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Everything posted by CoastersRZ

  1. And at nearly 8:30 on a Sunday night, there is still nothing on Kentucky Kingdom`s YouTube channel. Seems like very odd timing to me.
  2. That ride looks like a really low capacity ride, and not exactly a kid friendly attraction.
  3. There was a stretch of a few years when it looked like they might be installing dark rides at some of their parks, but that was a brief period. It would be nice if the ride would get some kind of TLC. It is looking a little drab.
  4. I have not heard anything about that. Screamin Demon opened at KI. To my knowledge, it never ran at another park, prior to opening at KI. Thanks for the interesting read Shaggy! The last few years that KCKC was around, it was certainly showing its age. I just wish that that plot of land would receive more attention than just as a Haunt that is open for a month and a half.
  5. I absolutely love this thread. I have become quite a bit of a rail fan over the years. I hope to one day get down to Tweetsie. I cannot wait for future chapters in this!
  6. Does Kentucky Kingdom even have a large plot of land to fit Firehawk in if it were to be the ride being moved there? My gut would be that Kentucky Kingdom is NOT going to get Firehawk. (The Flying Dutchman at Kentucky Kingdom is the one that used to operate at Kings Island from 1973 through 1990).
  7. They set up this scene with this sign to do just what is happening on here now. Creating buzz and talk about the park. That is what good marketing plans do. Get people talking about the park, and sparking interest. They may not want to tell people what ride is leaving just yet, so that people have to guess, and spend more time riding all the rides, and thus spend more time in the park, and in turn spend more money at the park. (Which judging by the crowds tonight, there were quite a few people spending money at the park). Also, keep in mind that on the last Cedar Fair conference call, it was mentioned that they will continue to evaluate what rides are becoming costly to maintain and remove them when necessary to save on maintenance costs, especially if a ride is no longer marketable.
  8. Thanks for clarifying! I still like the original Fear Fest logo over the Haunt logo.
  9. Keep in mind, that they did resurface a the accessible parking area several seasons back.
  10. Fear Fest was a separate charge in 2000, 2001 and 2002. I did not attend FearFest in 2000, but did attend in 2001 and 2002. I can confirm that they used to give you wristbands. They also used to clear out the park for the incoming Fear Fest crowds. They actually were exiting people through the old season pass holder entrance (over by the admission booths by the Kings Island Theater).
  11. A very interesting read. It is amazing how the early Imagineer`s styles really showed through on the early attractions.
  12. Remember, that they at least used to use Timerbwolf for cheer events as well.
  13. I do not think that any changes to Planet Snoopy would hurt its chances of winning another golden ticket award. (Personally, I am still a bit surprised it has won it so many times). I still miss some of the classic kiddie rides like the airplanes/helicopters where you can go up in the air on them. I feel like KI`s kiddie ride collection, compared to some other parks, isn`t as impressive. There are lots of areas where they could add a couple small kiddie flat rides.
  14. Kind of surprised they didnt at least have a screen mesh on the temporary fence. I can understand them not wanting to put a wood fence in, and just having the temporary fence for now.
  15. I haven`t rally heard anything about next season at Coney. What I have heard is just minor improvements, and no new rides for next season.
  16. I`m glad that they had a good August. Hopefully, the weather in September and October is kind to them as well.
  17. I noticed the new footings on the edges of the midway by Backlot Stunt Coaster last night, and immediately thought that they were for added WinterFest stuff. Sounds exciting! Hopefully they will fix some of the burnt out lights/lights that are falling off the buildings in spots on International Street before Winterfest begins.
  18. This certainly looks to be a fun ride. I REALLY need to get down to Carowinds now. I haven`t been since before Fury 325 was installed! I don`t know if I will be able to make it down to Carowinds next season either...
  19. If it rides like Full Throttle (even if by a different manufacturer), it will be a big hit. I loved Full Throttle on my visit out to Six Flags magic Mountain back in 2015.
  20. I am an architect. Renderings are not typically part of a basic scope of services for permit drawings. Most firms (including the firm that I work for) can do renderings for projects, but it is treated as an additional service. Meaning that the client has to pay extra for a rendering. Most clients opt not to pay for the rendering, unless they have a marketing need for such a rendering. We have had clients pay for our rendering services. I stand by my original statement, that the park/Cedar Fair likely saw no need for the firm working on the drawings to produce a rendering when they can just as easily (and more cost effectively) share an image of a similar ride at another one of the parks.
  21. I attended both FearFest and Winterfest in 2005. I actually attended Winterfest about four times that year. There was a lot more to do with this past year`s Winterfest than there was in the 2005 version. Although, I did prefer the train ride with its live entertainment package better in 2005 than the 12 days of Christmas lights that Winterfest had in 2017.
  22. They have redesigned things and resubmitted to the Army Corps of Engineers several times. The process is a long and involved process since their is a flood wall that was designed and built by the Corp of Engineers there.
  23. They have referenced the Antique Cars at Worlds of Fun in pictures and video. What more do you need? The reason they had an artist rendering of Coney BBQ, is they didn`t have anything similar to compare it to. As Ryan said, why spend money on something, when they have stock footage of something similar that gets the point across?
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