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Rivertown Rider

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Everything posted by Rivertown Rider

  1. Mike and Chad had stickers that said Polaris and they peeled the stickers off their shirts while the teaser video was playing. The stickers were over top of the Orion logo on their polos.
  2. I like the name Area 72 much better than X-base. It is a nice acknowledgement of the parks' history while still fitting the theme of the area. I hope they do look to enhance and expand that area of the park. While restrooms would be at the top of my list, there is also opportunity to add a restaurant and some flats as well. A Zamperla Endeavor, a Tilt a Whirl, and a Top Scan could all fit nicely in that area and with the theme.
  3. In regards to records, I would also suggest that Fury is and was more important to Carowinds' success because it gave a reason for people to go there. While I think there is a good chance that Orion ends up being the best ride at KI, KI was a great park with or without the addition. That said I'm extremely excited about having it in my home park.
  4. I am excited about Orion. That helix at the end looks exceptional. I do like the name Area 72 and I am curious if we will see improvements to that area of the park that we haven't heard about.
  5. This is that very special time as an enthusiast where we are lined up for an announcement instead of taking advantage of ERT.
  6. I'm excited for MA. It is a nice addition that will add a lot to the park. I'm hopeful that KI will get the Camp Snoopy re-theme in the next few years as well.
  7. I agree with your concerns, I think it is a nice addition but I can see it end up badly as well if someone doesn't know what they are doing. Hopefully nothing bad happens.
  8. I agree, the diving attraction is a nice change of pace for Cedar Fair. The concept art makes it look much higher than it is but the top dive is 25 feet.
  9. Canada's Wonderland has announced two new additions for next year. A diving attraction in the waterpark and a kid's ride.
  10. The observation tower is 275 feet so it will be interesting to see how they word the clue and if it is worded as taller than the Eiffel Tower or taller than the observation view.
  11. I also had to laugh that they are adding a ride with Mystic in the name in their new area... Rivertown.
  12. They had went to the local authorities and gotten approved for water park additions so I don't think they will add a coaster next year (even though they could use it). I could see them getting Winterfest though.
  13. @Magenta Lizard Orion is five letters that could be tried.
  14. First of all, thanks for all of the photos. The reason I am referencing this photo is something that I thought of while looking at Google Maps today. If you look at the historical photos thru Google Earth of the area behind Zephyr and the Killmart building they used to use that area for storage. When they were doing the construction of the Antiques last year they completely cleaned out that area. It is curious they would not have started using it for storage again unless they plan to use that area for something else (the float shelter could have probably gone there). With the proximity to FOF and the giga, I could easily see them putting the long awaited restrooms there. It would be close enough to X-Base and could be used by people after riding Zephyr and the Dodgems as well. This would also free them up to use some of the X-Base area for a future flat at some point. I am hopeful that the park looks at this coaster installation as a way of revitalizing that whole area of the park, like they improved Rivertown with Mystic and Coney Mall with the Antiques.
  15. I think the park would be smart to do a Fall Fest as well. Doing Peanuts Celebration in Planet Snoopy and doing something like Dollywood and SDC's Bluegrass and BBQ festival with craft vendors in the other areas of the park. It would also allow them to keep some of the seasonal employees employed an extra couple weeks.
  16. It is very surprising to see this go as it was the only thing that had a wait when I as there a couple years ago. Based upon the amount of land that it takes up I look for this to become a Planet/Camp Snoopy addition. They can add some smaller flats and potentially a play area. With Zac's Zoomer (essentially the same thing as Woodstock Express) and the Little Dipper nearby it would be pretty easy to do. It is a shame they couldn't just relocate Bebop elsewhere in the park.
  17. I expect it to be a lot like Leviathan and I loved Leviathan when I rode it two years ago. I do also think that it could have an assortment of some the best elements of B & M hypers as well so with some of those elements that Leviathan doesn't have it could probably be better than Leviathan.
  18. Correct, improving the overall X-base area not only with rides but also thematically and aesthetically.
  19. One of the things Cedar Fair has gotten good at the last few years is really improving the area around the new rides. Mystic, Twisted Timbers, and Copperhead Strike are all good examples of this. I look for them to spruce up X-base as there is a lot they can do with the theme. A Freestyle location, restrooms, eatery, and eventually a flat would also be nice.
  20. I would love to see Oktoberfest be the next general section of the dry park to get some love after the presumed Giga next year. My predictions: 2020- Giga/Xbase improvements 2021- Planet Snoopy expansion: Teacups (see Woodstock Whirlybirds at KD and Carowinds) and Pig Pen's Mud Buggies added; Woodstock Gliders relocated to Coney Mall and re-named Flying Eagles and placed where 3-point Challenge is now; 3-point Challenge relocated to Action Zone) 2022- Oktoberfest (Musik Express and Screamin' Swing added; Hank's re-themed to German eatery; new pathway opened between Viking Fury and Coney bathrooms; Airbrush stand relocated) 2023- Soak City refurb 2024- RMC ground-up wooden coaster in Action Zone; Congo Falls demolished
  21. That's why you buy three, two for the one you want and one for the collectible one you don't.
  22. I'm hoping for Polaris to be the name. I think the park could have made some money if they sold two shirts with the same design but one said Orion and the other said Polaris and whichever sold the most would end up being the name for the new ride.
  23. I could definitely see something like the Dark Knight Coaster/Laff Trakk going in the former Crypt building. I can't imagine the cost would be that much. The capacity would be the main issue but it would give them another ride that could be open during Winterfest. It also gives them another family/tweener coaster.
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