoming discussion on both!
    4 points
  39. Actually, the color of the siding of the station is almost exactly as that of the renderings. Check these renderings out and you'll see what I mean..... Photo / rendering : Tony Ravagnani Architects website: Rendering courtesy of Robbie Zerhusen of Tony Ravagnani Architects
    4 points
  40. 2 things from the picture posted. First time I have noticed that tree sitting so close to the track. Nice to see it was kept and Second I love the Arch the train goes under as it exits the station. Very cool detail.
    4 points
  41. I'd be all for digging up some of that concrete in favor of some trees and natural shading. I hated that they took out a lot of trees, even in the original section, when they made the Soak City revamp.
    4 points
  42. "One... Two-Hooooooo... Three..." "Three." I love the above webcam screenshot! To the wild imagination, the lights under the supports almost look as though they're flashing, like lightning strobes, as if part of some cool "thunder and lightning" theming being tested. I know, however, 'tis but flood lighting necessary for the present tasks at hand. But wouldn't it be neato?
    4 points
  43. Well one thing's for sure... Banshee will certainly go wibbly wobbly, and it will do so through lots of timey wimey.
    4 points
  44. Perhaps it's only bigger on the inside. EDIT: Looks like post 800 is a Doctor Who reference. I am OK with this on every possible level.
    4 points
  45. I often point to the right when visiting X-Base with friends and say, "This is where they'd put The Bathroom. IF THEY HAD ONE!" Suddenly I have the urge to utilize photo manipulation software to create an image to correspond with this... I believe that this is now a fairly odd post. EDIT: I believe the filter broke my ability to type "bathroom" preceded by "the" without capitalizing due to its first letters being "The Bat". May want to look into that, Dane Of course, bathrooms in X-Base would be a substantial enough addition that it would be worth a trademark and capitalized name.
    4 points
  46. How appropriate and nice it would be to see Dick Kinzel back there!
    4 points
  47. Maybe they are hoping that some season pass holders will bring in paying guest.
    4 points
  48. FYI, Track and supports for the new coaster are on site at KK. I would suspect assembly to begin this week.
    4 points
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