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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2015 in all areas
I know it's a unpopular decision but ad payouts arnt what they used to be, expecially during the off season. This is all the ads their will ever be. I hate pop ups, pop unders, or any new which way they are sneeking ads in on people. KIC will never accept/ask for donations, we would rather be the ones donating to your Coasting for Kids pages as we have done in the past. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk12 points
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Thank you, Mr. Dane, for all you do here. You's good people!11 points
10 points
"Hey, can you come bail me out? I'm in King Island jail." Never been to jail, I wouldn't want to start at KI. That would be, depressing.8 points
There has always been ads used to finance the server/domains, they were just turned off to logged in users. They are now turned back on to logged in users, that's all. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk8 points
7 points
7 points
I would think having it above the forum body would be acceptable. I'd think WHATEVER Mr. Dane decides WILL be acceptable. It's neither up to us nor up for debate.6 points
I dated the daughter of a Security Dept employee, wrote and posted a vaguely written love poem on my myspace, her mother found it, sent the whole page to the head of Security at Carowinds claiming it was a threat against the park and I was banned for 5 years. Quite simply her mother knew taking Carowinds from me would hurt me and make me look like a terrorist at the same time. Thankfully I had friends that still worked there(including the PR person) that kept me from worse punishment. Funny how writing a love poem the way I was taught in High School came back to bite me in the butt. There was nothing threatening in the poem, nor was Carowinds mentioned or implied.5 points
Oh ok! I just wasn't sure if it was something new or not. I'm all for using ads to fund the site, as long as it keeps KIC around for us!5 points
4 points
I'm unsure of what extent to take the meaning of 'fans' in that post. rcwizard13, perplexed.4 points
Food Announcement for Carowinds delivers superior offerings and thematic elements: http://www.4-traders.com/CEDAR-FAIR-LP-12697/news/Cedar-Fair--Carowinds--Releases-Amazing-2015-Events-Schedule-19774561/4 points
Goble my best guess is credit will still be provided for the view, although actual clicks generate much more revenue. This is also a experiment as both Adsense and Analytics both track page views. Therefore you can see how many users are using ad blocking programs. Members originally not being shown ads goes back to when it was recommended to us to start a "premium program" for users. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk3 points
Effective ads are often placed where the most eye traffic is. On KIC, I would imagine that location is right near the top/middle of discussions. The example we see in classes all the time is the "Google Triangle." The locations where the eyes focus are premier advertising spots. "The Google Triangle"3 points
^ Well, no, maybe not that extreme... but perhaps a sentence of, say, 10 full revolutions on one of these:3 points
Even if a plant only opens for ten years, that's ten years of jobs for the people in the area. If done right that would be more than enough time to gain new skills education or anything in case the plant does close down3 points
Sounds like there needs to be a Cedar Fair Platinum Pass hotline. We are paying the premium...why not fully support it?3 points
...however I have heard of some people that like to wear dog collars as they go ruff, ruff...3 points
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3 points
I don't know if this is a new layout for the site, or if this is just what I'm seeing. When I open a forum, after the first topic there is an ad. Prior to tonight, I don't remember seeing this before. Anybody else? It's not a big deal, but just enough to be a slight annoyance. (snip of what I'm talking about)2 points
I had a 69 Camaro many years ago that was made at the Norwood plant. That said, nothing is forever, everyone knows that. Thanks for once again pointing out the painfully obvious. As for the present, things are going great and a possible new plant may be headed to my (til March anyways) state that will mean plenty of jobs for folks. Whether it lasts 2 years or 50, no one knows. Never intended this to become a discussion on how long a manufacturing plant MAY stay open.2 points
I got my ticket. Funny thing. Somehow it used my email that use for PayPal instead of the email I provided. Sue enough it was sitting in my inbox. Ticket is printed and digital copy on my phone. . Sucks I will miss out on that Saturday morning events. I am running a 5k that morning. So I am literally crossing the finish line, hop in the car, then home and shower , the up to KI.2 points
Wait there is ads on KIC Forums, I havent even noticed.... Posted from my Samsung Galaxy on the mobile skin with no ad blockers.2 points
The Corvette have been made in BG for over 3 decades now. I'm not aware of folks desiring to revert back to Horse and Buggy so I doubt that cars are going away any time soon. My Mother and Brother build truck frames for Ford. The plant can barely make enough of them to keep up with demand.2 points
Maybe get a whole themed area around it! Start selling mystery loaf and molded old food at a discount, being locked in a jail cell for a week and who know maybe even a ride! Those cops will eventually catch those people who rode Backlot Stunt Coaster! Presented by. The Mason police department!2 points
^Yea, I'm kinda concerned about this. Seeing, you have no way of knowing before you make the trip. I normally don't get to upset. But driving more than 4 hrs (which everywhere but KI is for me) would be enough to send me over the edge.2 points
^^ It only looks weird, because we're not used to it. Very small annoyance to keep the site up as far as I'm concerned. Thanks Dane, and all the admins, for all you do.2 points
2 points
It had the same hum that large fans can have. Most presentations were louder than the drone. It was also air conditioned. Thankfully.2 points
2 points
Question for the technically minded here (and Dane, since he knows how the payouts on the ads work): I know browser extensions like AdBlock Plus completely block ads, to the point that site owners receive no ad revenue from visitors with that extension running. Since I don't want to see the ads, but at the same time don't want to deprive KIC of revenue, I'm wondering what would happen from a revenue standpoint if I set custom CSS code (using the Stylish extension for Firefox) to apply "display: none;" to the ad elements. In theory, I would think that the ad would still be loaded, thereby providing revenue, just not shown. However, I don't know anything about how the ads work, so I don't know whether that is indeed the case, or if applying "display: none;" would block the revenue as well. And yes, thanks for all you do, Dane.2 points
I just wish I knew in which of the 200+ moving boxes around here mine's in. I've had it since 1972. How'd that get to be nearly 43 years ago?2 points
Georgetown, Kentucky. Toyota. Truly transformational. Yet people in the hinterlands forget GM's long presence in Bowling Green or Ford's even longer in Louisville. Look at what SIA has done to Lafayette, Indiana. Or Toyota in Indiana. Honda in Marysville, Ohio. Jeep in Toledo. Amusement parks can close, too. Hard Rock Park, Wild West World, etc. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.2 points
There are a few photos with it in the background in the History Section of KIC. I have never seen any photos from the inside of it though. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk2 points
I'm sure someone does. Anyway, how did they keep it inflated? Was it like a domed stadium?2 points
2 points
I have been searching eBay for memorabilia daily in the off-season. Haven't bought a lot (just a miniature stein), but the map and menu were both on my watch list. A new auction started today but I'm hesitant to share cuz I don't want to encourage people bidding against me! Ok, I'll share. A set of six mugs from the 70s: http://m.ebay.com/itm/1615813116062 points
I renewed my Platinum Pass this year and plan on going to Carowinds prior to Kings Island to experience Fury 325. I wanted to make sure I was clear how the renewal process worked, since I live almost 3 hours away from Kings Island. I sent a quick email to the "Contact Us" link on visitkingsisland.com and found the customer care representative to be very responsive (even to my follow up questions). I work in customer care for a somewhat large company who utilizes both onshore and offshore support staff. My experience with (at least the written form) the customer care team at Kings Island has been very good. Once you have opened up a question and received an answer, you not only have your customer care rep's contact, but also an email of their supervisor is included in the signature line. I was very satisfied with the follow up of my questions.2 points
Does anyone have any pictures or memories of the old inflatable theater? I've never seen it in person, and in pictures I thought it looked pretty cool.1 point
Yep, a 10 cent idea that may be a million to implement--but only if it were a truly grand house. Terp, who knows flea collars are not to be used or worn by homo sapiens.1 point
1 point
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1 point
Yes, they could have and they should have. Any employee refusing to do so really deserves either disciplinary action or retraining.1 point
I can only speak to my issue. On my first visit to Carowinds, my friend and her son went through with no issue. Got to me and she almost wouldn't let me through. Pass came up fine but she said the picture didn't look right and was a fake. It was very clearly me but must look different from their set-up. I had to tell her that my pass was processed at KI (even though that was on the Platinum Pass at the time). She looked very confused and finally let me through. I haven't had issues since but I always hold my breathe when I hand over my pass there...just in case. They at least let me in. Others haven't been so lucky. **coughTheInterpretercough*1 point
Several years back, I visited Carowinds with my Kings Island Platinum Pass. Saturday. No issues. Sunday, I'm literally first in line at the North Gate. My pass had not worked at the season pass parking lot, but they let me in there anyway. Half an hour before opening, the front gates open. They start letting people in. But NOT me. "Sir, your pass shows you have already entered the park today, we cannot let you in." "But you JUST opened." "I cannot let you in." "I was here yesterday." "We cannot let you in." "May I please see a manager?" "It won't make any difference." "I want to see a manager." "I need your pass." I sigh and hand it over. Big mistake. 25 minutes later, I DEMAND my pass. They give it to me. "Are you letting me in?" "No." no apology. No nothing. I got in my car and drove 8 hours home. Disgusted. Six weeks later, on these forums, I read the SAME thing has happened to another KI Platinum Pass holder. Two years later, it happened to me again, this time at Kings Dominion. They graciously fixed the issue but had to convert me to a Kings Dominion Platinum Pass to do it. Last fall, I tried to renew my KI Platinum Pass at Dorney. They couldn't do it. You see, my 2014 Kings Island Platinum Pass showed up in their system as not valid. Never mind it had gotten me in at the gate. Two weeks later, the RENEWED 2015 Dorney Platinum Pass was rejected at Kings Island. That 2014 one? IT still worked. Cedar Fair really needs to fix the park interoperability issue with its Platinum Passes.1 point
Thanks for sharing! I always appreciate it when folks share eBay finds like that on here. If the auction wasn't over, I'd have a hard time convincing myself that I don't actually need a 1972 map. On the subject of cool Kings Island stuff that I have to tell myself I don't need, there also are an International Restaurant menu and show guide from 1984 on there. They look pretty neat. Check it out: http://www.ebay.com/itm/International-Restaurant-Menu-Shows-Brochure-Kings-Island-Ohio-1984-/191493466647?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c95e66a171 point
Good answers from Kings Island are one thing. As longtime readers here know, admission to Carowinds with another Cedar Fair park's Platinum Pass can only be assured after that entry is secured. And then, heaven help you on day two. You may need it. I, for one, intend to be accompanied by my renewed Dorney Park Platinum Pass, receipt, paid credit card statement, and a prayer or two. Hopefully, that will be enough. Now that Barton Kinzel has "left to pursue other opportunities," I suspect it will be. I hope.1 point
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