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Everything posted by Snowball

  1. Looks like I was correct. Can’t wait to see what other improvements they’ve made!
  2. I think that's next to the Skyline patio near Dodgem.
  3. I'll definitely be there! (Probably working but come say hi!)
  4. Finally someone else that remembers this! Every time I've brought this up, nobody believes me. Even some of my coworkers can't believe that KI used to have that.
  5. Coasterstock is in may, it's sold out.
  6. I’d be all for having less mazes if that means a bigger budget per maze, I’d love to see some extremely high quality & high tech mazes make their way into Haunt. There’s some really cool technologies out there that are specifically made for haunted attractions that I’d love to have in the mazes.
  7. I personally hate this completely family oriented approach that many parks are taking. We have a kids event, the adults need something too! Haunt shouldn’t be for kids, and definitely shouldn’t go away. Every year, haunt seems to shrink a bit, and it worries me.
  8. NOT a fan of this at all. I can’t even express how disappointed I’ll be if this happens at KI. I’ve been a scare actor there for 7 years and losing haunt would be terrible.
  9. Working at KI is super fun. I've worked in entertainment since 2016, and this will be my 7th 6th (Thanks, Covid...) season. There's something for everyone at the park.
  10. It would be very satisfying to sweep all of that away. All the gum, not so much.
  11. I do not like this at all. I’ve really been liking the direction KI is headed and I feel this takeover would stop everything dead in its tracks.
  12. Thank you for your useful contribution to the discussion. Why do you so passionately disagree?
  13. I've always wondered what those windows were for, I guess I have my answer!
  14. I'd love to see something replace the old ladder game. I think that area needs some love and would be my first pick to place a flat. The second place I'd pick is the sprite free throw. No idea what to put at either of those locations.
  15. I’ve found so many phones under rides, most blew to pieces upon hitting the ground. One that sticks out is one that still worked! No telling how long it had been there, looked like months at least, it was basically buried in the dirt. We took it to lost and found and it charged right up, last I heard they had successfully contacted the owner of the phone. I can’t imagine getting that call about a phone that I lost months ago.
  16. Haha I see myself in that. I’m in the orange lift working on the fountain lights.
  17. Talked to this guy tonight. The Beast and Orion signs sold within 10 minutes. Probably going to buy myself one soon!
  18. Yes. They’ve been working on it when the park is closed during the week for a while now.
  19. Yes! I believe it appeared on Saturday night, I remember going to Coney to slide and noticing it when I got there.
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