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Captain Nemo

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Everything posted by Captain Nemo

  1. Wow, Is lara getting to your "Head"! Inside joke.
  2. Sorry, didn't see his post.
  3. LoL, that was fun legend rider. We should do that again sometime. I have no idea how we got to this convo but lets go back on track.
  4. Hey Legend rider, Dont Turn Back. I might bite you big ego off. (in result of this post I predict that LR will be deeply offended that mocked his sole-mate rollercoaster in-which he will become enraged, or do something funny. head for cover)
  5. Your such a cheesecracker head (Those are my words, not Legend riders, Mine, lall mine and in no way created be Legend rider IM'ing me a come back like that, It's all my words ) JK LR, I represent all those cheesecracker head's out there!
  6. One point for TRTR! TRTR:1 TRFF:0 Just kidding, But TRFF looks fun. I would ride it if I were passing it.
  7. It's actualy pig latin.
  8. It'syay ayay oodgay ingthay Iyay understandyay isthay indkay ofyay uffstay.
  9. Great Pics Dane. It's great to see pics of IJST upclose like that.
  10. C'mon guys, yes it is funny but it's just a simple mistake, lets get on track.
  11. Top gun I beleve could be a great ride if they stopped playing that danger zone song.
  12. Dane made them, Thank dane for the sweet IMG!
  13. I gave it a 4, but the park is still the best.
  14. Just like the question asks. What Rating would you give PKI as a park. *Thanks to Dane for IMGs*
  15. I saw them testing it today as well. There were also some testers riding the ride.
  16. PKIC Avatars More staff oppertunitys New site look *(A page for my pics, where I can give info on the plane and Stats on my flights.) A more advance employee lounge forum An RCT/NoLimits exchange place An intro movie when entering the site Member of the week and/or month If I think of anymore I'll make sure to post them.
  17. While I was there many of the rides broke down.
  18. Done and done. (calls dog to mark his words )
  19. Never. I love Son of Beast!
  20. /\That post was confusing and at the same time desturbing/\
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