Hey Legend rider, Dont Turn Back. I might bite you big ego off.
(in result of this post I predict that LR will be deeply offended that mocked his sole-mate rollercoaster in-which he will become enraged, or do something funny. head for cover)
Your such a cheesecracker head (Those are my words, not Legend riders, Mine, lall mine and in no way created be Legend rider IM'ing me a come back like that, It's all my words )
JK LR, I represent all those cheesecracker head's out there!
PKIC Avatars
More staff oppertunitys
New site look
*(A page for my pics, where I can give info on the plane and Stats on my flights.)
A more advance employee lounge forum
An RCT/NoLimits exchange place
An intro movie when entering the site
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If I think of anymore I'll make sure to post them.